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Patanjali Aarogya Kachi Ghani Pure Mustard Oil Reviews

Patanjali kachi Ghani mustard oil totally poison
Aug 09, 2024 07:02 PM 122 Views (via Mobile)

Totally poison pls don't buy this product

I bought patanjali mustard oil when its over heating it's converted thick gel foam & colour, smell also not matching in mustard oil totally poison

saikat300MouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
Patanjali Aarogya Mustard Oil, The Smart Choice
Jan 25, 2023 10:48 PM 1190 Views (via Mobile)

As of now there are thousand brands of mustard oil available in the market but among those I found Patanjali Aarogya Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil superiour in quality. Every item I cook, believe me it taste great. I am using this brand for more than a year. So, friends if you want to taste your cooked food better then without any further delay use Patanjali brand Mustard Oil. It is available in Patanjali's outlet across the country.

Patanjali Musturd oil is adultrated now
Nov 12, 2022 09:46 PM 1245 Views (via Mobile)

Patanjali Musturd oil (Kacchi Ghani) is adultrated now. Earlier it used to be pure but now they have started mixing some other oil (palm oil looks like). Now they are claiming it is fortified oil with Vitamin A and Vitamin D to hide the adulteration. Once the oil is heated it becomes green in color. Smell of the oil is also very bad.

Never recommend any one to use Patanjali Musturd oil.


Patanjali Aarogya Kachi Ghani Pure Mustard Oil
Worst quality and hazardous to health
Sep 28, 2022 10:14 AM 1220 Views (via Mobile)

When Patanjali mustard oil is heated, it spreads bad odour and after frying papad it became jelly like substance. It is my personal experience. I have also its video.

It is not pure mustard oil.
Jun 22, 2022 11:07 AM 1501 Views (via Mobile)

I can guarantee that all most all the mustard oils in market are adulterated. Pure mustard oil is light golden in colour. Pure oil look golden even you put it into a bottle unlike most of the big oil brands. I have pure mustard oil pressed in kachi ghani from village. It looks golden in bottle. Even the patanjali is not 100% mustard oil. All the the oil companies mix palmolin oil and add artificial aroma to it. Because mustard seed is costly one can only buy at least at price Rs350/ltr as cold pressed, not less than it.

Latur, Maharashtra, India India
Patanjali Aarogya Kachi Ghani Pure Mustard Oil
Feb 25, 2019 08:33 PM 7693 Views

This is the best health related product. It can use in the cooking as well as for the lot of benefits . This products benefits are uncountable. In every part of body it is useful. It can give good taste for regular subji's & another benefits we will see here in details. 1] stimulates hair growth

2] Gets rid of Dandruff & Itche calp 3] Works on anti aging, lightness the skin tone 4] Removes tone & dark spots, now I remember that why did I have chosen this product? When my son has caught chicken pox infection. At that time he had full of dark spots on his face . Then I got this medicine after 5 years of his treatment & we started to use this oil for his face . His dark spots removed slowly & now his face become clean & clear. Not 100% but removing slowly.

Very nice product for at least 22 benefits . Before using this product know all its benefits you will never left this product in your life.

I think there is no need to tell more information for this product I know very well that you will definitely using this product.

Best mustard oil in the market
Oct 21, 2018 09:14 AM 8394 Views (via Android App)

Patanjali kachi ghani mustard oil is the best mustard oil in the market. it's the real kachi ghani oil.guys I'm telling this because I have been using it since 2 years.

I have felt over the years that it instantly increases th taste of the can also be used as a massage oil in winters for skin and hair

Nice to have patanjali aarogya kachi ghani musterd
Aug 28, 2018 11:59 AM 8209 Views (via Android App)

Hi dears

Since patanjali aarogya kachi ghani mustered oil has been introduced in the market we have started using this oil. This is sicerely very nice n pure to have. Its rates are little higher. My suggestion to the manufacturers to reduce its rates so that middle income group & lower income group people can also afford it.

bsjagdeo2013MouthShut Verified Member
Patiala India
Good and pure
Aug 07, 2018 10:45 AM 8034 Views

I am Bhupinder Singh iam regular customer of Patanjali products. In this commercial life their are so many products available in the market but you dont know their making process. Patanjali kachi ghani mustered oil is very in taste and durable in price also. It contains fully OMEGA 3 that is very very helpful to our body. It contains very low fat and helps in our digestive system. We are regularly cooking food in this oil and also applying in our hairs. So honestly I suggest this produst.

Bad quality
Jul 04, 2018 12:08 AM 10890 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, everyone know patanjali is a very popular company in India. I brought this PATANJALI AAROGYA KACHI GHANI oil for cooking. It's smell is good like fresh kachi ghani oil but quality is too bad.when I used this oil to cook vegetables , all the kitchen was suffocated for it's changing smell.And after heating oil's colour turns into full green. vegetables was totally different in taste.Taste was very bad.plz don't buy this product. This is very bad. Patanjali's products are very worst quality.

Thumbs up
Apr 26, 2018 12:04 AM 7966 Views (via Android App)

The pungent taste.of this oil is more than other brand mustard oil.

Meal cooked in this oil is healthy than refined oil cooked meal cooked in mustard oil is tasty.

We also use it in puja too.also as massaging oil.the rates are also less than any other brand enhance taste of food.improves it.feel it.after using.

jasmeet36MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Low Standard
Mar 10, 2018 12:00 PM 9762 Views

As the name suggests, Pure mustard oil describes its purity level and reliability. But it is totally opposite from its name as its quality, its smell is very bad.

