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My Experiments with Truth - M K Gandhi Reviews

The Story of My Experiment With Truth
May 17, 2023 01:08 PM395 Views

The story of my experiment with my truth is an autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also known as The Father of Nation of India. Gandhiji was a great leader and freedom fighter of India. This book cover's Gandhiji childhood to youth journey till 1921. original script of this book was written in Gujarati language. Gandhiji was an average student in childhood then after he go to London to earn law degree. Later the racial discrimination in South-Africa changes Gandhiji into a freedom fighter. This book deals Gandhi's experiment on his principles of truth, Ahinsa(Non-violence), spiritualism, vegetarianism etc. From Gandhiji's point of view truth is god. This book experiment on truth is for the purpose of self-realization, you must take benefit from it.

GanapathyMurukan88MouthShut Verified Member
Alappuzha India
My Experiments with Truth or Autobiogr- M K Gandhi
Sep 20, 2021 01:25 PM843 Views (via Android App)

I first read Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography in 2004. It was my friend Anuja made me read this book. 2004 when I first read this book, I could not clarly understand . Because I was very young then. 2009 I read this book again. Only then did I realize the greatness of Autobiography of the Great Mahatma Gandhi. His life and life experience has motivated me a lot.

We can only remember him with great gratitude when we realise the great things he did for our India.

M K Gandhi's My Experiments with Truth or Autobiography transalated to many languages. I have read a book in Malayalam. This is a book that everyone should read at least once in their life.

Aug 21, 2021 02:48 PM904 Views (via Mobile)

Its really amazing book. After reading this book my respect to gandhiji will highly increased. And this is really inspirational


My Experiments with Truth - M K Gandhi
Very inspiring
Sep 22, 2020 03:45 AM1424 Views (via Android App)

A great book by a great human and leader.

I started this book just 2 days ago and finished today.

A very inspiring journey of a common child becoming a great Great great personality.

This book was written by mahatma gandhi ji in gujrati language originally but it has been translated into many other languages.

It contains mahtma gandhi life journey from every aspect. Childhood then studies and then marriage in his early age and mony more like africa tour then again when he came back and realised how desperately out country needed to get freedom and bring changes.

His whole journey as a leader and a flag bearer of non-violence.

A very inspiring masterpiece it is and every Indian should read this.

A Beautiful Memoir of his way of life
Jun 24, 2020 01:45 AM1390 Views

MK Gandhi has written a beautiful memoir of his way of life on his firm beliefs and one strong pillar i.e. Truth. His experiments are not just with Truth but also with community service, simple living, dietary restrictions, self healing and standing up for rights.

A very simple but also a very account of all of the above. Not to be swayed by the thoughts and righteousness of the "Father of the Nation", there are, however, many aspects where you would not agree with him and may find some inconsistencies in his approach. To name a few, his behavior with his wife at times when she was forced into those aspects of community service which she, being a human, had all the rights to deny. Also, the failure of the father and a teacher to impart proper education to his own children despite the fact that he had all the means to provide for the same and the fact that he himself had studied to the highest levels possible in his field with proper degrees.

Overall, a good account of the life of a simple but powerful man.

Great book
Jun 23, 2020 09:22 PM1342 Views (via Android App)

In my life and in my carrier this is the one of the best est book the book is a great achievement for all indian our nation father our patriotic hero mohandas karamchand gaandhi is writeen the book basically the book is a autobiography of mahatmaa gaandhi from childhood to death all memories of Gandhi s wrote afterall I was read the book and I learn so many thing about gandhi where he is born his childhood his study life and his carrier and how should become independent our country afterall this book is so helpfull

ddmcnov1995MouthShut Verified Member
Ramgarh Shekhawati India
Apr 20, 2020 07:22 PM1030 Views

This book is autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi in which he described about truthness with his life''''s experiment. He said about all things and idea which happened with him. By this book we get best idea for our life''''s struggle.

Dec 05, 2019 01:37 PM1421 Views (via Android App)

Dear friends, after reading the book of Mahatma Gandhi "My Experiment with Truth"I felt that how much struggle Our father of Nation had done before becoming Mahatma, Gandhi ji have not hided a single thing even his wrong doing.he want to say that you can change your bad habits by walking on a path of truth.He write many Good and motivational story of his life that can definetely motivate us, So please read once this book.and feel the power of truth.

zeeshaanzeeMouthShut Verified Member
Mewat India
A must read book of a Great Man
Nov 17, 2018 06:50 AM2658 Views

I was interested to know about Mahatma after reading his Satygraha book which was included in my syllabus of MA. I find that book very unorthodox but really interesting because in that book I find what he is preaching about. So I purchased this book My Experiments with Truth. But I did not read it for sometime. Then One day I took the book and started reading it. I find it very interesting. He gives many examples of his childhood which are really wonderful.

