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Pentair CT Deluxe Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Reviews

karuna4878MouthShut Verified Member
bangalore India
Water purifierwith a bad service
Apr 01, 2016 08:45 AM 3288 Views

This is the purifier I bought in on line. I have purchased it before 8 months and stiell I am feeling very bad to use it. Their are many purifiers in market that they will give good service to customers.

But this purifiers service is very bad and poor. These spare parts is not available in the market and if I do phone to customer service they will visit after 7 days.

If I do phone continuosly than they will nopt pic the phone. For this ugadi I have planned ti purchase another water purifier with a branded company. Totally this product using is a waste of time and a bad service is seen here from company people.

in chennai's computers India
Don't be fooled by pentair.
Oct 14, 2008 11:30 AM 3559 Views

I would like to bring to the notice of the general public about   the hard ship faced by me after buying PENTAIR machine. I am using PentairCT Dlx RO water purifier since 2006. The following is my experience with the machine.

  1. Every three months I find that their service franchise and or their service engineer has been changed with out any intimation and the new person has no information about the product/model/fuction etc. The simple excuse/reply would be " I am not aware of this product . Is this made by our company, any how I will report it to my senior Engineer as I am looking after larger installations with bigger capacities.

  2. Spares & consumables are not available with local service people.

  3. Request to the company situated at GOA & Delhi for spares goes to deaf year. They ignore pleas for spares as if the water has entered in their ears & they all have gone deaf.

  4. If they are contacted their only answer would be " Please forward your problematic spare part to our factory/warehouse in GOA , by doing so the machine is rendered useless for another 4 to 6 months.

  5. The ultimate & final reply from their end if you are lucky to speak with them , would be " As we have stopped importing particular model from our parent manufacturer which is based some where in Korea, we apologize as we are not in position to repair your machine, for further complaints please go to Korea.


Pentair CT Deluxe Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier