The dreams comes heralding joy.
I welcome the dream.
The dreams comes heralding sorrow.
I welcome the dream.
The dream is a mirror showing me my beauty.
I bless the dream.
The mirror is a dream showing me my ugliness.
I bless the dream.
My life is nothing but a dream
From which I will wake into death,
Which is nothing but a dream of life.
Dreams are an integral part of our lives. There are numerous myths & truths flying around dreams. For e.g. dream at dawn comes true, to dream that you are in an accident, signifies pent up guilt and you are sub-consciously punishing yourself over it.
Some dreams are so real that you carry them back with you after getting up.…in those times what I feel is that may be somebody was there to tell me what does the dream meant. However I haven’t yet met anyone who could help me. But Chitra Banerjee Devakaruniweaves her story around this dream & turns my dreams into reality.
Mrs. Gupta, Rakhi’s mother dreams, not for herself but for others. She has the magical powers of dreaming more than a normal dream and the power of interpreting them, she is a dream teller. She sacrifices everything for her profession which is more than a profession for her. As is said in the book
“The place right at the center of her-that was reserved for dream gods or demons, whoever they were. She never shared it with anyone, not even with you, my daughter.
Rakhiis a divorcee & mother of Jona. She is as normal as me and you. She is generally suspicious, pessimistic, and quick to think the worst of people, hates her ex-husband getting close to her parents and tries finding fault in anything Sonny(Her Ex) does. She is a painter by profession(not getting anywhere) & runs a Chai Shop with her friend. The Shop is under threat because of the opening of Java, the coffee shop, just across their café. To add to her woes she is not on very good terms with her father.
Will her mother’s special power help her in getting her store back in action? Will she inherit her mother’s magical power? Will she reunite with her father & at what expense? Will she look beyond her limited views and accept Sonny back in her life? These are question which the book answers.
.:. My Take .:.
The book has Chitra Banerjee stamp allover it. It talks about magical powers, dreams, old stories, love, redemption, Indians settled abroad their trails & tribulations. But what makes it different from her other novels is the marriage of traditional & contemporary world.
When she talks about Mrs. Gupta she moves back in old times & with Rakhi she is in present times. The bond between the mom & daughter pair is distinct and in sync with time. Take this line for e.g. So much for wisdom from the mouths of babes.
In her signature style Chitra has written about the emotions in a magical language. Her one liners are enchanting, worth more than a thought “I’d been defeated by the oneness of blood”, this is how the mom feels when her magic can not interpret her own daughter’s disturbed dreams.
A distinct style appears in this book, she talks about something & tells what will happen in future but then takes you back to the present. It’s like teasing the reader with a glimpse of what’s there in impending pages. For e.g. In the car we talk, but not about his offer.(Later I will wonder where the money came from….). I ask him about the journal entries.
The book is narrated through, Dream Journals(Journals of Rakhi’s mom) which are set in old times, Rakhi’s views & third person. These changes in narrations are very swift & keep you hooked.
What I took back with me
The book according to me is not only about dreams and their interpretation. It is also about dreaming what you want to turn into reality. It is not about believing only in yourself but also in people around you.
There are several incidents which happen in our lives and we see them in black or white but sometimes we need to look beyond them. There is something called grey which resides in us, it is this grey that we have to fight and win over. The book creates a mystical world of dreams but teaches you to fight the reality.
This book is a must read for all….it entertains & teaches you.
As far as Indian book stores are concerned when we ask for Chitra Banerjee’s books then there are only three books which you’ll find. Namely, Arranged Marriage, Mistress of Spices & Sister of My Heart.
Getting this book had become a dream for me, but it turned into a reality due to Cross Words Dial-A-Book facility.
Finsihed the book in 2 sittings and will be reading it again, soon.:)

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