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Ojooo Reviews

Your account has been suspended.
May 11, 2021 06:04 AM 6791 Views

Your account has been suspended. Reason: suspended by admin .

The administrator locked my account when I tried to make a withdrawal of$6.00 USD and they kept the money. I emailed you on: 2021/05/07 and it's been 3 days and I still haven't received any responses. Why have they blocked my account, if the only thing I have done for years is to see their ads on a daily basis? How frustrating; I trusted this website

Aix-la-Chapelle India
Hi, never use them!!!
Jun 10, 2020 05:05 PM 11189 Views


never use them.

I have paid for 3, 000 visit. they are showing me statistics till now, 100+ visits to my website, but I have recorded only 4 visits.

they are cheating people, never use them! very nice earning site
Apr 20, 2020 09:50 AM 8042 Views

Ojooo is very nice online PTC site and I earned$22 from this site. Very simple tasks just clicks on advertisement and earn money. And many other earning options are also available on this site. any body can earn a lot of money from this site.


0 income for rented referral
Oct 30, 2019 03:09 PM 17051 Views

I am active for six months on this site. I am going to tell you about rented referrals. I am purchasing rented referral for one months. One rented referral is costing$1 and after the end of the month you will find that your rented referral earning is between 0.18 to 0.2$ so after analysis you will see that even at 1000 rented referral you will gain nothing but only wasting your precious time. Only direct referral will pay you.

Ojooo reviews
Apr 10, 2019 01:39 PM 8439 Views

This Good For beginer.i earn can try it

this is the real site ever seen.i am bangladeshi I earn day by day so I recommaded to you simply click this link and join and earn money easy way so why you waiting for.just click and start earning.

The cheater
Jan 30, 2019 01:35 PM 19172 Views

Hello friends today I want to say something about ojooo, com please friends trust me this is a fake and time weasting site you cant earn money here because I am testing this ojooo but its not real it is fake so please dont visit this site dont weast your data and time

lalrimawianemoMouthShut Verified Member
Dehradun India
Waste of time and money
Nov 04, 2018 05:00 PM 22766 Views (via Android App)

Hello every one my name is Lalrimawia and today im going to share you my thought about

so far till now im doing online job

trying to make money online

this app is very very worth less

I 've watch approximately around 500 ads intotal but still im not earning atleast 1 dollar

which in indian rupee equivalent to less tan 60 or 70 dollar

this is a very worst active income using online


i suggest you all not to use this app or site

it is a waste of time and waste of data

it might offer you a good reason to join

its a temptation dnt follow

very worthless


OJOOO WAD best website to earn money online
Oct 07, 2018 11:32 AM 1892 Views

OJOOO wad is one of the best PTC(Paid to click) sites that I have visited and currently working on.

It is very easy to register free of cost with no hassles. You only have to work for 15-20 minutes maximum on a daily basis. It also has a mobile app, so you can work on your phone as well.

I have worked on different PTC sites but I felt OJOOO wad is a genuine site because this site is very transparent. It shows you how many advertisements have been clicked on a daily basis.

There are other ways to earn on this site as well, such as completing offers, tasks completing short surveys etc. for which you are paid for. You can also check on the site, how many offers or tasks have been completed by a registered member on a daily basis.

This site will not make anyone instantly rich, but with patience, perseverance, consistency and a positive attitude a registered member can gradually build a side income in($ DOLLARS$). for themselves in the long run.

Good luck on your future earnings!

Nice app
Jun 10, 2018 04:13 PM 8801 Views (via Mobile)

Trusted PTC site this give 0.001$ per clicks in this site shows 20 adds perday

That means we earn$0.02 per day payout in this site is small out$1 so join this app and start earning free when you have 1$ so payout I am using this paste 3 months and this give me best amounts

Ojooo is now in debt. Actually Wad. Ojooo open this business with good intention and they want to make it big in real.

gonemahesh2017MouthShut Verified Member
Nizamabad India
Worthless website!
Jan 20, 2018 08:03 PM 11621 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends today I would like to share my personal experience with

