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NewsWallet Reviews

strikervikasMouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
Boring and tedious!
Jan 21, 2017 05:52 PM 2043 Views (via Android App)

I'm using this application for while but I always prefer in offline reading but I was travling through Bhutan then I've download this but its boring and tedious journey with this app. concept is clear but spreading more fake and fraud news, and selling ads.

design are pretty horrible and open app evertime, you have to skip ads either you are in heaven haha and feature is just nothing, what should you think m gonna tell,

all I can say its boring, annoying, useless, reckless, worthless application

sainisandip3MouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
Too irritating.
Jan 21, 2017 06:03 AM 2788 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends.

today I am sharing my experience with my sweet and lovely friends. today we are discussing about a news wallet application.

friends this application is too bad for using.this application loading time is too late and workinh very bad ,

this application after loading irriting the advertisiment.its to bad application friends.never

installing this application friends.i am very irritate of application.

friends this application many features is not working, its not usefull application guys, irritating the advertisiment an enjoy time.its too bad application.

thanku for reading friends.

sonu96MouthShut Verified Member
Patna India
Average type software
Dec 19, 2016 08:10 PM 3511 Views (via Android App)

NewsWallet Software is available on Google play store. This app is using by me . According to my personal experience ,

first of all, to use this app requires a genuine Twitter accounts who have atleast 25 following & followers who has been atach Facebook account who have atleast 25 friends means you must have both social network account to use it.

Then you must have referal code to get any kind of reward . For upcoming user to use it. I am sharing referal code to you. Referal code is 8FZV9X. this makes easy to use as need .

This app features & concept using is good . This app concept is nothing but only sharing latest news on your fb & twitter account and get reward .

This app is rewarding to you depending on your social activities on twitter & fb.

This app is user friendly .one thing more is that there is daily lucky winner who won randomly ?100 daily. Here, in this app you can promote your YouTube videos, increase website viewer free. Here , also have quiz & poll to increase reward. Overall, There is not limit to get reward means you can be get ?1, 00, 000 daily.

This gives in points the rewards.

Let me, you have 30 friends on FB & 30 followers of yours is on your geniune twitter account and you share only 5 news then your minimum daily reward will be ?125 . I am earning ?340 daily . You can get above from it as not limit. One thing keep in your mind that both accounts of your as fb & twitter must have same name ( also Case sensitive.) .

One thing is good is that this is better than CHAMPCASH as my experience. You should try it if you have your genuine twitter & FB account of your as same. You also can earn by scanning the Bar code of any product and get minimum ?25 as says the app. THIS APP IS GENIUNE . I HAVE REEDEMING DAILY FROM THIS APP .

This app redemption option is also great.

there is three types of payment method.

  1. BANK TRANSFER minimum amount is just ?50 only.


  3. Last one is PAYTM OPTION . This minimum payout is only ?5 . I PREFERRED this option daily .

Overall , this is usefulness for us . Keep in mind to get reward is need for any refferal code. I am once again writting to easy to find you , not for promoting. Referral code is 8FZV9X as you will be need.

Thank you.



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