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Moov Spray Reviews

maheshkoli645MouthShut Verified Member
Solapur India
Moov is the best pain reliever. ....
Jun 29, 2017 11:44 PM 3289 Views (via Android App)

Many years I used that product.really good product.past years this product in paste day it will come in spray.which really fast works.I have used for instant pain reliever. When body joints such as knee it works instantly.nice will low price pain reliever. that was the product buy for everyone. Value for money products other pain reliever are high cost but result are not like moov.

Pain relief in 10min
Jun 23, 2017 12:15 PM 4010 Views

I have been using it till many years and it is a great pain reliever . whenever I get hurt I apply this and it works . it starts its action within 10 minutes . the results of it are satisfyinh. it is very cheap and worths what it costs. it is good for kids as well as old people and everyone. it is good only for temnporary pain but if you break you bones it will not work because its made only for small injuries.

umeshjha1998MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
Instant Pain relief Spray!
Jun 21, 2017 11:20 PM 3342 Views

My grandmother is using Moov spray since 1 year and it is a great pain reliever. Moov Spray as well as cream is very helpful in relieving pain instantly after application at the site of pain. The fast action formula of the sparay acts very instant and gives releif to the person.

Moov Spray are easily available at the nearby chemist shops or you can order it online.

When I had sprain or pain in my body after playing sports then this gave me a instant relief and I could sleep peacefully at night.

There are two types of moov available one is cream and other is spray both are equally effective.

But if you are using the spray you should increase the surface area of its applied area too to increase the effect of use.


Moov Spray
Aah se aah tk
Jun 21, 2017 11:07 PM 3363 Views (via Android App)

Frnds today I am going to review a very famous product of our day to day life and our companion in bad times that is move.though all of you might be knowing that it is the product of bancket renkizer company which was earlier the product of paras pharmaceutical limited an renowned indian company in the indian pharma world. It is very useful product for every working prson in the case of minor is very reliable due to its fast action farmula and most important thing I would mention that it should be must take item in your catelogue while planning for any last I would like to suggest you to buy this product.

Best pain relief spray
Jun 20, 2017 12:46 PM 2707 Views (via Android App)

Move spray is the best pain relief spray I ever watch Once upon a time I am suffering from a leg pain and I apply move spray on it and for some time my leg is getting cooler effect which is beneficial I want to say you truly that it can cure your leg pain or any type of strain in less than 15 minutes 237 I am actually the great fan of move spray Hum 2

manishkumawat947MouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
Best for Pain Relief...!!
Jun 12, 2017 12:53 AM 3151 Views

As we already know that Moov spray is best known as Specialist of pain relief. It is true. Because it very good for pain. It have good efficiency to work. It gives instant relief in Pain. It is best for everyone. It does not have any side effects. It is easy to use and most probably it work very fast. Most of the time when I feel that I am having pain on kneels or anywhere else then I only use it. And I really feel good. It is natural. It does not have any side effects. I would love the product and I would recommended this to everyone.

ajay18ankitaMouthShut Verified Member
Moradabad India
More THAN Expected...!
Jun 11, 2017 11:38 PM 3049 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends,

Moov is popularly known as THE PAIN SPECIALIST. Moov Spray is a genuine and trusted product. I also used this spray when I had a pain in my knees and felt instant relief in pain. It works more efficiently than moov ointment. It gives instant pain relief. Moov spray is available at every drugstore. It is made from 100% natural ayurvedic herbs. It is the oldest and known in all the pain relief sprays and ointments. This product is affordable and money worth. I strongly suggest you all to use moov spray for immediate relief from pain.


sarbjit034MouthShut Verified Member
Fast relief
Jun 06, 2017 01:15 PM 3052 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, today I am going to share my experience with moov sprey. Moov is 100% natural ayurvedic is very good's fast pain relief formula relaxes the muscles and provides fast is very good pain relief formula for any type of pain.i always use moov sprey when my any part of body starting relief from backcahe, bodyache, muscle pain, joint pains.thanks friends, it is very useful for fast pain relief.and it is value for money product.i hope this review will be helpful to you

dieforthenation12MouthShut Verified Member
Chandrapur India
Money get wasted as spray..
Jun 05, 2017 04:55 PM 2593 Views (via Android App)

Very wrost product, not at all good what to say.

