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MucleTech CellTech Performance Series Reviews

Kadapa India
Good to use
Feb 18, 2018 06:08 PM 1431 Views (via Android App)

It is vey possible to detemine to use very dedication and detrmination and vell aswell ans crwaghshdhdjf





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Fitness and Sports
Apr 25, 2017 01:37 PM 2387 Views

Muscle Tech is popular US brand .It is creatine based post workout Drink. They combined carbohydrates and creatine .

People need to understand that we need carbohydrates and protein after workout. You have to combine WHEY PROTEIN with it.

This has only carbohydrates and creatine its not a complete post workout drink. You have to combine it with WHEY or eat egg whites separate then it will work.

Lets's check whats in this supplement 1 serving size scoop is 49g, calories 160, carbohydrates 38g and sugar 15g . The main powerful ingredients is creatine monohydrate and creatine HCL and as you know its for strength that's why its powerful. Creatine monohydrate 3.5g creatine HCL 1.5g .

You have to use it little carefully. They give you 3 different directions to use they said " either take 1 scoop or 2 scoop or load for a week". Why loading because of creatine. They have combined creatine,BCAA, anioxidants and carbohydrates. When we combine WHEY in it will become perfect workout drink . Make sure you take 1 scoop and if you take 2 scoop then creatine will be double 10g and I don't recommend that much creatine.

5g creatine is good which keeps your muscle fuller. You need creatine into the muscle not outside the muscle .


CELL TECH-1 scoop

WHEY PROTEIN - 1 scoop

Banana - 1

It definitely best in post workout drink because it has creatine,carbs,bcaa and antioxidants . if you can afford it then get,cost around RS 2600.

Don't just depend upon it, fix your nutrition which is 80%.

Ballo1523MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Not so good
May 03, 2016 09:22 PM 2480 Views (via Android App)


Thia pfoduct is not so good for all the people who want to gain mass. Products like this are easy to use and easy to buy. But there is  a chance of getting side effects. Which may lead lo liver damage and stomach ulcers

If you want to gain good muscle gym and protein diet is the best thing you have to do for muscles.

By taking the advice's from the trainers what to eat and what not to you can gain a healthy body and good structure.

Producta like mass gainera will effect your body after some years so its better to avoid those products


MucleTech CellTech Performance Series
shabazkhan04MouthShut Verified Member
Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai), India India
Good product
Apr 28, 2016 11:17 AM 2420 Views

The cell tech is  a  supplement. So  lot  of  people  have  used  it but  lot  of  people  don’t know  about  it  muscle  tech  is  very  popular  us  brand  it has  so many  lines  like  multivitamins, whet  per workout.

But  I am  cover  cell tech it’s  a  performance  series  its is  creating based  post  workout  drink they have  combined  carbohydrates  and  proteins people  need  to  understand  that  we  need  crabs  and  protein after workout  you  have  to  combine  whey  protein with  it  this  has only  carbohydrates and  proteins it’s not  complete  post  workout  drink  you have  to  combine  it  with  whey  or  eat egg whites  separate  then  its  will  work  properly I want  to  show  you  check  what  in this  supplement   1  serving  scoop is 49g, calories  160, carbs  38g and sugar 15g.

The  main powerful ingredient  is  creating  mono hydrate  and  proteins hcl and  as  you  know  its  for  strength  that’s  why  its  powerful same  like  you  use  proteins 5 g with whey its has  cell  voluminous ermines    its  is  a  building  clock  of  protein it supplies glucose in the blood stream in faster  rate   then it  has  Boca  which helps  to  rebuild  muscles, recovery  and  prevent muscle  breakdown 2:1 ratio  of  Lucite  and  valine   which  is  perfect it  has  antioxidants  which  protect  your  immune  system  you  have  to  use 
 it  little  carefully they  give  you  .3 different  directions  to  use  you eat  1 scoop or  2 scoop  or  load  for  week why  lording  because  of  protein . when  we  combine  whey  in it will become  perfect  post  workout  drink make  you  take  1  scoop  . the  need proteins into  the  muscle  cells  not  outside  to much  proteins will  make  you  loading  and  mess   up  the  definition water will be  outside  the  muscle  which  makes u bloated  fruit  punch  flavor is  good  you  can  mix  it  with  any  flavor  it definitely  best  in post  workout because  it has  proteins, its  cost around  rs 3096 /- in India.

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