A rainbow of hope! A new earth, new sky & new heaven!! The rainbow will be ‘arched in the blood of the corrupt and would quiver to life in their spirit’, they will be left with no option but to ‘cast off their horny covering of disintegration and heed to the order of new growth’, where the nature and heaven work hand in hand. DH Lawrance visualizes ‘the new rainbow’ – ‘the earth’s new architecture’, where the stale ‘castles of corruption are swept away, and the truth remain befitting to the height of heaven’.
DH Lawrance’s controversial novel, ‘The Rainbow’ is a story of three generations through them the author express his views on society, relations, religion and values of life. When we say, it is a story of 3 generations, don’t get an impression that it is a heavy book. It is comparatively a small book where the author used the story only to explain his views in simplest language. The author tells the story in flying speed and air drop messages. I will limit the review on the messages, where the story was only a sweet cover.
Women:They are free thinkers and capable of saying ‘no’ and choosing their path. Lawrence gives three images of woman from three generations. One: the woman who is depending on man, weak in health and ambition. The second: a woman who is healthy and ambitious but they reduce themselves to love for family life, children and relation. Third: The Woman who has ambitions, go for studies, work and earn for herself, free in sex and in choosing relation. One who thinks that ‘woman’s body is not only for getting pregnant and her strength only to use for husband and children’. In fact, it is through Ursula who represents the third generation, the author tried to bring his vision of the rainbow to the world.
Love & Marriage:The relation between a Man and woman is discussed in many places. In the earlier generation, love was an accident or was a by product of dependency. The religion had a greater say, where the leading male character says that“So I say, an Angel is the soul of man and woman in one: they rise united at the Judgment Day, as one Angel——” In the second generation, it was an emotion and relation to keep the family running. Take the pleasures from the family life and the duty is limited to feed the children.The new generation, however, finds that Love is a search, a way. They”believe that love was a way, a means, not an end in itself,” “And always the way of love would be found. But whither did it lead?” Love and passion get distinguished“Passion is only part of love. And it seems so much because it can’t last. That is why passion is never happy.” The novel ends where the author tries to stress that the relations based on passion doesn’t matter.
Death:The author discusses ‘death’ in many places. The old generation considered it as a part of life and ignored its importance. In the second generation, the death was something which we have to fear and cannot avoid. The easiness at which the death comes in this part is shocking. However, look at the way the new generation looks at death, “from her grandmother’s peaceful room, the door opened on to the greater space, the past, which was so big, that all it contained seemed tiny, loves and births and deaths, tiny units and features within a vast horizon. That was a great relief, to know the tiny importance of the individual, within the great past”.
Religion:The author seems have more misunderstanding on religion and he do not have any faith in its ability to work for the well being of the people or society. He feels that the religion is creating a false sky where we cannot see a rainbow and wasting our time. He finds duty as the priority. He feels that the work oriented weekdays are more worthwhile than the spiritual oriented Sundays. He even does not see a meaning in the resurrection in spirit. He says in the book, “The Resurrection is to life, not to death. Shall I not see those who have risen again walk here among men perfect in body and spirit, whole and glad in the flesh, living in the flesh, loving in the flesh, begetting children in the flesh, arrived at last to wholeness, perfect without scar or blemish, healthy without fear of ill health?”
Nation:The author is highly against the corrupt system run by war mongering and power hungry people who do not care for the natural feelings of its citizens. He feels that now the democracy “is so unspiritual” and is hijacked by the money-minded people. “Only the greedy and ugly people come to the top in a democracy,”“because they’re the only people who will push themselves there. Only degenerate races are democratic.” The author wrote the book while Britain was controlling many parts of the world including India. Look at his opinion, “You think the Indians are simpler than us, and so you’ll enjoy being near them and being a lord over them,” “And you’ll feel so righteous, governing them for their own good. Who are you, to feel righteous? What are you righteous about, in your governing? Your governing stinks. What do you govern for, but to make things there as dead and mean as they are here!” He feels that democracy based on money is false and aristocrats are better than democracy based on money where at least the aristocrats have brains along with money. Lawrance’s dream is to have a just society, where the rich and poor remain equal, have good governance and the freedom of other individuals and nations are honored.
Complexes: Many leading characters of the novel have the presence of the Oedipus complex (A son’s attraction to mother) or Electra complex (A daughter’s attraction to father). The author doesn’t permit the complexes to grow in his characters, but he visibly recognizes its presence. The author doesn’t make any statement, or these complexes make any impact in the life of the characters. Here we have to assume that the author considers the psychological barriers are nothing when it compare to the social barriers. However, the presence of ‘lesbian’ thoughts in the new generation character and its infatuation is depicted beautifully.
Overall, the novel is the author’s vision on various subjects which took a cover with many characters and situations. There is not much for light readers of novel for a story, but there have excellent thoughts spread in the novel for who is ready to swim against the tide.
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