I buyed it because since 2 months ago , because my son legs got cramped by playing football, and when I spayed that nothing happened 80₹ wasted.

So don't believe in advertisement, It was really fraud and I cannot return it back as I had used it.

Better than these is zandu balm which really works in some cases but these is a product which is really a waste of money. I was shocked when my son's legs where not getting recovered from these small cramp by these high priced spray. No chance of buying it in future.

I don't no for what does these spray is made niether it works in pain or injury which is very small and nor in a cramp.

So I wanna ask the company for what these product or the spray is made? please answer to the consumers who really waste the money in buying these useless product which doesn't show any signs and symptoms of effectiveness also I don't no whether it might have any side effects? I am telling these because when I sprayed these my boy got the itching in his leg after 1 day of spraying.

So please stop making fool to the consumers who buy your product with the hope to get recover from their huge or small pain which they got from there daily tired life. They need a real treatment not the hopeless spray which not at all works. By seeing the advertisement, of Ashwin ( indian bowler) he quickly get recovered from the pain amd the lady also gets recovered quickly and here we fools not getting any relief from pain. We are not human beings or what.

So I dont recommend these spray for anyone. I throwed these spray out my home. If you buy it your opinion!

techgurusachinMouthShut Verified Member
Chandigarh India
Waste of money
Jun 01, 2017 02:06 PM 2703 Views

Personally I didn't like moov spray because it doesn't work. it is one of the worst pain relief spray I had ever used in my life . I agree that it is a 100% natural ayurvedic spray but it doesn't work. it is just waste for money to buy this product .

yesterday I used this spray on my wrist, it doesn't work so friends please don't buy this product . it is not a instant relief spray. and its price is very high i.e rs 157/-, so it is not value for money product

Kishor_menMouthShut Verified Member
Udaipur India
Moov Spray- Pain relief expert
Jun 01, 2017 12:09 AM 3798 Views

Moov spray has been a favourite of my family. This pain relief expert has been a source of immediate relief when sprayed on the affected area. Moov usually comes in two forms i.e.

  1. Spray

  2. Tube

Spray has been a great relief in bone pain .Once applied you feel the relief within a few seconds. The warmth increases on the affected are thus relieving pain. You get complete value for money since the chemical gives an immediate relief.In case you put a scrap bandage after applying Moov, you surely will see results immediately.

Best pain reliever
May 29, 2017 12:36 AM 2729 Views (via Android App)

Moov is the best pain reliver since many years it gives fast relief from fatigue, body pain, stretching of muscles, hamstrings etc. Moov is available in every pharmaceautical stores. In 2 different forms 1st is in tube gel and 2nd in the form of moov spray. It was little difficult to use tube gel when it comes to back pain. So company has make it easier to get away back pain by using moov spray.

I always carry moov in my office nd residential first-aid kit. Whenever any employee of my office got such body pain moov helps them getting away that pain very fast.


Best spray for pain
May 24, 2017 05:24 PM 3136 Views (via iOS App)

Moov is the oldest and known pain reliver spray in the market. It is used by everyone and recommended by everyone as it relaxed when someone is in the pain very fast and gives fast result. spraying on injured area is very beneficial and it does not have side effects. Its a total value for money and best spray available in the market.

piyushrj221MouthShut Verified Member
Patna India
Moov The pain specialist
May 21, 2017 08:59 AM 2610 Views (via Android App)

Back Pain results due to strain, fatigue and stress. It can occur while doing everyday tasks like lifting heavy objects, twisting bending and wrong posture at work or home.Your trusted Back Pain specialist, Moov is fortified with the power of 'Nilgiri Oil'. Moov penetrates deep inside, produces warmth and helps you recover fast. Moov is 100% natural Ayurvedic preparation. It's Fast Relief Formula' relaxes the muscles and provides fast relief.

