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Never Love A Stranger - Harold Robbins Reviews

anyplace on earth India
Aug 31, 2007 08:24 PM 4965 Views

I read this novel by Harold Robbins exactly about 37 years back, when I was twenty years old.i read this novel word by word because Harold Robbins style is so romantic, one felt as if he was actually feeling the situation.i have been telling since 37 years one must read this novel to feel young.

Yes I guarantee boys and girls, this novel will make them feel so infatuated within themselves.the reader feels he is something in this world and as the youth fullness inroad the joy is ecstatic.

Those were the days when there was absence of tv, taperecorders and it was a great joy to read harold robbins novels.this novel yes no one would read in public, not that it was a sensual novel but one would feel sensual reading the novel.

Today I miss this book, since I lost it a long time back, I wish some one who has kept this book will lend me for ten days so that I will return after reading. Well I must say harold robbins writng makes one feel a greatness to become rich.

Ihad dreams to become a billionaire, after reading his novels.i have read 90 percent of his novels all during in sevnties.carpet baggers is too manly novel , soft type boys and girls should read it in thier life at least once.

what is so special ..    harold robbins can be still considered as very modern.

Sensuality his novels are very sensual because his words are very daring and manly/

compare to denis robbins.   if denis robbins is ladies type, harold robbins is manly type I am actually reviewing or wrting on harold robbins the author.i have a great respect for this author. Here are few lines from me online just now written , imitating harold robbins.

imitated as harold .......

I took the first plane, to reach the place where nevada had phoned me , in that bungalow I could see a human figure must be a very slender and beautiful gil, she wore a very transparent white nightie, with laces adoring the edge.she did see me, and became motionless as I opened the door.her eyes did not resist my a few minutes I was sure to expect nevada visiting this place.

Who is she, it was first time, and I felt a kind of vibration , which I could not resist, before it was too late, to miss the feel of holding her, i took a fast step and held her in my arms and her seductive lips and my mouth could not resist the heat anymore, well the tight embrace was enough for me to feel the time so immemorial.till nevada knocked our embrace did not ease.

Above lines I belive is type harold robbins would have written if he were alive, anyone who is fan of harold robbins please comment if I have reached some level of this author style or creativity,

More on this novel.Harold Robbins wrote this novel in the year 1948 and it was his first novel that became popular like a wild fire in the year 1970 in india, may be that was the year I read this novel.

How to read this Never love a stranger. Just avoid all other contacts and just sit in the room or where one can see the hills or views and read with a sip of coffee or tea.

The new person you will be as the pages take you, and my god if you are fifty will become teen aged, if you are a teen aged that was the age I read, your whole body becomes warm, and you find the person in the novel is you.what more you want from this novel.

A good read
Jan 27, 2006 02:59 PM 3724 Views

The problem with Harold Robbins books is that you can't read them in public because the morality police (or your old aunt) may swoop down on you for ''reading sexually explicit literature''.

Don't let that deter you from picking this novel up. ''Never Love A Stranger'' is Robbins's first novel written in 1947 and has all the ingredients (romance, suspense and tragedy) for satisfying any fiction lover. And to top it, the book is far less explicit than his later work and this works in its favour.

The novel is the saga of racketeer Francis Kane who moves from an orphanage to tackle the mean American streets of the 1920's. Its an innocent love-hate story, not just between people but the society and environment at large. The book features some very real and likable characters..

I read this book from my grandfather's collection of fiction books during my summer holidays back in 1986, and it's been with me ever since.

Incidentally, this book was made into a movie in 1958 starring Steve McQueen and John Drew Barrymore (father of Drew Barrymore).

Saga of an extraordinary man of the world
Aug 30, 2003 07:58 PM 4879 Views

Ruthless world! is the sense you get after reading this book.

It is a story of a boy who is jewish and he wants to be rich man. He is an orphan on streets of New York. World shapes him into something different and very one of us and other side of the society.

This book was first published in 1948. It was the first novel by Harold Robbins. Harold Robbins was criticized for using street language in his novel but people loved this novel. Later a movie with same name was made starring Steve McQueen.

It is a complete story of a man involving all stages of his life. Writer mesmerizes the readers with his down-to-earth writing.

Young Frankie becomes a man facing tough world outside, he becomes a bookie at very young age, later he explorers the power horizons. Many a times, He is hit hard with realities of the world. He faces racism at school, orphanage and at every walk of life. Nice-to-be persons leave him one by one in life. A black family accepts him but misfortune follows him there too. Finally, Frankie tries to be very man of the world. He becomes famous and rich but in bad worlds. A parallel is drawn between his world and world outside.

Wonderful thing about this novel is its language as it is spoken and used by masses. This novel was inspired by his own life.

I became his fan after reading this novel. Then, I have read his many novels, Piranha and this one is my favorite from Harold Robbins.

This is a great work from a great writer of his time. Harold Robbins died in 1997.


Never Love A Stranger - Harold Robbins

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