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Philips HI113 Iron Reviews

Horrible Dangerous Product
11 days ago 105 Views (via Mobile)

As soon as we plugged the new Iron to the socket it burst into flames. It's pathetic how a damaged dangerous good is being sold in the market and putting a customer's life at stake.

Look also good
Sep 06, 2023 09:16 PM 2202 Views (via Mobile)

Nice iron I already use it's very comfortable. Nice service. Amol thank you very much. Next time also visit

Berhampur India
Easy and light weight
Jul 17, 2023 12:44 AM 2304 Views (via Mobile)

Very light weight and easy to use. This iron is super handy and comfy cuz of its light weight. Not feeling any uncomfortableness. Under budget also. One can easily afford this iron. Very simple and elegant design.easy to carry out


Philips HI113 Iron
Reviewing after 12 year's of use, it's repair time
Sep 13, 2022 09:43 PM 5969 Views (via Mobile)

I saw lot of 1 star to 3 star & most of them buy this in 2020 & 2022. That's shocking for me, I don't think Philip's even made it since few year's & only selling their stock, just guess bcoz if they still making it means it's on demand & fabulous product, to be true i loved it, i was 26 & decided to be unmarried & spend my life live my life for my mom, I never did any job bcoz of that a master in computer application, making money in market & handling other's account, just to be with her like for ever. And i started upgrading my mom's all gadget 1 by 1 from 3 door fridge to front load fully automatic washing machine to dishwasher to this Philips iron, was 1 of the costliest exact same price i think 2700 or 2999. Not even a single day except 1 time wire change thar i did myself & now today. Found this while finding solution it's heating way too much in a few second & all the water vapor. Cleaned twice but slight improvement & I don't gonna hand over my mom that risk her, I think the lot of salt type chemicals build inside the base chamber, now if I open it with what i seal it, plus 2 tin plate spot weld damaged & soldering is a mess on it, have to build a diy spot welder for this, I was going to buy her new, gave her option on amazon by enter philips & on flipkart, she saw the first iron purple one and said repair this 8k iron u nuts, so thanks philips for the wonderful experience, 1 star ?? less bcoz since begning when u stand the iron it makes mess, & the auto clean Knob was damaged on 3rd 4th year. Except for that I loved doing iron with this, way fast & i only wear lenin & pure cotton ironing them is 1 hell of a job but learned slowly. Still irritate with those salwar with tons of plate, ahhhh why. We just had 2 on our school time as far as i remember.

Long durability
Sep 27, 2021 07:07 PM 20547 Views

Good product. Helps to iron clothes perfectly. Takes a little time to heat the iron. Long product durability.

Iron box
Aug 13, 2021 04:17 PM 23156 Views (via Android App)

It gets fastly heated in less than thirty Seconds. Its handle was very easy to handle and its not geted riged surface on it.

Megha5MouthShut Verified Member
Bengaluru India
Philips GC181 dry iron
May 04, 2021 04:24 PM 28196 Views

Philips GC181 dry iron, 1000 watt, am writing the review after 2 months of usage.

Before I was using steam iron, I was not happy with steam iron.

Compared to steam iron, this Philips dry iron is heavier and easy to use. requires less effort to press, a normal press does its job well.

Happy with my purchase.

Light weight
Apr 28, 2021 06:27 PM 29140 Views

Its good to use for any kind of fabric and with ease. Its light weight make the ironing process easy. Been using it for 2 years and not a single problem.

Oct 17, 2020 03:01 AM 35503 Views (via Android App)

I got this from my friend in my house warming as a gift. but this is an average heats very slowly it will take time to heat.

Bad Not worth for money
Sep 02, 2020 06:45 PM 36023 Views (via Mobile)

I have bought the philips dry iron GC 83 before 1 year and in 6 months it started giving electric shocks . After 6 months its heating power is also reduced. It takes a lot of time to be heated . After being heated it does not iron the cloth so good . Itis made of hard plastic and quality of coil wire and plastic is also ver bad . Many members of my family has experienced electric shock while using the iron and also sometime it get heated so fast and sometime it get heated very slow. I will do not recommend anyone to buy this product . Itis waste of money . Full waste of money . Very bad product not to buy

Dangerous And Useless Iron.
Sep 20, 2019 12:02 PM 42305 Views

I purchase this iron 1 year ago, so I have a bad experience with it. it is not unbreakable because it's made by soft iron and smooth plastic.

