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Maa TV Reviews

Guppedantha manasu
Jan 05, 2024 12:44 PM 313 Views (via Mobile)

This serial is very boring to watch now a days . The story is running slow and lagging behind. It is not interesting as the story is revolving around the kidnapping since so many days . Proceed the story line forward to make it interesting.

Kumkum puvu
Oct 11, 2023 03:17 AM 542 Views (via Mobile)

Too much of anajali lag. Serial becoming boring to watch . Please do not waste to the audiance time .

p162_261MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Maa TV
Aug 03, 2023 11:55 AM 669 Views

Most of the serials telecasted in MaaTV have been unethical, irritating and threats to human relations.Despite so unethical and unreasonable, I fail to understand that why people chose to act in these serials. Serials should give society a message. Shame to watch serials on Maa TV including Kaarthika Deepam and Kumkumapoovu. These serials should be stopped from Maa TV or atleast make the content better.


Maa TV
Aug 03, 2023 11:23 AM 546 Views

About Malli Serial: Aravind's patience is super. He is very good at his character. We want Aravind give some lesson to Malini and his family.

Malini and Aravind family are very cunning and selfish. Aravind and Sharat's Characters are too good. But they are not talking against their families

Jul 03, 2023 11:38 PM 553 Views (via Mobile)

Aravind Character is Super. Malli is correct pair to aravind. Malini is selfish. Make malli and malini pair

Guppedantha manasu
May 04, 2023 12:58 PM 662 Views (via Mobile)

Serial is very cute and nice please don't change the timings of this serial pls obey our suggestions

Not only this serial sometimes u will change the timings of old serial pls don't change like that occupy new in ended old serial .

Worst serial of the season title goes to Malli
Mar 27, 2023 09:23 PM 742 Views (via Mobile)

I would like to mention some important things about the serial. I'm not understanding the story of malli serial...malli character is worst character till the day. She's says I'll go from aravind life but stays around him.. And also Aravind how can he forgot years of love with maalini for malli. It will impact very badly on society... Please stop telecasting or modify the story please.

Malli serial
Jan 25, 2023 09:20 PM 985 Views (via Mobile)

Worst serial, waste story, worst screenplay, plz stop displaying......bring new serials with intresting stories.....pls...

Waste of time...

Serial review
Jan 20, 2023 11:44 AM 717 Views (via Mobile)

Requesting to upload Hara hara mahadev serial in Telugu right from begining .

It was good entertaining channel.

We like a lot.

Thank you

Star maa movies
Sep 29, 2022 11:35 PM 779 Views (via Mobile)

Too much of the worst channel for watching movies on this channel, because of cutting the action and main important scenes and Songs.

My experience
Aug 22, 2021 09:44 AM 1633 Views (via Mobile)

The program was conducted bcoz of serial karthikaa deepam where dr. Babu goes to jail. Who the F makes a god festival for the reason where dr.babu goes to jail. Even my mom takes the remote to see the serial . The F program name

Maa Varalakshmi Vratham

Who rated it F 3.3 it must be 1 star

May 26, 2021 08:02 PM 1908 Views (via Mobile)

The serial is toooo worst. Giving more preference

To lasya, bagya characters and that dirty attagaru

Character is worst. What is happening

Here. I think director got mad the serial is toooo

Dirty and worst please stop the serial

Rudrama Devi
Mar 03, 2021 09:20 PM 2119 Views (via Mobile)

Hi sir ,

I am following Rudrama devi serial

because intrested for Historical story of r devi but , this like routine serial wy very boring script writing.

like regular serials script plse stop script because we al see rudrama devi one of tha freedom fighters india.?????????? plse change to real story' .TQ

Sep 09, 2020 07:03 PM 2514 Views (via Mobile)

The serials and shows are simply superb in maa but the only thing that annoys is about the advertisements , Serial comes after a long break and within 5 mins or one word said by the actor only again break ...rather than that maa u r simply superb. The content of specific serials are amazing !!!!!!!!! kindly make sure that u don't show much advertisement please...rather than that ....have great success in the years to come...!!!!!!!!!

Karthika deepam
Aug 04, 2020 09:51 PM 2807 Views (via Mobile)

Worst serial in the world..just stop that serial...nobody want to see the serial with stupid content...ban the director

Advertisement of Vivo Mobile
Jul 22, 2020 10:43 PM 2781 Views (via Mobile)

Most of the Indian Nationals are against chinese apps and products due to problems created by PLA in kadam.

In such time Maa movies channel is showing adds of Vivo mobile.

Being patriotic i didn't liked it.

Why so negative content in serials ?
Dec 04, 2019 01:22 PM 4049 Views


serials in STAR MAA contain negative content like cruelty on women and it impacts very negatively on people"s minds. please telecast some message oriented serials through which people get the awareness. there is no women empowerment, no respect, and a lot of human insults and human violence. Don't people know that these all impact very negatively and people get influenced by it? STAR MAA SERIALS criticize poor people and talk very rubbish about their lives. is that the way? owners are very MONEY MINDED. stop telecasting these all and try to bring awareness about good things in people. many people from remote areas watch your serials, so try to bring good content. you people don't have any right to belittle people"s thoughts. nothing personal. understand and change the content

Oct 30, 2019 10:17 PM 4411 Views (via Mobile)

The serial gone upto an extent

Joyfully. The murder techniques

Playing by Indraja is repeatedly showing. What is the main theme of

the serial is confusing to the TV

audience. Most of the maa serial

going to murders planning by

women actress. Main theme is

leaving of music and succeed to

get father's (Manoj) affection by

Koyilamma (Chinni). How ends this

Serial is unknown.

Vadinamma serial review
Oct 06, 2019 08:28 PM 4992 Views (via Mobile)

Where is kathir/mullai and where is Bharath and siri, siri character is doing really well by lead actress but barath character guy pls change him, worst expressions and kathir fans will attack him in telangana. Apart his representation of kathir damaging and hurting audience

Star maa
Jan 17, 2019 03:58 PM 5761 Views (via Android App)

The Chanel is completely changes they logo and converted into the biggest broadcast of india Chanel into star family and star maa is an perfect Chanel to telugu people who regularly watching this channel and seriels and movies in weekend and star maa is famous for such reality shows also one of the most watched channel of india


Maa TV

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