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Mail2Web Reviews

Anonymous Emails, Anyone ?
Aug 06, 2007 02:12 PM5641 Views

The latest "gimmick" on the Internet, if it may be called so - is -



POST SCRIPT(addition) - and your ANONYMOUS Emails  do not

necessarily have to be "minimum 150 words".

I did mention this in Feedback once but MouthShut moderator did

not like(?)   the idea .

So now everyone of you have to go through a lot of USELESS rhetoric.

I always thought "Short & Concise" was "Appropriate & Wise".

Comment on this too, if you please!


Got to know about "it"(the ANONYMOUS Emails)  "from friends abroad

and now use it often.

The message you send lands into the recepient's INBOX but  with no

clue about  your identity; You identify yourself within the email.and,

that too only if you so desire!

For friends, you can use your I.D. like you would from any other Free

Mail Service.

I tried it and it is "FUN". Really, you can spook your friends with this

and they wouldn't know till you tell them.  BUT-

Surely, there must be a lot of folks out there "misusing" the facility!

Comments invited!

ANONYMOUS Emails, Anyone?

Sanjeev Suri

Great online email client
Aug 21, 2002 01:39 PM9830 Views

Hi friend,

I am actually too lazy to write reviews, but while I was going through the latest reviews, I found a review on, after reading which, I felt it was so incomplete and did not really provide the information it should provide.

I found the site so useful - so I decided to write about this site.

What is this site about:

Let me clarify - this is not another free email provider. This is only an online email client.

Who can use this:

This works only for people with a POP3/IMAP enabled email. I am sure there are several people out there who have POP3 / IMAP email boxes. Typically they use outlook, outlook express, eudora etc. to see their mail. These are email client software loaded on that particular PC and which are configured to use that particular email. The configuration typically involves - mentioning the email address, POP3 mailbox name, password, incoming and out going server address etc. - confusing and cumbersome to many users. Typically the IT support guys do this for most of them. This site offers similar but web based email handling services. One can use this in place of all those email clients (outlook express, eudora etc.).

What are the advantages:

  1. This is an online tool. No software installation is needed

  2. Easy or no configuration. All that you need to know is your email address and password.

  3. No need to use the same PC to access your email. You can do it from any PC any where in the world by connecting to internet.

  4. You can handle the email without downloading to your PC. This is very big advantage sometimes. Sometimes, with a local email client (OE, Eudora), while downloading messages with big attachments, people often end up getting disconnected, especially those using a dialup connection. In such events this site is very helpful. You can log into this site with your email address and password. What it shows is what is on your email server. If there are any unwanted emails you can delete them from the server without downloading them.

  5. Generally using a local email client you will see your mail after it get s downloaded. So it takes some time to see the list of all the new messages. But at this site you see the list without downloading.... so it is very quick. Apart from this, the site in general is also quick in bringing new pages. Other advantages are - you can use it for multiple accounts, contacts (address book)

What is not there:

Well there are some disadvantages compared to the local email clients. This site is plain vanilla mail service. It does not offer any of the special services. This is no big disadvantage for simple mail user.

If you have a mail id different from the POP name, the log in procedure is slightly different, not as easy as giving your email address and password.

They do not have online virus scan.

Other points about the site :

16 languages supported.

They claim that security in any way is not compromised.

At the end... this site is useful for all those who have POP/IMAP enabled email and want to access mail from anywhere without hassles.

Check your mail anywhere in teh world
Aug 20, 2002 09:33 PM6761 Views

I have used this mail2web for a few days. It has always been fast and never gave me a problem thus far. What is really cool about this site, you don’t have to sign up or before using it. All you have to do is place your email and password and that is it. You can read, delete and send mail. So if you travel a lot, this is a must site to check your mail. The web address is very easy to remember This could make other free mail services go down if you know what I mean ha!.


Cambridge England UK
Check your e-mail ANYWHERE
Oct 24, 2001 05:22 PM7514 Views

When I had trouble with accessing my email, BT told me to try I typed the address in my address bar and hey presto! I arrived within a very short time. I then typed in my BT username and password. And ‘bingo!’ all my BT incoming mail was showing.

The screen is somewhat similar to (though not identical), where you can put a cross in the box, and delete the email as appropriate, and click the subject title to read the email.

The site also allows you to reply or write new messages, in the normal way.

Mail2web is fairly quick loading, and surprisingly quick in email retrieval. One of the best things about the site is that all this is free. Yeah, but you get loads of junk mail? Well, actually you don’t!

