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Nestle Reviews

Tasty yummy products
May 04, 2024 04:27 PM 309 Views

Nestle products are so tasty yummy and healthy. People of all age love to consume them without bothering about their price

No Side Effects
Aug 10, 2020 09:30 PM 2503 Views

My newborn baby likes to enjoy nan comfort formula drinking, so he is satisfied and has no side effects. The preparation of the formulation is easy.

A trusted Product
May 11, 2018 09:30 PM 3030 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends, today I'm going tell you about my personal experience of our most trusted brand .Nestle is one of the most trusted brand in india. Nestle was formed in 1905 it's headquarters is in Switzerland .Nestle made many products like baby food , coffee, breakfast, cerrals , ice cream , confectionary, bottled water, pet foods like pedigree , snacks and many other things .One of the Nestle most trusted brand is Maggie now days the market of Maggie is again rising upwards .customer service of Nestle is very good.


Sujanpur(Pathankot) India
Nestle is getting old
Apr 18, 2018 04:02 PM 2878 Views (via Mobile)

As we know that many chocolate brands or companies had come so there are getting more famous and their chocolates are getting tastier than tastier.

So nestle had become a old brand because chocolates like dairy milk, milkibar etc.have taken his place in market and getting famous day by day

Dairy milk also making their chocolates in different way like dairy milk bubbly, dairy milk oreo nestle should also make these type of chocolates.people are forgetting nestle from their mind and some dont even know that what nestle is?

So I think that nestle would comeback but now dairy milk is the best in market and you should also try it.thank you

masarratmouthMouthShut Verified Member
Indore India
Nestly exellent quality product
Jan 31, 2018 01:28 AM 3200 Views (via Android App)

Nestly as we know it is huge company producing thousands of product with best quality almost

Everybody use nastle product in daily use

It is good for health and maintane its quality tooo

I love to eat and use nestle product in my meal I use it for my children and my family membets too

I used to eat nestle product

Awesome taste
Oct 09, 2017 10:45 PM 3062 Views

I love this coffee, because it taste so good and it helps me to reduce my stress .i can not imagine my day without htis cofee.i can not wake up without coffeee. from my bed thats why I love this cofee.i drink cofee everyday and it helpsme alot to carrry the pain of everyday, to resuce anxiety and to reduce any kind of tension. yopu should try this cofee too to stay fit and happy in your life. this is really important for us.

Harmful snacks
Jul 16, 2017 09:25 AM 3224 Views (via Android App)

Nestle is a world's first foods products company. This company produce number of food products as such cerelacs, magic, coffee powder etc., In this company mix in products bad chemicals and fats which harmful to human life.

Some countries also banned nestle products because they mixing something which never eat that products. You safe and your child's from this type of products especially magi. India govt. penalty some lacks on nestle co., due to they produce mixing products.

All product yummy and tasty..
Jun 28, 2017 11:59 AM 3790 Views

I discuss here Nestle company. Nestle brand is very famous all products making pure milk . it is very tasty high quality all products. It Made to help shape a better and healthier all peoples. it is very protein, minerals, vitamins in all products. Nestle company is aim all children make healthy. nestle products is available in every city.All younger and older like these products. Nestle staff made all products with very carefully. it made pure milk . It keep very clean all places. Making life fun with good food your family.

Nestle very good product
Aug 18, 2016 01:35 AM 3983 Views (via Android App)

I love nestle products .nestle makes alot of products all r famous and good products, people by many nestle products.we buy lots of nestle products.Nestle chocolates very nice , in r family all eat nestle chocolates, nestle nestum for children very good , babies can shallow it nicely .In this nestum rice nestum, vegetables dal nestum, nestum fruits .All very good babies enjoy to eat.once I tried babies nestum it was very good.When u get ingestion u cannot eat anything I eat this nestum Rice 1full glass mixed with hot water sugar and rice nestum.It will be good on stomach.In vegetables and fruits nestum it has put veggies and fruits so nicely that children can solve it nicely.I AM VERY HAPPY ABOUT THIS PRODUCTS .U PEOPLE CAN BUY ALL NESTLE PRODUCTS

Special Thanks to Nestle NAN
Dec 31, 2015 05:19 PM 4922 Views (via Android App)

Thanks to Nestle we are appriciate your infant nutrition product.

