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Power, The - Colin Forbes Reviews

Power in the wrong hands!
Feb 25, 2004 12:09 AM 2439 Views

'The Power', is by a long way, the best of Colin Forbes I've come across till date. A gripping novel encompassing 2 interlinking jigsaws of mass corruption and terrorism, this book will shake you to the core unconditionally.


TWEED:retired field agent,he's now deputy director of the SIS(Surrey Intelligence Services)

Paula Grey:second in command inTweed's thinktank, a strategist and detective of the highest order.

Robert Newman:retired foreign correspondent, part of Tweed's team.

Marler, Butler, Nield, Philip:All trained hitmen on Tweed's side, experts in their own fields.

Mr. X:some official of very high standing in U.S.A., main culprit in the story.

Senator Wingfield:a ruthless patriot, will do anything for the safety and well being of U.S.A.

Arthur Beck:Chief of federal police, Switzerland, Tweed's aide.

Norton:Retired FBI agent, now preferring to indulge in the wrong side of matters.

Cord Dillon:Deputy director of CIA

Joel Dyson:a cunning British journalist

Barton Ives:special agent FBI

Julius and Walter Amberg:chief people in charge of Zurcher credit bank, Zurich.

Eve Amberg:wife of Julius Amberg


Tweed is surprised to find his host Julius,has been ruthlessly murdered, face disfigured by acid and his men murdered in cold blood at Bodmin Moor. Almost at the same time, SIS headquarters, London blows up.No SIS lives lost in both cases, but such a synchronization of 2 mass murders would suggest some vast 'power' behind it.It is now a matter of pride for Tweed & he's determined to bring all those guilty their deserved punishments....... It isn't long before he finds himself lost in a huge conspiracy having 2 sides which now suggest that the 2 disasters at the begining of the story were related but were caused by different parties.This...only meant worse!His search for justice leads him to numerous places in Europe-from England to Switzerland,Germany and France.And he's intrigued to find there are countless Americans(armed) arriving in Europe, with diplomatic passports,well beyond the allowed quota, again suggesting some huge power at work. In due course of time he learns thatJoel Dyson, Cord Dillon , Barton Ivesall powerful people are on the run andNorton and his newly arrived hitmen were hunting them down.Who could the retired FBI agent be working for?Obviously someone high up in U.S. government.With so much influence over Europe?a Mr. X(say).As the story progresses,Tweed understands that all the answers lay with the 3 men Norton was after.Maybe they had known something that could compromise Mr.X's standing...or safety perhaps.Tweed's findings suggest so. Tweed is also vexed to find that all ofJulius's acquaintances were being murdered ruthlessly,one by one in a manner differnt from what the Americans had involved suggesting an 'individual operation.' And the murderer murders all exceptEve andWalter, now the sole manager of Zurcher Kredit Bank.So,did we have a conspiracy nested inside another?The answer is yes, and as Tweed eventually finds the dead Julius may not have been Ju....after all....Who's Mr.X? Why are Julius's acquaintances being murdered? What can Tweed do about it? It'd be better if you find out the intriguing and fascinating answers by yourself.


1.A very fast moving,action packed story,centrestage of action changing from chapter to chapter.

2.Forbes says it all in his usual brisk,no-nonsense way,which falls in with the rhythm of the book,an unique way sure to grab all your attention.

3.The author's depiction of Tweed as a fearless,witty leader who sees through most,in many ways unflappable and a really strong personality has been very nicely done.

4.The cunning with which Tweed and his team befuddle the opposition, smoking out the adversary,will be instrumental in you accepting them as real heroes of the story.

5.The author's characterisation of the villanous characters is just as good and contrasting,done very convincingly.

6.The linking of events is always Forbes's strength,how well he sums up situations to give meaning to another entirely different one.

7.One confusing thing about Forbes novels is ,if you are new to them,you may find the task of keeping track of the main people daunting as he always has a lot of them in his books.

8.another disappointment is that the humour bit in his books is nearly absent.

9.Colin Forbes really knows how to work up a situation,build and play with the emotions of prevailing circumstances,enabling him,in turn to pull off spectacular twists and turns.

10.Forbes has written the book in such a way which'll grip you without you knowing,a sensual thriller in the real sense,commanding your attention.

11.It highlights and enlightens about the dirty side of politics and to what extent greed can drive a person to do the wrong things.

The book reestablishes the truth in Lord Acton's maxim,''Power tends to corrupt,and absolute power corrupts absolutely.''A very good read, go for it!


PRICE:4.99 pounds


Power, The - Colin Forbes

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