I had serious back pain when I visited them and it was basically a cramp which was actually corrected through heat packs at home.
When I visited them they billed me for 18 visits(each costing 1000*18)+ worthless DSA test(costing 4000)+ consultation fees(cheapest but best).
I would recommend the consultation only if you are strong enough to refuse the treatment. If you took the treatment you will curse yourself each day.
Cheap but detailed consultation of your spine.
Dr. Rukhsar Ansari, Dr. Harsha Madan(They both very cheerfully took care of my spine. Not for a moment, I felt that they are after my money. They greeted me nicely everyday, took diagnostics and did their best to help me get better. They treated me like patient and not ATM)
I thought for last 5 minutes but couldn't find any other good thing to speak on.
- Dr. Ritu Fatnani(It was her who made me realized the whole fraud ran by Qi spine Clinic). If possible, do not take treatment from QI spine clinic. If you fell in the trap at least avoid getting treated from Dr. Ritu Fatnani.
She is very cold and just want to build up her incentives. She treated me like an ATM. She greets very coldly. She don't have proper manners and etiquette to deal with patients. Her focus in the entire treatment was to extend my visits from 18 to 36 and have another DSA(meaning that I fuel their pockets with another 22000).
- Outside the clinic, I spoke to other visitors/patients and no one was even 90% relieved. Some of them still feel sensation/tingling or back pain in the lower back even after 30 visits!:O
a) 1/3rd of your treatment revolves around micro-currents given through Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulator(MENS) of which efficacy has still not been established. Search online if you don't believe me.
b) Then they do a DSA test in which they will make you sit on 3 machines and will test the isometric capabilities of your various spinal muscles. I really appreciate the test. It is worth but then doctors like Ritu who are after making money will manipulate the test was well. She was supposed to take the best reading but she took worse. I only realized this when the test is over. She in all 3 tests took the reading with lowest line in the graph. When the results came, I begin to understand the drama behind all this.
After the test, she asked me to extend my treatment from 18 to 30 visits(i.e. adding 12 more) saying that my condition is much worse. I was 100% fine, no backache while doing DSA as already mentioned above that it was just a cramp and actually healed at home and not in Qi Spine.
c) I knew that they are not going to return my money so I continued my treatment and laughed on their drama at their face without them realizing why I am laughing. Then they started with core exercises most of which is plain and simple Yoga.
d) For the next 12 days all I did was Yoga which is renamed to various medical terms. For eg. Bhujangasan aka Extensions, HastaPadasana aka Flexions, Salabhasana, Setuband Sarvangasana aka Bridge, Kumbhakasana aka Planks and so on.
The whole treatment is focused on yoga which you can do at home or nearby in some yoga class in much better ambiance.
NOTE: Even still if you go ahead for treatment, insist on 6 visits package. Do not throw away your money without any experience on 12, 18, 24 or 36 visits!
Save your money - Save your Stress!
Lower Back Pain / Slip Disc / Sciatica - Keep this in mind, there is no permanent treatment of spinal pains in the market. As soon as you maintain your correct posture and do the yoga, you will stay fit.
The moment you will ignore your body, you'll have pains. Clinics and Medical centers like QI Spine are just business centers to take advantage of such situations.
Please read their other beautifully crafted reviews carefully and you'll be able to differentiate between honest and sponsored reviews. Please make your own call.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.