1) is the one kind of PTC website

2) if you create account on it will displayed some adds by clicking this ads you will get some money

3) I have been using this website for 1week but still I won't get even 1$ this website is the very slow earning website

4) service and support also not good they won't responding to the users

5) is not a user friendly website

6) it is time to load website

Sweetchitti21MouthShut Verified Member
Visakhapatnam India
Best earning in online
Jan 06, 2018 08:48 AM 27976 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends good morning today iam going to share and review on online earning site

  1. This is a best application and user friendly we can earn money reality one.

  2. Its a gaurantee site but we have to reach the particular level takes slowly.

  3. Ojoo iam using past one year my friend recommended still continuing.

  4. We have fixed ads and premium ads are there. For fixed ads 0.001$ and in that 2 ads are 0.005$.

  5. We can give many referrals so that have to achieve fast earning without referrals it will go slowly.

  6. In this we can run the minutes. Traffic exchange its a option available in ojoo we go fast and earn.

  7. For 1000 minutes equal to one dollar. We can run these minutes I reached twenty five thousand minutes after that we can change it to ojoo dollars.

  8. Try this application and give referrals. You have an option in that direct referrals and rental referrals.

  9. Direct referrals means we can give referrals to our friends but IP address should not same. If you are using wifi no problem. Two persons cannot login in one phone they will suspend your account.

  10. Rental referrals are we have to buy in this application for example we need five members have to pay 0.5 dollars like that.

  11. In rental these are not permanent for every month same need to pay buy referrals.

Coming to we can earn more without referrals like running traffic exchange. You can earn more money.

ToeAaMouthShut Verified Member
Kkk India
100% Real but Slow earning
Dec 21, 2017 06:38 PM 9448 Views (via Android App) and Ojooo app are real paying. On Ojooo app you can do chatting with friends as well its like viber or whatsapp.

There are limited number of advertisements that you can click on. About 27 PTC ads daily. Around 22 are Free and about 5 premium ads.

Reward for each PTC ad is usually 0.001$ and 2 ads have 0.005$. In this way it becomes very hard for you to earn $s.

There are other offers as well that you can complete but I'm not sure if they really give you. Because I completed 1 offer on 'offer toro' by installing an app offering 6 points = 0.005$×6 but I'm not able to see it in total income.

Minimum cashout is just 2$ provided you have clicked 100 ads. Its quite low and good in comparison to other websites but hard to earn still. Other famous sites like clixsense have very high 10$ Cashout.

Some PTC ads are app specific only. You can not view it on web.

Unfortunately does not use cookies and you have to login every time you open it and prove that you are not a robot.

There is detailed information on everything.

App loads quite fast but site takes some time.

It tries to convince you to buy premium membership. With too little benefits.

It also offers commission on referals but I'm not able to see clicksof my referals. I know my referal has clicked about 40 times which I feel they are cheating.

pankbhandari22MouthShut Verified Member
Kishanagar India
Faku Ojoo
Dec 17, 2017 02:34 PM 9199 Views (via Android App)

Hlo friends as I hope u all are well known of . Ojoo is an Ptc site which Provides us advertisement by clicking on which we can earn money . But the question is how much ?

So, as per my experience Working on ojoo is the waste of time Because After working for 8 month it provides me the Same Value of Advertisement . The Investment in ojoo is also limited or we can say that it doesn't approve large investment . Referals in ojoo are also Inactive they dosen't work properly. Also the Site Ojoo doesn't gaves the fair return . Thank u

junaifMouthShut Verified Member
Malappuram India
OJOO.COM, The Worst Website
Dec 11, 2017 04:08 PM 9351 Views

Hi friends. My self Junaif and here I'm going explain my personal experience about is a ptc site which means they pay an amount for click you have done in the website.Six months ago, I was totally mad in creating online income and I reached in spend a lot of time in it and finally I lost my time and effort.

OJOO.COM is a PTC(Pay per click) site, clearly they reward you some amount of dollar for the clicks, watching ads, viewing videos etc.For watching an ad they pay you$0.001 and which is for 5 sec, 10 sec and 60 sec and go on.I spend a lot of time for watching and clicking.After three month I got 2$, which is negligible according to my work.

