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Making India Awesome - Chetan Bhagat Reviews

Exposer108MouthShut Verified Member
Allahabad India
Only Name and cover of the Book is Good.
Aug 23, 2019 06:31 PM1231 Views


I'm Preparing for CAT Exams so I needed to prepare for Essays for the WAT(Written Ability Test) that is why I ordered this book on Amazon because I thought Chetan Bhagat is a Good writer so he would have written good Essays. But when I read it, I was so disappointed from chetan Bhagat, The topics were good but the language was difficult and the content on every topics was not attractive or impressive. Essays should attract the attention of the readers but this didn't happen with me. Only the name and cover of the book is good and everything else is poor.

Thank You

Awesome India!!! ???
Nov 24, 2017 07:19 PM2202 Views

All that has been left unsaid has been said by Chetan Bhagat! A'torch-bearer' for an unafraid Generation that is not hesitant to express what they want to express. Making India Awesome is unlike any other book of its genre, as not only does Bhagat speak from his heart and mind about the concerns and problems of India, he also in his own substantial ways tries to work out simple solutions.

He addresses it to the awesome youth of India, but in reality it is a book that caters to every individual in India. He tries to analyse the country's most intractable problems - unemployment, gender issues, communal violence, Economy, Indian Politics, illiteracy and sensitive issues such as Gay Rights and and Minority Rights. He even addresses the low scorers in exams in one article of his finding alternate solutions to people who consider themselves to be losers.

The Essays and Columns have been thoughtfully selected and he begins his Essays by thanking Readers for picking up a book, that has no story or romance or thrilling moments, but a book that is about a dream that we all share- to make India a better place.

And this is where the journey of a better India begins.

It's really a boring one
Aug 09, 2017 04:27 AM2624 Views

Me being a huge fan of Chetan Bhagat, have read almost all the novels written by him which I think are actually good and very interesting also but with this novel I am not so much pleased.

I have purchased this novel 7 months ago with expectation that this book will also be interesting and thrilling as his other books are, but I was wrong and complete disappointed with this book.

There are many laws and acts which are described in this book are trying to get success in the eyes of youth India. But its not happening, Chetan Bhagat always write and try new, interesting and positive things in his novels but this time the laws and the acts described in the book are very boring and not at all interesting, the only good thing in this book is the description of the things that new India wants. Its all about essays and articles and Chetan Bhagat is just trying to clear the misunderstanding in the India today by this book, but not getting success.

If you are a reader of his novels then you can give it a try but if you are a new reader then I would not recommend this book.


Making India Awesome - Chetan Bhagat
Not at all interesting novel
Aug 01, 2017 12:36 PM2091 Views

I have been reading almost every novel written by Chetan Bhagat which are actually great and very interesting to read and I am a huge fan of his novels but this time I am not happy with this novel.

I have purchased this novel 3 months ago with expectation that this book will also be interesting and thrilling as his other books are, but I was wrong and complete disappointed with this book.

There are many laws and acts which are described in this book are trying to get success in the eyes of youth India. But its not happening, Chetan Bhagat always write and try new, interesting and positive things in his novels but this time the laws and the acts described in the book are very boring and not at all interesting, the only good thing in this book is the description of the things that new India wants. Its all about essays and articles and Chetan Bhagat is just trying to clear the misunderstanding in the India today by this book, but not getting success.

If you are a reader of his novels then you can give it a try but if you are a new reader then I would not recommend this book.

nishantjava2007MouthShut Verified Member
Patna India
Very boring novel
Jul 01, 2017 01:43 PM2094 Views

I am die hard fan of Chetan Bhagat's novels, I have read almost every novel written by him which are actually great and very interesting to read but this time I am not happy with this novel.

I have purchased this novel 3 months ago with expectation that this book will also be interesting and thrilling as his other books are, but I was wrong and complete disappointed with this book.

There are many laws and acts which are described in this book are trying to get success in the eyes of youth India. But its not happening, Chetan Bhagat always write and try new, interesting and positive things in his novels but this time the laws and the acts described in the book are very boring and not at all interesting, the only good thing in this book is the description of the things that new India wants. Its all about essays and articles and Chetan Bhagat is just trying to clear the misunderstanding in the India today by this book, but not getting success.

If you are a reader of his novels then you can give it a try but if you are a new reader then I would not recommend this book.

Alkesh007MouthShut Verified Member
Kanpur India
Making India awesome
Jun 17, 2017 10:07 PM2423 Views (via Android App)

This is a novel that every indian citizen should read and mend upon. This book highlights the various rlevils that are prevailing in the indian society like dowry, voilence, abuse, fights and corruption. This book also shows how good and reputated india will be when it will be free from all its evils and be a free india. Reading this book will make you realize the need to eradicate the evils in our society and how india is lacking just because of there things and the reason why india is still a developing country and not a developed country lies behind this. This book should be read by every aware indian.

