Please stop staring. Surely, there’s more to a man than merely his shirt and trousers. Why the inability to shift the transfixed gaze from them? Probably I should simply avoid wearing Nino Mantelli shirts and trousers.
(Now I get what Queen Latifah goes through when people are focused on your specific domains and not you as a person)
As I try to understand this, maybe you can’t help it because Nino Mantelli shirts are as Italian as Italian can get. They represent nothing but the highest standards of Italian style from Milan. Sartorial elegance all over me and that’s what you cant tear your eyes off.
I know you are watching the collars that are styled in accordance with something that is called the ‘spread collar’ style. Whatever the jargon, they look great. They are available rounded and point style.
Affix your eyes at the angle cut two buttoned cuffs. You should also check the double cuff sleeves that I have on my other Nino Mantelli shirt (which obviously I’m not wearing right now, I usually wear one shirt at a time)
I also see you checking the fabric. The salesguy at the mall told me that it’s a certain ratio of a blend of some polyester and lycra. Once again, damn the jargon, this looks smashing. But coming close to try and touch ‘n’ feel the fabric is taking things a bit too far. Please fight the urge right now.
You will also notice that these shirts haven’t much of pattern on them, just some subtle things here and there. These make good night out wear and come in a range of strong and dark colours.
Besides Nino Mantelli also has another range that’s more shiny, which I dare not wear as they put Richard Gere’s razzle dazzle wardrobe from Chicago to shame. Which I also dare not wear as I’m not used to more than necessary interest from certain men.
Otherwise there are also more sober colored Nino Mantelli shirts, which come in a smart range.
Look now your traveling eyes are checking my Nino Mantelli trousers, roaming all over the Italian cuts, which make me look taller, leaner and meaner than I actually am.
Nino Mantelli helps you get all the attention. While at other times I merely merge with the wallpapers, with Nino Mantelli on me, I'm almost close to a peacock yelling for attention.
I wear them at work too for the fun they bring about and my copycat boss went ahead and bought some for himself too (this man is the limit, he recently copied my glasses too). The ones that can be worn at office have a crisp and powerful look. There are also those which are unbelievably gaudy that I guess are best avoided
Nino Mantelli shirts and trousers are available at leading departmental stores and malls. Shirts range from INR 900 – 1500, and trousers begin INR 1050 onwards. Besides, Nino Mantelli also has a range of silk ties that you must check out too.
As a parting, note I can’t prevent myself from saying that before Nino Mantelli everyone used to advise me to not buy my own clothes.
Wait, the parting note isn’t over yet... But now after Nino Mantelli, Milind Soman considers me his style guru and Rohit Bal copies what I wear in his designs (ok, got carried away yet again, make that Marc Robinson and Manish Malhotra if you want)
I'm done now, and doubt whether I'll wear Nino Mantelli again, can't handle so much attention.
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