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Nagarcoil Exp. Reviews

Worst and dirtiest
Jan 18, 2024 09:43 AM 152 Views (via Mobile)

Nagar coil express one of the worst, dirtiest with bad smell i ever travelled to south India, even after giving so many reviews why govt not taking any step???

Dirty, Filled with Cockroaches
Dec 16, 2022 09:43 PM 150 Views (via Mobile)

I boarded the train from Mumbai CST, within th3 first 15mins i saw 15 cockroaches. I went from B1 to B3 same situation. Then I went to B5 (2 Tier AC) even there so many cockroaches running up & down it's disgusting. Forget sleeping i could not even sit.

Difference between central and Southern Railway
Jul 04, 2007 10:24 AM 2817 Views

A month back I was traveling from Mumbai to Tamilnadu. I traveled by Train. As the train reached pune, many season ticket holders(?!) boarded our compartment. It’s reserved coach?!?!?! They didn’t stoop with that; they started to use the berth. We asked them to stand as that d berths were meant for US to sleep. But they fought with us! None of the TTEs’ came to resolve the issue. They traveled all the way in a reserved coach with just Season Tickets! How annoying! This is the situation with Maharashtra.

The very next day afternoon, our train reached the border of Tamilnadu. A new guy boarded the same reserved coach with tickets for unreserved coach. He silently sat near the toilet. He caused nil trouble or chaos to the passengers. After an hour(out of blues), a TTE came from no where to check the tickets. He was found with out proper tickets, as every body expected. But unexpectedly they not only fined him but and also warned him to get down at the next station.

A 20 hours gap, I witnessed two different situations, within the Indian Railways. I was amused! Is it the undaunted insincerity of the Central Railway employees or the Sincerity of Southern Railway employees? Do the central railway employees give a lot of conveniences to Maharashtra people? Then why the Southern Railway employees not considering the people of south? Why don they pardon the people of south?


Nagarcoil Exp.

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