Moov has become the Indian housewife's soul mate by underlining the seriousness of a backache. It has elevated her social status by making her family appreciate her relentless contribution to their well-being, while ignoring her own.

ranjeet099MouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak, Haryana India
It's A Safe Guard Around You
May 19, 2017 07:16 PM 2825 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends today I am going to describe something about the best selling approach for us is moov spray paint relief that is so fast and furious pain killers for any pain of muscular and part of the body. If you really want to give you the best treatment then you definitely need a new fully and instant pain gone spray.

So guys if you have any related of the body which is new or old any kind of pain it will help to get the best results.

I recommend you this one because it's a really effective.

  1. It doesn't waste your money.

  2. The action is too quickly as possible.

  3. Do not need to rubbing it.

  4. Fast absorbing is the best part of it.

  5. its most used by the physician.

  6. Price is also in Range.

  7. It's really help full to the sports person.

I hope it will help you.

SlcmounikaMouthShut Verified Member
- India
Moov makes your pain move off...
May 17, 2017 07:22 PM 10085 Views

Hi Guys. Today I am going to giving a very useful review on very good pain reliever that is Moov. Moov is my first choice when I feel pain and all my family members also use Moov for their knee pain, joint aches, muscle pains, back pains etc.

It has the power of Nilgiri oil which is a very powerful medicine for relieving many pains like joint aches, inflammation etc. it not only contains Nilgiri oil but also contains some other active ingredients like Tarpin oil, oil of wintergreen and mint flowers.

Moov penetrates deep inside the skin, produce warmth and helps you to recover fast. The results are very fast and it relieve pain very very soon. The results are very worth promising. You will definitely feel comfortable after using this.

The range of the price of this Moov Spray is just between Rs 75- 135 only which is very cheap and this give really great value for money. It is also available in cream which price is also below Rs 100. But spray penetrates through our skin fast than cream, hence you will definetly feel good and feel that it really value for money after using.

I highly recommend this Moov spray to everyone and relieve from your pains soon. Thank u. Keep Smiling.

nishantraj786MouthShut Verified Member
Modinagar, India India
May 15, 2017 05:08 PM 9774 Views (via Android App)

I have been using moov spray for a long time. Earlier I used its balm now spray is more effective and good result.

It relieves all kind of muscle pain quickly. In my family from my mom and father, siblings all use it especially during back pain or knee pain.

Even doctor advice for it.

So it is better than other pain reliever. I would advice you to try it once you will use it forever and will definitely feel better. All the best.

All I can say its good and best value for money.

cmukeria8MouthShut Verified Member
Rohtak India
May 14, 2017 04:40 PM 2430 Views (via Android App)

Hy friends, Here I am tell about my personal experience on move spray.Moov spray is a quaitative and fast working product.Moov is a source of to do fight with pain.It works very fast as a painkiller.

Few days ago, I am playing with my friends and suddenly I am fell down, and my knee is paining.

Then I am use a moov spray on my knee, after some time I am feel better .My pain is low, and next day I am also use this and after my pain is finished.

I am feel comfortable. it works fastly and gives a relax to me from pain.people like moov spray because it works very fastly and easily.

Is a reliable product.

ritishjolly88MouthShut Verified Member
Lacknow India
Quick Relief From Pain
May 11, 2017 12:09 PM 2518 Views (via Android App)

Moov is a very old brand known for its magic of providing quick relief from pain. Moov spray is the part of that moov only which is used earlier as a paste but now this is in the form of spray.

Its very eay to use as you only need to spray this on the painful area and afterwards its results are grate you feel really satisfied after using this awesome pain remover spray.

Overall this product is very helpful for me and my family, its value for money.


Meghalaya ,West Garo Hills, India
Move spray.
May 08, 2017 07:35 AM 2884 Views (via Android App)

Hi friend I am Ziaur and I have a good experience on moov spray. This remedies provides a good service to the patient with pain. Pain caused by twisting of many parts of our baby. The pain of joint like elbow knee wrist etc. It also protect our mild ruptured skin from the microbial and bacterial infection because this moov spray has a combination of eucalyptus oil which has the action of killing pain, antimicrobial and anti bacterial. It start it's action so fast. It also produce cooling effect on the part of application.


Moov Spray

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