Painted Platters Chocoholics and dessert lovers, its time to rejoice and say Hallelujah! You read about a place in the newspaper classifieds… It looks nice, but every time you go out, you forget to call and ask where it is exactly? But one day, I was experiencing a withdrawal symptom because of lack of chocolate! So, the two of us (hubby and me) after an early dinner, ventured out to find the prettily named place called Painted Platters, nestled in a lane in Jayanagar, Bangalore.
It is a small place that looks inviting right from the lovely chimes that tinkle and tell the owner that someone has walked in, to the fairytale like décor of chocolates all around you. As we took one of the two tables that act as the available seating, we were greeted with a warm smile and two pocket size books were placed on our table. Confused and wondering why are we being given a P G Wodehouse and Chocolat to READ when we have come here to EAT, we opened them to find out that the separators put in, made these classics, a very unique menu card.
We were just starting to get impressed. We ordered a yummy sounding dessert called Mississippi Mud Pie (thank you spell check for getting the spelling of THAT city right). In a few minutes the order was on our table, looking even better than it sounded on the menu! Then we saw why the place was called Painted Platters… On the edges of our plate we found a message with creative calligraphy that said “ The secret of happy marriage, remains a secret”. We just said something to the effect of how cool this was and how innovative etc, to realize that things just got cooler! I touched the edges by mistake and that bit of message came off… Guess what? The message was written (or painted) with Chocolate powder and was completely edible! It gave the phrase “wiping your plate clean” a whole new deliriously delicious meaning! We then went there again, when my parents came over, and the mousse made all of us equally happy!!! We are still to try the chocolates with ribbons and pretty packaging.
They have a fairly large spread of desserts and sundaes and we are look forward to next visits to try all of them (don’t you wish these things didn’t add so many calories?!) They have branches on Lavelle Road and Jayanagar and I am sure you can find the phone numbers and go INDULGE! The prices ARE fairly steep… Any dessert would cost you approx Rs.100 – Rs.125. The sundaes maybe cheaper. But if you don’t mind indulging in warm chocolates and cold ice creams that make you smile, make that one elusive trip at least. My bet is, you would want to come back for more…
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