If you care for your country read this
Dec 29, 2016 10:41 AM2567 Views

Few writers stay in our lives with a Tag “whatever you say, feel and think but you can’t ignore me’. This line sets best on Chetan Bhagat Sir. He knows what to say how to say, just like some professional who knows his part in others life very well. Every time he announced his new book, we wait while we know there will be another love story, but we can’t read literature all the time, heart needs party time too.

“Don’t kill yourself in trying to have it all. Just be normal, admit you won’t be excellent at everything every day and smile through life.”

Frankly speaking, I love his non-fiction writing skills more than anything else. Author amazed me literally with his first non-fiction “What Young India Wants”(Must Read) collection of some speeches and columns about society and culture but I liked the way he narrate his part.

I take what I find reasonably good and do not take on what I disagree with the author. A good book for the youth to get inspired. I personally loved the Concluding Thoughts!

mukundbhashkar92MouthShut Verified Member
Pune India
Be an Indian means Be a revolution-er
Sep 21, 2016 10:46 AM3349 Views

What does being an Indian mean. What is the purpose to be borne in India. Is it just to fight with the wholesome crowd and fulfill our own dreams or is it something beyond the manhood. Is it just surviving life for no reason or does it comply more depth to practicality.

We human beings are being outraged by the severe life conditions, only created by us. We are losing our patience. We are forgetting the livelihood, love, affection, sovereignty, patriotism and many more valuable aspects. We are becoming synthetic. We are becoming a copier rather than to be a copyright of ourselves.

What is all behind it. It has been well explained in this book. I loved each nook and corner of it. Worth reading!

Making awesome story
Aug 01, 2016 12:59 PM5245 Views

Chetan Bhagat only this name attracted to read his book "making India awesome". The book was bit different from his other books like 2 States and Half Girlfriend. The columns were fabulous and interesting for new readers and whole book was quit patriotic.

Simple writing and no use of jargons gives more pleasure to understand his thoughts clearly. It might not be fair if I just say about good things about the book. I must criticize some of the political affairs which are covered in the books which are still in the court of law. This kind of content can mislead the reader. The thoughts were clear and understandable.

He said all the things in the book which needed to be said but was not being said by anyone influential. For the first 50-60 pages, I could easily contradict his views but soon after he started talking about vote bank, politics, economy, minority and women issues, I realized that he actually is speaking his mind and all of it is not as bad as I thought. This shows the courage of a writer. Anyone who read the book can compare the story written in the book with their own life.

Way to : Awesome India
Jul 09, 2016 12:07 PM6507 Views

The author himself is the reason why people love to read the book. Yes, Chetan Bhagat is one of the most astounding writers of India. Also, the title itself attracts the reader. the book contains a very good emphasizing meaning for a better society. It describes a clean and sporting way to defeat the odds of the country. It also has the best in detail of information about the political events. Describing the reason behind the loss of its power by The Congress and what the new government should focus on. Except from that it also shows a path what a true Indian should do to make his country a better place to live. The essay title attracts you in a typical manner, with the blend of Chetan Bhagat's humor learning. The book has also, the best reserch done on economical scams. A must read for every Indian.

If you care for your country, you should read this
Jun 26, 2016 11:43 AM5344 Views

The book is a summary of major publications related to our life like politics, society, and youth. You will notice that you are already aware of most of the issues provided you are in touch with newspaper or major headlines.

I started reading this book with a preconceived opinion about it being written by not a wise or a role-model author.  I wasn't sure if my experience would be a sound one, but it turned out to be one of the best.

I think Chetan Bhagat succeeded in giving a skinny idea of everything India facing these days of our youth.   He presented it in simple words so even a novice can try this one. Also, his attempt to point out attitude issues among Indians is appreciated.

In general, most of the arguments are quite well aligned with broad and rational thought and sometimes could even be considered common sense, although this might be seen differently by a more informed Indian reader.

sghosh0308MouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
Okay book
Apr 11, 2016 12:52 PM8394 Views

This book I felt was okay types. The idea behind this book os very genuine and I thank the author for thinking this idea.

The essays aim to raise public awareness about various problems in India. The essays are written in a lucid language so that everyone can understand. Despite liking the theme of the book, I cant say it was excellent since at some point

I felt bored reading the book. I feel that the essays could have been more interesting along with the aim of creating awareness. The issues are rightly selected which every Indian faces. But I liked what young India wants much more than I liked  this book. It may also be a difference in perception due to which I liked the earlier book more than this one.

apeksha08MouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
expecting more from Chetan bhagat
Mar 12, 2016 11:52 AM4784 Views

Hi friends,

I have purchased MAKING INDIA AWESOME- CHETAN BHAGAT in december, with expectation that this book will rock like other book of Chetan ji, but I was wrong and iam quite disappointed with this book.

Iam kind of follower of Chetan ji and I have read all of his novels which is actually great and attractive and interested, but this time iam not happy.

Mnay laws and acts described in this book and trying to get succes in youth eyees but not happening, Chetan always do diffrent and positive so I expect same this time but all laws  and acts description is too boring not interesting, One and only thing which is good that is description what NEW INDIA wants.

Its all about essays and colums and chetan ji trying to clear the misunderstanding with this book but not getting succes. Better luck next time.


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