I have read a few things which are against his repute. I was shocked how people can do such thing. But reading this books clears the shadow of aspersion cast upon his greatness. for me it is book which taught so many things which can be acquired by very experiences which will take great amount of time.

I think everyone should read it because it tells you about History as well as greatness of his personality. His influence on people is immense which is covered in the book in the form of story. He inspired so many people like Sardar Vallabhai Patel, a man whose statue is erected. He inspired millions of people to take part in his unique way of ahimsa to achieve independence.

M K Gandhi
Nov 10, 2018 05:12 PM2462 Views (via Mobile)

Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our lovely sweet nation INDIA. Gandhi ji is not only our father of the nation as also he is our lovely sweet grand pa (daduji). He led our prestigious country like green beautiful nature. Ahimsa is the one n only sweet lovely word of the mahatma Gandhi ji which has bought us freedom from our enemy Britishers. There is lot more to talk about our lovely sweet father but as a matter of fact great n sweet lovely words fell short in front of our Gandhi ji. He is so lovely sweet human being in deed. He is god for us. we r so proud of our father of the nation.

Cherthala India
A man without lies- Gandhi
May 22, 2018 07:17 PM2139 Views (via Mobile)

Gandhiji, our father of nation, wrote his biography as a prayer.Anyone who read his biography should think that is a person can live like this? It's an encouraging biography.It will lead us to the way that Gandhiji travelled.The language is simple.We can find Father of Nation as an ordinary man like us.

ds474706MouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
May 02, 2018 08:26 PM1558 Views

Hello friends today I am going to share my experience about the book MY EXPERIMENTS WITH TRUTH written by M.K.Gandhi. I read this book just before two days ago.

This book is autobiography of M.K.Gandhi describing about his life from early childhood through 1921 .this book speaks about Gandhi's experiences . Gandhi himself agree that his thoughts might change later in life but the purposes of his book is just to narrate his experiments with truth. really. I suggested it to everyone please read this book once I am sure that you may have an great experience after reading the book . thnx

vishallandgeMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Autobiography of a legen
Mar 08, 2018 08:24 PM1290 Views

My Experiments with Truth is an autobiography of our father of Nation, M K Gandhi.

As the title tells, M K Gandhi tell his story of life which were full of experiments. He was like one of us, ordinary man. He did smoke cigarette, stolen money from his father's pocket etc . He learnt lessons from those incidents and developed his personality in such a way that he became father of nation.

After being thrown out train in Johannesburg, because he was black. Gandhi had taken a vow to end white domination over black. He came to INDIA and started agitation against the British. Non-violence was his weapon to win war against the Britishers. He did succeed and India got Freedom.

Gandhi lead a very simple life. He practiced celibacy, non violence, truth and vegetarianism .

This autobiography is in two parts. You will enjoy both

singhdheeru24MouthShut Verified Member
pithoragarh India
Jan 23, 2018 10:48 AM3579 Views

I bought a book of AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Mahatma Ghandhi . the name of the book is " MY EXPERIMENT WITH TRUTH" .This book is very inspiration and told us that a man can change the thinking of the society .In this book I found that Ghandhi ji was a spiritual man and he had a great will power, they always stand with truth even he was in INDIA OR SOUTH AFRICA. He never defeat mentally that is why he win physically and spiritually both. He was not a rich person but his struggle is really superb. this book tells us to fight with your enthusiasm. I bought a hindi version of this book. which is easy to understand his thoughts. we should read and learn about these kind o books. if we read these kind of books I am sure it will increase our spiritual level and our mental level. The rate of this book is 150 rupees and it contains 438 pages. this was translated by Visvambhar Datt Gaud, which is also a great writer. It have a easy language to understand. This book is published by "NEW SADHANA POKET BOOKS" AND distributed by " SAHANI PUBLICATION". I really inspired by this book. When I start to read this book then I feel a great change in my view. This book also teach us that we should search a Master who can guide us perfectly in right way. Goapalkrishn Gokhale was the political master of Mahatma Ghandhi. He teach Mahatma Ghandhi about the political concepts.The journey of "Netal" and "South Africa" is struggled. We can learn how he made a union and how how faced the problems over there. This advocate had alawys finished his work and achieve his target in the basis of truth. The root power of M.k. Ghandi is truth. truly he described about the relation about that unknown Indian lady and about his english friend of England. Every time he thought about the welfare of our nation. He never think about his property, never think about the the jewellery of his wife. He live honestly in his whole life and won the heart of people living all over the world. After reading this book I learn some spiritual fact like to make vegetarian. M.K. Ghandhi avoid to eat meat or flash of any animal because he always prefer the non-violence society. Truth and non-violence is the main pillar of his great and meaningful life. I also avoid to eat non-vegetarian items after effected by this book.

