I generally don't write reviews online but felt compelled to review Podar Jumbo Kids'(PJK) Koramangala 5th Block center. Our daughter went to the playschool and completed her nursery education from the center and will continue at the school to complete her LKG and UKG. She is three and a half years and already knows a lot compared to kids of her age due to the education processes and system of PJK. The school's education system has not only imparted knowledge to her but also made her more aware of the world that's still new to her. I had the privilege of reviewing the inner workings of the school's education system and I was amazed by the details of the processes that teachers need to follow EACH DAY. Everything is very well defined and clearly outlined - from greetings to students when they enter the classroom to what the teachers are supposed to do each day in the class.
Coming to the quality of education, the emphasis of the school is on making the kids more aware of the world rather than just learning by rote. Our daughter, in the last two years, has already visited the aquarium, a pet house, grocery store, parks, and car showroom with her classmates. She already knows what the red, green, and yellow signals mean and insists on calling the fire truck on seeing the smallest of fires. She loves the water play at the school with her classmates. She already knows about the national flag, national fruit, bird, animal, etc. She loves the school and misses it during the holidays and summer vacation!
If you are the person who appreciates the "real thing" and ignores the bells and whistles that come with products or services, you(and your kid) would love the PJK's Koramangala 5th Block preschool which is run by a very enthusiastic, caring, and knowledgeable Mrs. Bindu Natarajan.
The Koramangala 5th Block center also runs a daycare at the premises. Though our daughter doesn't go to the daycare, we understand from other parents that they are very happy with the daycare facilities as well.
I forgot to mention that the school has a strict policy against child beating by teachers and caregivers at the school.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.