Fourteen months ago I given birth to twins baby boy it a C-Sec delivery. Delivery time my first baby was 2.2kg and secoond baby was 1.2kg due to less weight. Due to some reason my breasilk not produced Dr precribed me Tablet, shatavari powder but still no improvement so after words they started NAN milk powdee for my baby for weight again.

NESTLÉ fully recognizes breast milk’s primacy, value, superiority & supports exclusive breastfeeding as recommended by the WHO.

The nestle Nan formula suited my baby and gain weight within 3months 1.2kg to 4kg. We are so happy that time.

Nestle Nan is closer to breast milk & it is suitable my baby was not get sufficient amount of brest milk, due to any reason. Nestle Nan is light on stomach of a child & the best source of energy is mother’s milk.

Now my twins baby is 14 months and both are feed still we are giving NAN for better development.

Special Thanks to NAN to make my baby healthier.

amritaonline03MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai, India India
A brand we all love
Dec 21, 2015 01:18 PM 2652 Views (via Android App)

Nestle is a brand we all use in some or other mode of consumption since our childhood. Be it the all time favourite Magi which went through so many controversial things and finally back safe or just be it our all time favourite Kitkat, which have come up in new flavours, the only white chocolates brand prominence in availability that is the Milky bar, or simply a box of cereals.

Everything makes us happy about nestle. From kids to adults all love this brand and this is something that we can never stop using. May nestle come up with more and more products for consumption and what ever is existing come up with more tastes and flavors.

swapnilwasnik29MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Trustworthy products
Dec 05, 2015 09:07 AM 4233 Views (via Mobile)

Nestle, an old age brand is not only effective but trustable on all angles. I use variety of Nestle products, be it like milk, chocolates or milkmaid. But the one that over shines this company is the baby milk powder called Nan Pro 1.

This probiotic milk powder is so natural that you can feed your baby till the age of 6 months. After six months you can start with Nan Pro 2. When mothers don't have milk of their own to feed, this is the best supplement product you cam give to your child for better immunity and health.

Jul 22, 2015 10:12 PM 4651 Views (via Android App)

Nestle is a leading food company. It's products are sold in really big number. Ir has production houses in many parts. So provide employment to many people.

I eat the chocolate, maggi products of nestle. As per latest reports maggi is  not good for health of people, due to extreme excess of led and msg.

This shows the irresponsibility of the nestle staff. Nestle criticised by all the people, from all region in many states it is banned by governments. So as, we can't believe on the just name, this is clearly shown by nestle


Ghazala786MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Nestle has Broken Consumers Trust
Jun 08, 2015 04:26 PM 4657 Views

Nestle is a famous brand of food products.

Some of its products are really excellent like  Nestle Chocolates, Milkmaid etc. But recently one of its popular product Maggie is being banned in many states of India.

Reason -High amount of MSG found in it.

People in India have been eating Maggie like staple food past 2 decades .

Easy to cook and low price was main reason for its popularity, its an instant noodle which can be prepared in 2 minutes. But recently when it was tested in UP it was found that it has high amount of Mono Sodium Glumate, much more than the permissible limit. Which can cause severe health issues.

After that many other states also banned this product. The share Price of Nestle India also dipped down due to this .

So my question is Should we Trust Other Nestle Products?

Trust is something very important, which should not be broken.

After this Maggie episode now consumers will think many times before using any of Nestle product.

Not only Nestle products but all other ready to eat products or processed food should be checked by government .The harm that has been already done can not be undone but at least now government should wake up and check all the food items that are available in market, whether they follow food safety rules or not and we should know what we are eating.

Complaint Against Nestle Maggi
Apr 28, 2015 11:59 AM 4877 Views

Team Nestle India, this is to complain that I have not yet received my prizes- Tablet PC, Camera & Smartphone- which I won by participating in your Maggi Har 2 Minute Mein Khushiyaan Contest held in January-February 2014, despite countless reminders.

If you have no intentions to distribute those valuable prizes to insignificant people like us, then why do you start these promotions/contests in the first place? This is highly unprofessional, careless, arrogant, high-handed and irresponsible attitude of your staff which has trivialized such a small matter. I hope you will take note of my complaint this time around and do the needful immediately. For this I will be grateful to you. Waiting for your quick and positive response.

