NIT KKR, a deemed Govt of india educational Institute, located at Kurukshetra in Haryana( Approx 165km from Delhi) . Like any other govt. College, this college too has some pros and cons. Let me start with pros.College is located near Delhi, Ambala, Chandigarh.Easy accessibilty while giving Tests.Ground is very nice for Playing cricket, football, basketball, volleyball, GYM, Badminton court etc. CCN( Computer Lab) open for internet 24* 7. Library with very nice book collection.LAN in hostels.Companies for placements in large numbers.
Cons: - poor Labs, less equipmemts for experiments, No cooperation with foreign universities or students, No support from professors for extra research work, Placement companies mostly for CS, IT, ECE etc. Very less companies for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical. Don't give Scholarships to PH.d students except some. Research work is very less.
There is a huge amount of fund in Director's current account that has been just piling up, Which could be used for scholarships, students' conferences, Research work, Equipments, Books, Support to weaker sections etc.
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