For what is the ?n?th time, my sister calls out for me. I?m in my study room, well after my usual study hours, fifteen minutes before lunchtime on a wonderful Sunday morning, the door closed and no sounds coming out from within. I haven?t answered her even once. Intrigued at my apparent deafness, my sister calls my mom to look into the matter.
?Laxman, open the door now!? yells my mother at once. She finds it extremely disconcerting; the idea of a sixteen year old shut in a room and not answering, without any sound emanating from the room which evidently means funny activities going on inside, which I shall be polite enough not to elaborate on, thank you very much.
There is a sudden commotion inside the room; two or three books are pulled on the table in front of my chair lying open to give an impression that I?ve been reading out of them, and intriguingly for the people outside, the sound of a plastic packet being crushed hurriedly, the sound of the magnet-held cupboard panels being pulled open and the packet being tucked away, the panels banging sickeningly shut. Finally, the door opens and I step out of it, with a horrible impression of a person opening the door as if nothing had happened and a ?You called?? which is said in a voice that I try to keep as normal as possible.
Nobody does or says anything. I am of course, not spared from suspicious glances all along lunchtime and after that when the family sits in a dilemma between the diet plan and the opportunities opened up by the setting up of a new ice-cream parlour three blocks away from home.
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The ?intriguing? event of a closed study room door that is not opened after long calls (in addition to the sudden decline in the height of the biscuit pack heap in the kitchen cupboard is taken great notice of. Special attention was drawn to the ?hurried opening of the cupboard and closing it? that preceeds my answering the numerous knocks. Finally, when I was away to a tuition class, my room was searched. Upon my return, I was welcomed at the dining table immedieately.
Before me, I saw three empty and shriveled up blue wrappers and two half-full packets of the same colour lying on the table and in golden writing, I could read ?Hide n Seek?. And before I could feel the full force of the sight before me, two words were slammed into my years sending my racing mind on a tizzy instantaneously.
?Explain yourself!?
The Explanation?the review!
Brown dotted with thick black, rippled pieces of baked dough and chocolate that crumble and melt in the mouth releasing a bitter-and-sweet taste instantly on the toungue? what ecstacy for a person who is otherwise subjected to the world?s most horrendous invention?diet plans! Whether the claim be true or not, Hide n Seek are certainly the best moulded choco-chip biscuits my tongue has ever tasted, barring one choco-chip cookie my uncle who lives in Japan had sent me when I was thirteen! This is a temptation so powerful, I should like to see my own questioner, in this event my father, resist it! I know for a fact that he fought between ?Just one!? and ?No, thank!? for a week until when he finally, on the pretext of having to purchase bread, went to the grocer and spent fifteen minutes there, purely because he thought it would do him little harm and more good finishing the packet of hide-n-seek he had secretly purchased then and there!
Hide-n-seek offer a taste that is rare in the Indian biscuit market?a taste that is what the ads say it is! I have seen coconut cokies being advertised as coconut cokies and tasting more like baked dough with a hint of taste! I have seen cheese-lings being advertised as wonderfully cheesy stuff and tasting more like oily buttery stuff or plainly, outrageously tasteless pieces of junk food! But Hide-n-Seek is honestly a chocolate-chip cookie, a cookie that plays a funny game with you giving you the taste of chocolate and cookie! Let the two of us together plunge into the ecsatcy called ?eating the cookie??
You open the wrapper?
? and a neatly packed stack of dark brown, rippled cookies appear before your eyes, and as you set them on the table, tilt a little, as though they were bursting out of their hitherto confined environment. Slowly, you pick up one of the?be careful! They?re brittle! You bring it close to your mouth, the aroma becoming steadily palpable, and something of a drooling begins in your mouth?the actual phenomenon of mouth-watering. And finally, you break off a bite from it!
It makes a crunching noise, a soft noise, as it breaks under your teeth as you chomp on it the proverbial 32 times? the taste has by now spread all over your taste-buds, and all of them, like manic English-football-fans are screaming for more!
As you swallow, your hand instinctively grabs a second! And as that goes in, an instinctive third! And before you know it, you?ve eaten five or six of them and you?re still wanting for more! Why doesn?t this stop? You wonder? your taste-buds crave for more, your stomach shakes up to make some room for the biscuit? and your hands oblige without delay? what is going on? It is almost like turning on the ignition of a rocket? once you begin, you can not stop till the fuel is over?
Your diet plan swims in front of your eyes?. But it is only a horrible sight that speeds up your eating? which is a good thing? otherwise there will be others who would want you to share the treat with you! How blissful it is to be a glutton!
Unfortunately, there are but limited biscuits in the packet? and they must get over!
But hey! The grocer?s just next door!
The Verdict
Actually, I should call this an advisory. Do the following:
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# And don?t waste more time?grab a Hide-n-Seek pack!
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