My 1 year old Kent water purifier stopped working suddenly on Tuesday 6th Sept.
Since we have 2 years' extended ResQ warranty,I tried calling the 1800-103-1044 number.
But my phone just beeped twice and .end of call.This happened many times.
Wondering whether its possible the 1800 number is down,I tried calling the service center number(040-65350999) given to me by the Reliance Digital store when I bought the filter.
After calling many times,the service center picked my call.
A repair person came the next day,changed the ro filter and the machine was working again.They didn't give me a service request number.
By Friday my machine stopped working again.
called the 1800 no.,not working.
Called the service center,they didn't pick my call at all.
Same thing today.
Have finally been able to connect to the 1800 no.,but it has been a really bad experience.
*What is the use of buying the extended warranty of the service centers will simpy avoid your call?
And Why does the 1800 number not work half the time?*
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.