Hello guys
I'm a student of New Delhi, pitampura NIIT persuing HSN9(hardwares and netwroking) Course which I heard recently started by NIIT.
I and many other students in my batch and other batches not happy with certain things happening there.
Things I don't like in NIIT
1) accounts department not connected well with other departments, hence making things delay and uneasy for students, making feel like smthing not good at all.
2)Even though teachers, and other staff members keep smiling and are helpful doesn't make NIIT professional institutes still lack in things.
3) Lack in labs, tools to work out.
4) concentrate more on theory than practicals,
5)Expensive when compared to other insititutes running same course, reason I went there coz of its name, was I right?
one of my teacher told us, they are getting good pay in NIIT. When servers down which is usual there, they get 1000 bugs could be more if they trying help server up.
From where NIIT's gettting moeny in? lolz
heard DOEACC, is it better than NIIT, its cheap and had good repo newdelhi pitampura one?
would appreciate your comments guys
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