Morning band
Nov 20, 2012 03:20 PM 4116 Views

I just had a look at The Morning Band made by Nescafe. It is such an amazingly catchy beat. It lights up the morning. When I’m up really early, with nothing but a yearning to crawl back into my bed, this is what I’d listen to, to get myself out of that lazy mood. Check the link -

Nestle's Maggie n KitKat are in their Soup
Dec 29, 2008 12:39 PM 5946 Views

Okay, so how well do I know Nestle? Well enough, considering I've been seeing and reading about their products at home right from childhood. Even now, give me the opportunity, and I'd happily dig into a Cerelac box!

Growing up till adulthood in the Gulf, I've seen and tasted the real Nestle at its best. The world famous KitKat is not famous for nothing. They'd fly off the shelves in supermarkets more than Galaxies or Dairy Milks or any other chocolate for that matter. And it was my family favorite too, especially the new single big bar KitKat launched in 2001.

I was also an enthusiastic memeber of the famous Neslte Club headquartered in Dubai, and recieved mouthwatering recipes of deserts and dishes that used Nestle Maggie Stock, Condensed Milk, Cream, Tea milk etc. I still treasure them. Everything from their club membership to recipes and competitions were free and the club service was great. Maggie Noodles was like no other. We lived more on Nestle's world famous full cream milk powder called Nido than fresh milk! And how they'd pamper us with free coloring boxes and gifts in return for a certain number of Nido tin lids!

I got all these great memories, recipes books and gifts to India when we shifted base, expecting the very same experience with Nestle. About 2 days after landing here, I naturally got myself a KitKat and opened it excitedly, expecting the same taste. The rude shock? I couldn't recognize KitKat at all, had it not been for those familiar'fingers' and wrapping. If you ever get hold of an imported KitKat, you'll know there's a world of a difference. Or if you have eaten the KitKat that Nestle makes and sells abroad, you'll know what I'm talking about. The Indian KitKats would NEVER sell abroad.

And my beloved Maggie Noodles? They stick to the vessel when I make them! If I put a little less water to make them just right, it would still be hard and undone; and a little more water, it would eventually become soggy. I couldn't understand how they showed superbly made noodles, each noodle'strip' separate from the other in their advertisements. I tentatively tried Top Ramen and Zoop noodles and was delighted to discover that they cooked excellently and tasted better than Maggie noodles by a ton.Their Veg Atta noodles variant is the only saving grace when compared to their noodles I grew up eating. But unfortunately I have to always add a little salt when I make them, without which the taste is a little too bland to relish it.

As far as Nestle Soups goes, it was the first time I tasted them, so they're good. But when I tried Knorr, their sheer variety and taste easily outruns Nestle's soups any day. Rainy days, Nestle, rainy days.

I was also surprised that their fresh Cream that come in small tins were not available everywhere. Only those stores that had some imported stuff would have them and they are slightly pricey too, at Rs 60( some sell them at Rs.80 too). And to top it, its not made here, which surprised me. Had Nestle manufactured it in India and advertised it well, they'd give Amul's Fresh Cream a run for their money, especially since the cream also comes in 3 other lip smacking flavours.

Maggie Stock? Forget it. Well, I myself actually did forget it because I never got to see it anywhere so far.

Can't blame them for not going big on Nido. Nothing sells better than fresh buffalo milk in my beloved country, no matter how big a name and how hot selling or famous a processed milk brand might be else where. I personally wouldn't buy it ether, considering my own new found love for fresh milk!

And my dear Nestle Club? Never heard of anything like it here. I wonder if the Nestle folk even know the concept exists else where in the world. But they should know it's one great way to get kid and adults together with their products, organizing meaningful events and cooking competitions, dishing out recipe books and what not. The idea itself would be novel in its appeal. Ah, how I miss it now that I think of it.

So my dear Nestle'ers, you are no doubt an MNC, and a reputed one at that, but surely these inputs cannot go unnoticed. Surely some of your biggies must have gone on business trips abroad and eaten a Nestle choc to realise how different they taste back home? Where are the universal common recipes for your eatables going?

Whatever you do, don't, at least for Henri Nestle's sake, compromise on quality and taste. He'd roll in his grave if he ever tasted your Indian version of his products.



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