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Philips Healthcare Reviews

Harassment, exploited ethics, bribe - the values
Apr 17, 2019 01:59 PM 3773 Views

Harassment - in all verticals, lighting, healthcare, people from 15+ years will harass you by all means so that you leave and they survive.

You can see very much the kissing seen in corridors, senior leaders picking up young female employees in evening etc, otherwise you are threaten to e fired.

Eat the browns of you managers as max possible to get growth.

Wear revealing dresses if you want to get promotion or convert from contractor of cognizant etc to philips permanent employee.

Ethics - you are signing the documents as "go ahead" with all known life threatening issues otherwise you are fired.

The CEO is already pulled to court several times. If you talk about ethics the pool of junk, stale leaders will eat you. The half man leadership always works to cut throat of emerging employees.

Validate how many directors are fired so far in last 1 years, around 15+. the India MD was also fired. Imagine, how many would be in lower level. Target will be first women employees as they will not open mouth anywhere.

Validate how many children of top senior leader's of philips employees are now employed in philips

Bribe - The recruitment team, senior leaders and selected consultancies have very well bonded to manage hiring under table. It's a crores of business for them.

One of the best place to work in
Apr 30, 2018 09:56 AM 3538 Views

Really a great experience to intern as a part of Philips Healthcare@Home. The kind of exposure and the amount of learning you get is just awesome. The HR policies and the business leadership both are very well aligned to give one the best experience.

Health is wealth
Apr 09, 2017 02:06 PM 4290 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends

In today's busy life people are unable to give

time even for their own health. Nowdays it is becoming difficult to guess that for what thing

we are doing so much hardwork?

We also know that health is wealth so, we have

to become conscious about our health.

Philips is also one of them who cares for our health.


Philips Healthcare
Sorry state of Magnetic Resonance Imaging software
Mar 26, 2017 10:23 PM 4843 Views

Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) software team at Philips Bangalore is an extension of software team in Netherlands. The team at Philips Innovation Campus is controlled by Pramod Chandrasekhar who carries fancy designations such as Global Architect, Centre Head, Site lead etc having no responsibility whatsoever over the years. For several years he along with his friend circle lived(and not worked)at office. About 15 people who lived here for an average of 15 to 20 years mostly have their house or other proprties next to compound wall of office. This group names itself as System Design team, Requirements team, Chief Architects etc has no credibility or responsibility in doing anything.

The way they have survived is reserving themselves with better ratings, reserving hike quota of every year, nominating themselves with local awards etc. Mostly not being in office for any delivery related work, all of them appear for any such decision making event or for fun events, to reserve benefits for themselves. Once in a while local meeting is called by Pramod to showcase strength, same age-old PPTs will be presented and all new joinees will be hoodwinked as if that is state of the art matter. Popularly nick named as Kabaddi team just because the only skill they have is to pull others down, puts forward a nice face in front of New joinees only to deceive others at the time of appraisal and rating calibrations. Drawing salaries above 40 lacs Indian rupees and incapable of getting job anywhere else, this group is just a cost overhead on system. Having local management support, Pramod himself has lived, in same team, for 20 years which is unbelievable by any IT standards of market. This is despite MRI Global business unit incurring continous losses. Desperately trying to garner public support he puts variety of faces in front - philosophical, emotional, from time to time. His friend circle distinguishes itself as MR console specialists - and self proclaimed owners of MR console. Anyone joins here would realise in few months that all of the work is done outside this friends circle- historically and even in present times. These people just come to office to get better share of ratings, money, awards etc at cost everyone else- a practice followed year on year for several years. Shamelessly hanging on job for several years this group has prospered financially being a huge burden on system at the cost of others. Anyone would see them doing absolutely no work -be it bug fixing, coding or design but all these managers, architects, system engineers are just experts in delegating work or delivery pressure to someone else. Unlike GE or Siemens, best practices of having effort tracking mechanisms are completely missing. They just escape from every effort tracking mechanism when there is delivery target. Off late, SaFe Agile is advocated, only to get fancy roles and shield themselves from delivery responsibilities. The moment any external target or issue comes, Pramod and his friend circle backs off and puts it on some enginèer or tester and just escapes from office saying their work- life balance is getting affected!

In summary, If you are joining this team, consider alternatives and don't fall for rosy words of any manager(there are so many) or director(more than handful for just 100+ people) working for MRI team.

HR person who just works as rubber stamp comes and sits here with team for eyewash. They have changed once in half year for no value addition whatsoever. He works on behest of these people with no independent authority, no amount of complaints or proofs have worked as he is part of these beneficiaries.

# Care Free
Mar 17, 2017 11:35 PM 5002 Views

Awesome management #High Rated

Best equipment Environment structured form(very passive)

Global Health # Care organize

This healthcare is manage by the human resource form . where the important part plays its equipment and management, which are likely awesome and well manage

The service is managed very well by the needs of the human . as benefits form of resource are well form, the concept of salary is highly benefits in medical line, as we can also say that the form of resource that are given by the Philips healthcare is likely to be rated as high by me, mean while the source that are provide to the customer are very good so as in my form the Philips health care form a #Care free Organization.

narendraprataps98MouthShut Verified Member
Balrampur India
Very unprofessional company!
Mar 17, 2017 03:00 PM 4717 Views (via Android App)

Very unprofessional company.does not listen to any input from the prople working the job.Holds you hostage in your job because they dont want to replace you and another person for the vacancy you want to move to.They would rather steal someone from another philips devision for the position.Right now they are going throw change so it is voltaile right now but this is in the part due to obamacare legislation and changes in the sales in model.This company trully does't care about their employee.Benefits are below average , compensation in slightly below and works is up and down.

My brother work for them more than 4 years but did't get his job satisfaction at any point.

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