SUB: COMPLAINT NO PL-ASC-1310-003827 DATED 2-10-13 and PI-ASC-1310-004615 dated 4-10-13
I purchased two Panasonic refrigerators last year i.e. 2012.
1- Model no BT 263 SS IN purchased on 29-3-12
2- Model no AH 183 GV purchased on 12-5-12
Recently the bigger refrigerator (frost free) as per 1 above developed some problem as the ice was not forming and the cooling was not proper. According to technician who visited from PANASONIC , the fridge needed gas flushing and recharging costing approx. Rs 3000/- . (Although cooling is the main function of the compressor which is warranted for 5 yrs.).
Also the reason given for this was fluctuation in electrical line although the fridge has been connected to stabilizer. I failed to understand that these reputed brands advertise their brands by saying that “NO STABILIZER IS REQUIRED “as the compressor is made to withstand any no of fluctuation but the reason given to me was that the fault occurred due to fluctuation.
Again after staying in the same house for about 25 yrs this reason has not occurred in my previous fridges. also if this was the reason why other fridge is working fine ? On further discussions/ request, no discount was offered in the services and I was told that PANASONIC will respond as soon as possible.
But after spending Rs 34000/- in buying the two “PANASONIC” refrigerators, it becomes very demeaning to bear substantial amount of repairing charges that too the very next year for no fault of mine. I regret to say that barely after completing 1 ½ yrs. the fridge has started giving problem.
I was requesting PANASONIC repeatedly through e mails and verbally through helpline no’s, but there is absolutely no response from PANASONIC. And suddenly on 14-10-17, after calling the helpline I was told that the case has been closed. This was absolutely not expected from PANASONIC that instead of responding and solving the problem, they will conveniently close the case.
At this point I would like to highlight that after using “ALLWYN” and “SAMSUNG” brands for 20 yrs. and 12 yrs. respectively, I did not find any fault in those refrigerators. However keeping in pace with the latest technology and finest of brand, I made the choice and decision to buy “PANASONIC”. I had tremendous faith in the brand name I was under the impression that such fine brand would last even longer and moreover will give trouble free performance
I have therefore reached conclusion and would like to advice that “NEVER EVER BUY ANY PANASONIC PRODUCTS “as these are only imported brands fooling innocent customers by giving wrong reasons for their inferior products .
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.