Reliance have many type of products . As Reliance Fresh is a good shopping mall of food . One of the Reliance Fresh store located in New Town, Kolkata which is very near from my house 15 minutes walking distance . Regularly I shop many things from this store .
This is not a too old store . It is located in a good place . Parking is not too good here, but 4 wheeler, 2 wheeler can parking easily& safely .
There have available many type of food like Vegetables, Egg, Biscuits, Sweets, Milk( Powder, Liquid both), Dal, Rice, Sugar, Oil, Sauce, Maggie, Cadbury, etc. Besides it, There have available Soap Bar, Shampoo, Dish Washer, Perfume, Pressure Cooker, Non Stick Dish, etc .
Maximum vegetables are stored fresh& good quality. Rice, Sugar, Dal's quality are quality also too good . Others products quality also good .
When I purchased loose products, their executive packaging it in a good quality plastic& attached a sticker with bar code& price& weight . After that, I go to billing counter to pay bill .
Some time they have very good offer, that time they sell some products at very low prices. Other time, their products price are reasonable .
They provide to all customers a Reliance One Card at free of cost where I can store cash back as per my purchasing at 0.70% . When it reach minimum 22.40/- I can payout it . I can check my balance by miss call alert service .
Return facilities are available within 14 days . Return of products depends upon products category . If I return anything, they do not give me return money I need to purchase anything .
All products are store part by part . So, it is helpful to find a product . There have Air Condition facilities available .
Behavior of staff are very good& friendly . All time store is cleaned very good .
They have too free help line number . If I have any quiry, I call them& they help me . This is a helpful point.
So, Reliance Fresh is a very good shopping store . I highly recommend this store to all .
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