So, friends don't waste your time for earning in it.These PTC site pay very low amount and it is very hard to achieve the minimum payout amount which is$ 5.This is not a perfect one and you are wasting your time in it.

Thank You,

ADAPTIVEMouthShut Verified Member
Nagpur India
Low rates with Time Consume!!
Nov 28, 2017 03:46 PM 28022 Views

Hi this is yogesh,

I would like to share my experience have with this this PTC site. I have been using this since 1 year. I was searching for the online money making sites. I introduced many such PTC sites but they were worthy means they had showed very less ads on its site and rates too. Then I continued to use this site. I made 2 dullar here. But I did not work here for one month they clear my all earned balances to zero.

The service of this PTC site is not good. If you are not using this site for a month, then you will be fined. This is the very worst service from

In this site, I have seen many advertisements, for this they paid me some dollars. In this site a refferal program is provided, in that I just reffered through my link to my friends and I told them to register on it and use. Some shares of their earnings will be added in my account. As if they will earn through this site. They also have given a service to show our custom ads inside that site. In this more earnings we can gain. Like when someone visit this site and will click on my ad, so they will pay me for that action.

This is very user friendly site, anyone can understand and use. This is very simplified site as compared to others.

No delay in loading this site and their advertisements through which I earned money. I checks a site 2 to 3 times a day, the reason behind is that, new ad generates, so that I earn more revenues.

This is geniun and popular PTC site. But it gives very less revenues. This is so time consuming.

Thank you.

Aint perfect, but still not that bad
Nov 14, 2017 07:02 PM 9347 Views

I've been using ojooo wad for quite some time now and i'd like to share my opinion bout it.

Well first of all what I like about it its not just adds that you watchin, clickin, etc. there's also some questionnaires and, my personal favorite, even silly games:D i've allways dreamed about being paid for playing games. who havent right?:P Then I send it to some of my friends to let them check it out and few of them like it like I did. What a supirise it was when they send(my link xd) to some other friends so I got some extra cash:P Oh yeah, right ojooo is paying you if someone uses your invitation. And about the money. its not that bad and also I've never had problems with payouts:) so I enchorage everyone to give it a try maybe you'll like it like I do:)

Prague Czech Republic
Ojooo great place to earn Money Online
Nov 13, 2017 03:34 PM 9920 Views

Today I would like to tell you about great PTC Site. There's a lot of oppurtunity to earn money online. Watching ads, get referal to earn also for you.  They making extra contest where you can win great prizes. The grand prize is 300$, 200$ for seocnd place, 100$ for third place. So as you can see there are worth to get. So if you intrested in earning online just join Ojooo and register writing my name:


Thank you and see you around !

Dresden Germany is that what you're looking for
Nov 07, 2017 01:14 PM 9553 Views

With pure hearth I can say Ojooo is the PTC that you're looking for. They create possibilities to earn some extra cash for you and your friends. I earn+350$ everymonth sitting less than 30 minutes everyday. Ofcourse I got some referals and also could buy some extra one.  I include my best payout. I cannot copy link to register below so if someone want to add me NowosadGold. I hope you will enjoy Ojooo same as I do

Jabalpur India
Best ptc site
Nov 06, 2017 01:31 AM 9756 Views (via Android App)

Hey friend

I am work in this ptc site in two month and I am no idea this website is trusted or not but I very happy to say this ptc site his actually pay my money in last week.

Ojooogrid is most amazing feature in this website.

Reffrel system is also very good and security is awsom in any other ptc site.

Payout minmum 2$ is very good withdraw your money.

Ojooo for easy earn money
Nov 03, 2017 07:23 PM 9974 Views

After a few month of using Ojooo I can say Ojooo is one of the best site to earn money. Cause you don't have to sit whole day to earn something. You need just 15 minutes everyday to get some money.  When you get some referals it's starting to be really fun. You get some cash from every referal. If the buy privilege account you get cash from it. It's nice. What is more important they payout . I include photo of payout. GOod LUCK EVERYBODY!



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