Most of us are satisfied with carrying on with our daily chores and keep going through the routines of the same old life, we do nothing to change the status quo but we still keep cribbing about how bad and sad things are. Well that’s one way of leading a life, a life that is nothing more then ordinary, but there is another way to lead that same life, in others words lead a life less then ordinary. Such is the life of men who are different, men who are not satisfied with the mundane, men who are not afraid to ask the whys and how’s of this world, men who are not shy of walking the path less trodden, men who would come home at the end of the day and say to themselves I could have done this thing better and they would go out tomorrow in the open world to implement their ideas to make a difference, to make a new beginning. It is the life of such men that gives us ordinary men to lead a life without thinking of doing things in a better way.
I know this is not the forum for such talk but then I thought since I am talking about a book that talks about the way of life and what we want from it, why not make a beginning on the lines which makes you think that yeah indeed we could make out so much more from our lives if only we gave it a shot. So here I am today talking about yet another book by the Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho and the book in question is his first book, The Pilgrimage.
the plot of the book recounts the author’s experiences along the historic Road to Santiago, much of it revolving around a sacred sword. It mixes travelogue, history and a modern quest for spirituality. In the words of the writer it is just an attempt to share his spiritual quest or his inner quest with his readers, and he does a good job at that. He takes his readers along with him on his journey to Santiago del Compostella, and he has them involved in his travails, his hardships and what all he has to go through in his quest for the sword. Well that’s all that I want to disclose about the story at this point in time as I have always maintained that talking about the story robs the fun for those reading it.
the journey of this book is both intriguing and interesting at the same time as it talks about the devils inside each of us which comes in our path as we try and discover our true selves and reveal our inner character. It talks about our fallacies, our inner inhibitions and fears which makes each of us fallible. He talks about the demons inside us, which makes us weak when we are alone and which makes us think twice before we try and do something new, something we are not used to. He talks about how we are afraid of the dark because we are all scared of dying, once we have gotten over the fear of dying, we would never be afraid of the dark or of being alone. He talks about how we become our own enemies and how we keep pulling ourselves down before we try to do something. He takes his readers along with him on his journey and he wants them to come out of their self imposed cocoon and become confident, he wants his readers to shed their inhibitions and become free birds who have the courage to dream and implement them.
the winners of this book are in the way he talks to his readers keeping himself as the subject and trying to give a narrative, which is both believable and convincing at the same time, he talks in a tone which is friendly and in a manner which makes the readers believe that yes indeed it is possible to do what is being talked about. The book is a first person account, where Paulo is in conversation with his guide, Petrus. It does not preach fancy things in the tone of a philosophical book alone, it is ideas blended in the form of a story which follows an easy course, something on which the reader can be a part of the journey and not feel left out with the pace of the ideas or the speed at which he unravels the mysterious ways of life.
the pitfalls of this book comes from the weirdness of it, I mean the story is set in modern times but the stories of witches and demons and sorcerers makes it a little tough to fathom. It talks about the magic world, a world which doesn’t really exist in today’s times. It tries to blend the modern times with ideas which have long lost their potency. The story gets jerky at times which makes it a little tough to follow at times, but I guess we have to be little fair to the writer what with this one being his first novel. He would polish his style of presentation in his books to follow, especially in the alchemist he comes across as a man who knows what he is talking about and where he wants to take his readers.
best time to read this book would be when you are alone, this is not a book you would want to peruse through, as it forces you to think aloud and talk to yourself, makes you question things, things which you will be able to do when you get that much needed space just for yourself. The best time to read this book would be on a long weekend when you have nothing else to do and when you are away from all those friends who will not let you think and ask.
sign off this book is a good read to state the obvious, but it will not appeal to someone who wants a fast paced narrative with plots and sub plots. It is meant for people who like to question sometimes and who have the courage to change things if there is a need for it.
some questions for those who have read it.
Do you think that Paulo exists in today’s world; do his ideas have a relevance to the fast paced lives we all lead?
Do his ideas place him in the league of a philosopher or is he just a story teller with a difference?
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