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Open Door, The - Matthews Reviews

Hull United Kingdom
The Open Door
Oct 07, 2003 02:54 PM 1829 Views

As the storyline says:

She tried to be hard, she really did, because turning off her emotions was the only way she could stand this hell, but it wasn’t right. None of it was right.

Beryl Matthews’has ended up as one of my favorite authors of all time as she comes with her masterpiece of a classical heart warming tale ‘The Open Door’whose storyline focuses on the life of Rose Webster and the difficulties she faces to succeed in life.

The tale commences with the introduction of an eleven year old Rose Webster who dwells in the slums of Garett Street in London. As a fine-looking young woman with stunning courage to accomplish something in life the novel describes her life of problems and dilemma she faces in every opportunity she comes across.

Will Rose accept favors? Will she expect something? Will someone come to her rescue in times of uncertainty? All the qualms make her a harsh young woman.

As the story continues further, Rose Webster is forced to work, as a youngster she is brutally raped. Rose is forced to leave school due to financial difficulties and her drunkard stepfather is often unemployed and in a situation is forced to join the army. However, what pains does Rose go through to grow up to be an independent woman is the novel’s storyline.

This book is well written, at times beautifully so. It never took long for the story to grab hold of me and forced me to continue reading non-stop. The Book comes to remind us of what it is to transform everyday life into literary masterpieces.

The Open Dooris a very sensitive story that is carefully structured and so lovable that I greatly cherished. In addition to a struggle to succeed the author also brings lightness into love and human relationships including disappointment, guilt, devotion and the love and support of a husband towards the success of a burdened wife.

I picked this novel in W.H. Smith, UK and I recommend each and every one of you to read the novel. I'd say this book is easily one of my favorites.


Open Door, The - Matthews

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