Actually, I like Patanjali products because of its purity and sincerity levels. A few days back, I purchased cooking oil from the local store.When I put cooking oil in a pan for heating, Firstly its color turns into green.Secondly, it all evaporates and third, it has a foul smell. This depicts its adulteration level and inferior quality. This is the reality of swadeshi products.

Totally different in taste and very bad quality product.


ssanjaya525MouthShut Verified Member
Bhubaneswar India
Feb 13, 2018 02:57 PM 8574 Views

Hi friends,

I have utilized the item a couple of times, quality shrewd the item is protected and commendable. It notices, looks and feels unadulterated.The taste is likewise is great as it ought to be for an unadulterated mustard oil. Presently the most imperative part of anything is the cost and feel it is very valued. On the off chance that contrasted with alternate brands accessible in the retail advertise, it is estimated by 15 to 30 percent higher than others. That implies a considerable measure for a typical until in India. The bundling of the item could have been a hitter with such a high sticker price. That could have remunerated and legitimized a portion of over the top value sum.

Digestion supplement
Jan 28, 2018 07:19 AM 8772 Views (via Mobile)

Patanjali aarogya kachi ghani pure mustard oil is obtained by cold press extraction in which seeds are pressed at extremely low temperatures to retain natural properties, antioxidants and essential oils in the oil. Hence it is very good for the health. I have used it for more than 2 months and it worked like a miracle to my digestive system. Let's have a look at the components in patanjali mustard oil

Mono unsaturated fatty acids - yes

Anti-bacterial properties - yes

Anti-viral properties - yes

Anti-fungal properties - yes

Anti-microbial properties - yes

Reduces digestive tract infections - yes

Oleic acid - yes

Linolenic acid - yes

This oil helps in reducing digestive tract infections. Having anti-microbial properties it can be used for preserving pickles. Presence of linolenic acid and oleic acid turns this oil in to a good hair tonic. Hair massage with this oil promotes blood circulation and hair growth.

Jhunjhunu (Raj.) India
Best vegetable oil
Jan 18, 2018 08:02 PM 8940 Views (via Android App)

It ia 100% pure natural oil. It is very rich in Omega 3 which maintains a healthy heart. It has a natural taste which is perfect for bringing out the full flavours of spicy Indian curries. They are made with refining process in which hard chemicals removes with help of enzymes. Unadulterated and free from minerals and chemicals

jaicool1095MouthShut Verified Member
Lucknow India
Not good oil
Dec 13, 2017 04:22 PM 11031 Views (via Android App)

Hi! Friends

As we all know Patanjali is a well trusted company in India. On the name I bought this patanjali Aarogya kachi Ghani oil for cooking food. On normally its smell good original but the taste little bitter. I used this oil to cook fry rice so when I used after boiling its smell get changes and the taste is also not too good. I really didn't like this oil. Thank you

ajmeena119MouthShut Verified Member
Najafgarh India
Smell is very bad
Dec 13, 2017 10:29 AM 9849 Views (via iOS App)

Hlo friend , I share you my experience about patanjali aarogya kachi ghani oil ! we use olive oil for a long time to make food , its the first and last time I m buying anything from patanjali , poor quality product ' once you fry the oil in pan , you will suffocate in want of some fresh air , unlike their competetitors ! the vegetable made from it does not tasty as eating . !

digyourhillMouthShut Verified Member
Sri Vrindavan Dhaam India
Highly Recommend!
Dec 12, 2017 04:28 PM 10183 Views

Hello Friends,

I had been using Patanjali Kachi Ghani Pure Mustard Oil since last 3 years. Mostly I use it in Winter season as mustard by nature HOT.

Odd Taste and Strong Smell:

People complains that it's taste bit odd and even gives strong smell while cooking, well, my personal experience is, it happens for few days only but once you get use to it than no issue. You will not notice any change in taste as well as smell. Health is more important not how it taste or smell.


I was always wondering in market to buy a oil which is not Refined but only filtered. It was hard to find until I got such from Patanjali Brand. It's available in most of our near by areas so no worry about availability once you find it the best!

I highly recommend you to go for it as there is no other substitute for this product in market.

Nice product
Dec 10, 2017 11:25 AM 9773 Views (via Android App)

Friends, I want to tell you about patanjali Aarogya kachi ghani oil. Patanjali 's product is very good. I use this oil in the food at home. This patanjali oil is good for the digestive system and health. By using this oil, the food becomes quite tasty. The use of this oil does not have any effect on our body. Patanjali does not get too much costly from the oil in market. There is very little element in the fat. Patanjali Aarogya kachi ghani oil is a natural oil. I am advised to allot this oil to use.

baljeetcnnctMouthShut Verified Member
Anupgarh India
Patanjali kachi ghani oil
Nov 24, 2017 07:55 PM 13072 Views (via Mobile)

Hi friends, here is your friend baljeet and today I am going to review on patanjali arogya kachi ghani mustered oil. It is too too much of Swadeshi Propaganda now. I have been a regular customer of Patanjali Products for a couple of years now. The careful and keen observation has brought me to a solid and good experience about their products. The items that they a outsourcing vary in their quality standards.Once I bought mustard oil, upon heating it turned green, clearly a household understands adulteration. But, these company walas they cannot be challenged in reality, under the condition of present marketing and judicial system.Most of their items with ORGANIC tag are too expensive and too normal in quality. Even the mustard oil that talk about clearly indicated and resulted in a different taste that pure kachi ghani mustard oil. Thanks for reading my review. I hope its useful for you. Have a nice day.


Patanjali Aarogya Kachi Ghani Pure Mustard Oil