So what about the lengthy registration? Well, there is none! Yes, that’s right – NONE! It’s amazing, a site, which offers an excellent - needed service, with no registration, and no junk mail? Is it all too good to be true surely? No actually it’s not - so believe it, it really is true!

The site is simple, and very ‘non-thrilling’, but it does do the job it’s supposed to very efficiently. And if you have trouble logging into your mail again (pop3), or are away from your pc, this is the site for you.

In addition the site offers links to its others sites including: news2web, and mail2wap. It is owned by

LOOK, LOOK ''The Flower's Smiling''
Oct 21, 2001 06:10 PM10265 Views

Another weekend and this weekend passed by with a smile on my face, as I put on my head gears to check out this unique service of it's own kind, which is really good.

Mail sites till now were only concentrating on providing free email service, but this site as decided to move out of the track and do something different.

So what's the difference you ask, you must have come across sites which BOLD words saying ''FREE EMAIL SERVICE'', but this site doesn't have any such highlighted words.

But it has only a green sunflower like thing which is smilingly welcoming you to this site and asking you some simply fields to fill in.

mail2web is what they call this and what it really is surely worth to be checked out.So let's roll in and check out.


Welcome to mail2web


So what is all about and what exactly is mail2web.This question still stands, well then the answer is...

Welcome to mail2web a complete new site with a difference launched in 1996 by SoftCom Technology Consulting Inc.

This site helps you check your email account for only one single sites and gives you another option instead for your general site like Yahoo!.

It takes your email address and your password and that's it you can now check your mail from this site which gives you some limited options to help you at least know what's inside your in box.

So when you login, don't except many options as you except in your email service provider.

Mail2web is only here to help you check that's it.


So what does mail2web do?


Mail2web takes your email address and your email password and then with their login method which they call it as intelligent algorithm they enter into your email service providers domain and lets you into your mailbox.

Here is how it works

  • Your enters your email address and the password

  • By their intelligent method they log you into the site with a valid security going along with it.

  • They check your inbox and format your messages into their format and show it to you.

  • And when you log off you session ends and mail2web then forgets you forever.


MA! I fear their security


Well don't fear their security.Their entire process is carried out under 128-bit SSL.Don't fear anything here.No cookies, no data sent to then nothing.

When you provide then with your email address and passwords their Intelligent login form send your data to your email server and no where else.

Then they take your data from your email server and displays it in front of you and when you click on LOG OFF.You are forgotten by them and their shall remember no information about you and no information is recorded.

So if you fear about SPAM mails and other fears then be aside as they have no such fear in them, so why is it in you?


What's the benefit?Why waste the time?


You have asked the wrong question as this is not a waste of time but a time saver.Really it gives you One step access to all of your e-mail accounts

Ability to create a unique home page for family or colleagues that can be fully customized, 16 different language support and links to your favourite web site and news group.

To do all this all you need to do is, click on Configure options on their main page and you are lead through.


Can I customize it for my use


Welcome to mail2web customize, your 6 -7 step wizard which will help your customize mail2web to suite our need.They don't remember your password just your configuration and you have to enter your password everytime you go to log in.

Your will get your address something like

Isn't that good, mail home of your own.Great Add-on isn't it?


Does it work with all my email address?


Sorry, but the answer is no, mail2web only supports only those sites which provides the user with POP3 support.So if you are a Hotmail user or a indiatimes user then this site has no facility for you guys.

But if you have your address with indiainfo or Yahoo!, then it's your places LOG IN.

If your email service provider gives your IMAP or POP3 support then this sites works for you.


Different questions and answer to them all


Different question coming into your mind??Well here are answers to then all.

  • mail2web doesn't provide your with a email address, it only helps you check your existing one

  • You can't create folders and don't have options like your email service provider gives you.

  • Once you delete mail from this site it is also deleted from your mail account

  • You you are logging in from PDA then you should click on Advanced Login

  • They provide you with a 128-but SSL security.

  • If you have forgotten your password then mail2web cannot help you in anyway

  • It is of no use to Hotmail user's and Yahoo! users should first check their HELP Page.

  • It's a free service provided by SoftCom Technology Consulting Inc.




So how do I conclude this session?I would say that this service is definitely worth a checkout as I find no cons in it.

A good service which really works and has no fear to be worried about. So take my word CHECK IT OUT RIGHT NOW.

Time saver
Apr 09, 2001 02:04 PM7664 Views

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Ex ludus dolorem delectus mel, no.

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