I was in a hurry and felt lousy… it was 6.00pm already . The beautiful girl I was suiting clandestinely for the last couple of months has finally agreed to meet me at 7.15 pm .. “ come on time .. I’ll not wait “ was her words .
I felt lousy because I have to take my bath , dress up and drive down 15Kms in a congested city . No time at all . Shower on I was still panting from my just finished work outs . Hurriedly foamed myself with my favorite soap under the stream of hot water I could not think further .” I am going to be late and she’ll not wait … I was sure.” End of the courtship restricted so far in the occasional glances. Barely had the time to cover my self up in a pair of Jeans and T-shirt.. one last and final review on the mirror and a quick brush through my disheveled hair. Driving as fast as possible too dangerously crisscrossing in the midst of a terrible road and crowd I heard somebody abused me in his choicest language. It was 6.30pm …and everything seemed to be falling apart as a huge truck blocked the road causing a massive traffic jam . By this time I have given up and switched off the car stereo . That’s the end .. I started sweating .
Ohhhhhhh ..reached ultimately .. and there she was looking at her watch , I was late by couple of minutes . I was loss of words to offer an apology as she eyed me reproachfully . However , after exchanging a couple of apprehensive niceties , with a strong sense of refusal nervously I recommended a cozy café where we can sit and talk and get to know each other . To utter surprise I got her assent . Oh .. boy !! ..Could not believe it and started giving thanks generously to all my stars..
She looked gorgeous and we were unwinding gradually sipping black coffee and munching pakoras. She had the vibe in her eyes .. we were just sailing ..it was an instant liking . Now the time to move . Both of us reluctantly looked at our watch . A wonderful three hours has passed by and we did not notice it even . Settled the bill , coming out unwillingly we decided to meet again at the same place . “ But no rash driving this time ..” she cautioned ..” I shall wait “ .. she said . Time to say bye and after an exchange of a romantic glance we turned around for the parking slot ..
Suddenly she said from my behind “ listen “ and I froze . She was asking “ What Deo is this ?? You smell great …I like that “. I grinned .. actually it’s not a Deo .. It’s my favorite soap .. Park Avenue ..”
She said bye again with her graceful elegance and I was floating ….
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