I had done hair transplant from max one year back
Cost: too much high(even take cost in between operation(they took 25 k from me although it was unlimited pacakage)
They confuse with grafts and foliqulies
Zero percent emi is a kind of fraud they wont give bill and charge some extra amount to some person
staffs:After giving money the speaking beahviour changes
escpecially with subrat he shows all the arrogance in world
IF they courier a medicine in between Please make sure you will make a vedio, They will send less medicine and agrue arrogantly
You will have trust issues with this clinic
They will show as a saphiere hair transplant they are only doing But the needles used by other bio fue or advance level transpalnt
It is runned by coroprote which makes money
only good thing Doctors are friendly good
After spending 1.5 lakh I did not got expected result
I have every chat recording with the above
Once I am free I am going to make a vedio about this experience
In google if you write any reviews they will hide it
For any clarification Please mail to amitkamatm@hotmail.com

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