But I needed a USB based Internet, while on move to my occasionalvisit to my hometown, Ranchi.I had TATA Indicom Postpaid `Plug to Surf` Dial up Internet for last 3 years.But as the other service providers slashed the Internet rate to as low as Rs 48 for 2 GB in a month(DOCOMO), TATA remained at a High Rs 150 for just 5 hours of monthly usage free.Even non use of it had compulsion to paying Rs 165 month after month!I disposed of the Modem for FREE.
I never like using Internet on Mobile screen.I needed Internet on my laptop while being away from base.
The Micromax MMX 310G 3G USB Manager.
In Chandigarh,it was not available.I got it from Merrut for Rs 3300.Using this Modem,I was getting a average speed of 260 kbps surfing and 28 kbps downloading speedwith my BSNL 2G SIM.It was a pleasant surprise for me as 2G SIM gives a speed of 115 kbps average.I can only guess for this surprise.May be 3G is already launched by BSNL in Chandigarh and the Modem is HSDPA 3 G enabled.....
The Micromax Modem is a lightweight sleek one.I do not need to invest some 6 thousand rupees to have a mobile Internet. Also,I do not need to `engage` a phone for Internet.
The Modem,on first use installs the driver so fast that you have a good first impression.It works well in all type of operating system.I have tried in Window XP and Window 7.Just one Restart of the computer and a suitable GSM SIM inside.You are ready to enjoy the virtual world.
The Modem has an Unique IMEI Number just what a GSM mobile set has.The Modem has a easy User Interface.It takes up all the settings automatically except for the DOCOMO SIM, for which I needed to set an User Profile with APN number sent by the provider.
In Ranchi, I found BSNL speed very disappointing.Took 5 minutes to open the Mouth shut page.But I had Airtel,Vodafone and DOCOMO SIM as well.I found the DOCOMO provided the Best speed.MS took just 20 seconds to open.
But on roaming,no Internet pack can be used.I purchased Local SIM for Rs 20 and did special Recharge for Rs 48.I got 2 GB for one month!I feel,with this modem one can have just a limited Internet monthly expanse of 100 odd bucks only.
But, you need to check which SIM provides the best speed in your area.As the SIM hardly costs nowadays - have 4-5 SIM and have a ONE time check for an affordable internet month after month!
In the market, almost all USB based Internet providers are not delivering as per their promise.They have Locked Modem for high price and rentals which make you like a `Bonded labor`.You can not easily opt out of those modems.
In this modem,you just need to change with suitable SIM costing less than Rs 100!!I found the same LED blinking in four different colours as per it needed to indicate like connection,Network,disconnection and idle.Looks good indeed.
Dis connection problem is nil from modem side.
I have used it for 8 continuous hours today on Sunday, mostly on this site.Except the Modem developing little heat there was no problem at all.
It can also be used as a pen drive by inserting a Micro SD card.
I shall update you using 3G SIM in this Modem in Future.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.