2 days ago I was ironing my clothes with this iron. It takes many times for heated. I can't easily ironing by this iron. After switching it on I put the iron on the table for some time to heat it up. After a minute when I hold this iron I feel the electric shock. I was shocked many times by this iron. Its all parts are worse. This iron is used many electricity compare to other irons. The problem was back again after 3 days. After that, I put this iron into my storeroom and buy another one. I paid 2500 for this iron and this is a very high price compared to its work.

ashishsh1996MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Think 100 times before buy this product.
Jul 18, 2019 03:46 PM 38782 Views

There is not sticker protection for the coating underneath, which means while transportation it will higle in the bos and get scuffs and scratches on the coating and my first one had deep scratches as shown in the image(see to below this review). Next the replacement same packing, obviously few light scratches(minute), but the iron could not make steam. both of then had cheap plastic.

The light they are using is neon as it seems to glow, yes in the age of led indicators neon glower is used. The in the back which holds the wire and the body is white but the colors are different.

And when I try to iron a cloth's their waster storage unite start leaking, Pressing spray button is absolutely not required, because it leaks automatically.

If you are thing to buy this iron so I will suggest you please thing properly then decide, I will suggest you that please do not buy this product because I do not want that which difficultly I got to buy this product you would get same.

I hope this review will help you.

Latur, Maharashtra, India India
Philips H113 Dry Iron
Feb 21, 2019 09:03 PM 31714 Views

Since so many days we have the faith on Philips items .It may be radio, tape recorder, TV or anything . So many people are thinking that old is gold .This is true . We have this piece in our home since 10 years . No any problem is there . Running very good. Works better. It's meter gives good results . Works on every clothes properly .

Once you have kept meter sign properly then there is no problem of burning & any danger sign . So it's very nice sign to buy this product.

Philips iron
Jan 17, 2019 09:02 PM 36557 Views (via Android App)

It is not good, it will not last.i used, but it is too bad.within 6 months it is damaged.cord wire also cheap one , it is not secure.after completion of each usage it became pinched. or damaged, and also quality cheapest one.wateroading cap also leaking while ironing. appreciatable character is good looking .one

Philips comfort 1000 Not good
Dec 10, 2018 10:25 PM 32482 Views (via Android App)

I bought 6month back philips comfort 1000 but I am not so happy by buying this.initially its work very well but after that.


IT heated inappropriatly without using regulator.


I they dont know why we use regulator to high or low the heat.but its very difficult to adjust the heat.

Dec 02, 2018 04:59 PM 32267 Views (via Mobile)

I purchased it in 2006 and still no problem its really nice .color also of machine not fadded .looks new till date. With steamer it helps remove the crease easily on cotton clothes. In all good iron.till date it never needed any servicing . I am using it everyday.

Chandauli Uttar Pradesh India
Philips philips
Dec 01, 2018 07:07 PM 31303 Views (via Android App)

I have been using it for 3 years . My experience regarding it is good.

It needed rarely a repair. Once its fuse had to be changed. Really Philips company makes good electronic gadgets. I can use it for more than two hours . It does not give any electric shocks . The only problem with it is that its wire doesn't remain straight forever . It is self adjustable

Thanks for philips
Nov 23, 2018 01:30 PM 32074 Views (via Android App)

Wow'what us product

I like this

I becomes hot in 5-6 seconds each

It is so good iron as compared to other irons

The compney philips use good things to made electronic things

I like the iron

The waight is not so havry it has a lot of wait

It take self off when it got the heat which we selected

It sprinckle water

The cots of the iron is not to large

So I like that

If you take my suggestion

You may take this iron

Well done



Nov 21, 2018 01:21 PM 31541 Views (via Android App)

I think Philips iron is best . I iron my clothes on my own with Philips iron and I can say that the Philips iron is very handy and easy to use . the iron in having flat design which avoids user getting a burn . the main features of Philips iron is that automatic power supply on and off which avoid accident. Philips iron also has 1 year warranty and it is low is cost . service given to me was also good I will prefer u to buy Philips products only

sunilthankapppan04MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
The burning experience
Nov 21, 2018 09:44 AM 41580 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends.

Today I am going to share my experience with Philips steam iron which is I have been using for the last one year.

I am struggling with this product because of over heating and water leakage. Steamer is not working properly.

I have burnt my favourite shirts and children's school uniform also.

It is not user friendly and too dangerous for children.

I am totally disappointed with this over heating product.

Its quality and durability is not good.

Its design is good I don't recommend this product.


Philips HI113 Iron

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