All people should read and learn about M.K. Ghandhi to make a better thinking.

rajat6176MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Great autobiography of a great person
Dec 08, 2017 08:47 PM3194 Views

There is a reason that there is no other such a powerful man than mahatma gandhi and his autobiography tells why. He inspired me and other people with his strength of his will power.

I read this book thrice and I always carry this book with me everywhere I go. This is a story of a man who become from a ordinary man to a most important character in the freedom of INDIA. This book tells that how Gandhi ji follow his rules of peace, truth and non violence throughout his life and win many battles.

This book is a must read autobiography for everyone.

Amalapuram Andhra Pradesh India 533201 India
Mk Gandhi #Respect honour
Dec 01, 2017 07:24 AM2159 Views (via Android App)

My experience with truth is not a book of autobiography its a personality development Book. Mk Gandhi father of the nation India really left a treasure for the Nation, he said Bagavath Geetha is the treasure of Knowledge by reading his book experiments with truth I say this biography is treasure for moral India.

mishrasameer2017MouthShut Verified Member
Jhansi India
Highly motivating book
Nov 26, 2017 06:38 AM2997 Views (via Mobile)

Hello friend, i am back to write another review about this autobiography.I have read it several month before.It guided me a lot to correct path. Specially, the incidence which happen to ghandhi ji after stealing her brother gold and the time when he smote sigrate.This book is also special because it is written by MKGhandhi, the father of nation.His experience may happen with any teenagers boy.So I suggest teenager boy should must read it and motivate themself on right path.

Thank you.

And here's something to learn...
Jun 19, 2017 03:16 PM3656 Views (via Mobile)

An autobiography by Mahadev Desai. The classic autobiography gives the personal account of the life of the man, who freed India from colonization, through the Satyagraha movement. His early boyhood life, legal studies, purification, salvation and ultimate independence of his homeland, is carefully recounted in this inspiring and critical work of insurmountable importance. Gandhiji's experience in life had convinced him, that there was no other God than truth. So convincing is his belief, that Gandhiji has claimed in his book'My experiments with truth'. "If every page of this book does not proclaim to the readers that the only means for the realization of truth is Ahimsa, I shal deem all my labour in writing these chapters to have been in vain." Thus according to the autobiographer, truth was the sovereign principle of Mahatma. Truth refers not only to truthfulness in word, but also in thought. In fact, the instruments for the quest of truth are difficult, as they may appear quite impossible to an arrogant person. The autobiography helps remind readers about the non-violence movement, celibacy and other principles of conduct believed to be distinct from truth. In part two of the book, the author has explained to what extent he had to tolerate offenses, on his way to Pretoria on a train. That very incident served as a milestone, and made him decide to fight for his rights. It begins with a beautiful introduction, and ends with a one page caption-farewell. Its style and presentation is clear and lucid. Like his previous book Non Violence(Satyagraha), that focuses on his vision of Satyagraha. This book too appeals to reason and conscience of the reader, for putting an end to evil, by converting the evil-doer. It dwells on Gandhiji's personal experiments with truth. Reading the book leaves an indelible impression on the mind of reader, and makes one, realize what this great man has given to the world. No wonder Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was acknowledged as the man of the twentieth century by the Time's magazine.

Untold secrets
Mar 31, 2017 10:06 PM2889 Views (via Mobile)

We all have so many secrets in life but we can't dare to tell all secrets to anyone.We can't even think of publishing them somewhere. But if we need to do so we'll hide some of the secrets or modify them.But he was a real Mahatma, only Gandhi could have done that!

In this book Gandhiji has written each and everything, his weaknesses that made him learn in life.This is the way he experimented with truth! So this is a real and touching biography.

krishgun1MouthShut Verified Member
Guntur India
A fascinating autobiography
Mar 28, 2017 10:05 PM4026 Views

Gandhiji - a person with different and most respected way of life as a man not only in the country but also among the world.according to my view or my thoughts about him are very awful.the reason behind this was I ve seen many people praising him and also equally critisizing him. when we come to the book.there is one thing I ve really admired that he agreed all his weakness and mistakes made in his life that s why he is known as father of nation.he discussed many good n spiritual things but behind this also there are different and intellectual stratagies towards the freedom of india.

generally the author will narrate or present the story or autobiography in his manner, but here he accepted many flaws present in him n said in a general manner.last but not least ahimsa is the world best weapon for anything.this was proved by our jaati pitha


My Experiments with Truth - M K Gandhi

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