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Lust - Elfriede Jelinek Reviews

Lust a hard book to read...
May 11, 2019 10:44 PM 920 Views (via Mobile)

From what I've gathered, Jelinek is often reviled for being bitter, as well as criticised for having a strong feminist ethic. Another reviewer was disturbed by her apparent rejection of religion. What's being missed, perhaps, is her self-stated commitment to Marxism - her unapologetic disgust towards the first world and its concerns. The fate of women is very much connected with this disgust. Jelinek herself said she felt that writing this book was like "vomiting": distressing fuor her but necessary. The characters seem flat or even dead because she believes we're commodities ("Wares" in German - "ware" is of course English too, means much the same thing). People are wares/things in all her earlier novels. Even apparently "empowered" men are victims too. Jelinek may not care for Catholicism but she is interested in Truth - however truth is not obvious -it's always running away from language - and so must be teased/ the Mother unsympathetic? I sympathised with her profoundly! She's lost, she's tired, she's being eaten alive! Jelinek's pessimism can be tiresome, inconvenient etc. Her sarcasm is sometimes "cheap" not "classy". People don't notice her sentimental moments but they are

Nature Sao Tome and Principe
!~ ~!~ ~!~ Escapades of a house wife (A)~!~ ~!~ ~!
Feb 13, 2008 11:21 PM 4133 Views

Let me first clarify first why I gave a 4 star to the book and not recommend it.   The author is too creative and the book is a master piece in its genre for its creative imagination.  Probably one may not have witnessed such pressing examples which flow one by one from the beginning till end.  The author who won Nobel Prize for literature in 2004 simply mesmerizes us with her wild imagination.  At the same time the content is presented in an inflammable way which passes a negative value to the society.  The value system on which her book bases is totally false and no way I can endorse such content.   Excess of sex descriptions in red, green, blue, pink, violet and black colours…the book is not recommended for readers for its excess sex content.  The author not respects religion and don't hesitate to ugly a beautiful picture with her poisonous seeds filled in the book.    The entire book only managed to give an ugly mind's lusty escapades without any psychological or logical base.  Surely the characters need consultation by a psychologist, I will limit at it.    I am sure at least few of the readers will be now tempted to read this book but I warn you, if at all you are reading it, you are taking a risk!

The Novel Lust by the famous Austrian Novelist Elfiede Jelinek is her views on sexuality in present society, especially in the European background.    The Director (The central character) is a typical man who always demands sex from his wife at any given point of free time.   His entire life concentrates on this activity.  However he does not consider the pleasure of his wife, Madam Director.    (Her name is Brijith which only tells when only 2 more pages to go in the book).  They had a son who is growing up like his father.   The mother try to give away her love and try to keep him as close as possible, but when he went to school and mix with children she is alone at home without anything to do but to expect the husband and son.   She is now in her middle age and she fear that she will lose the youthfulness sooner.   She realize that she is not getting pleasure from her husband.  She finally land up with a law graduate Michael, who is much younger to her but proved his ability to make her happy.  She was preparing plans for her life with Michael, but he has other plans in his mind.   Brijith's life reaches the lowest level and she knows that and dropped few tears on that, but by now she is a victim and addict…reached a stage where there is no come back.  The story takes a shockingly tragic end but the effect of it is not projected well by the author since purpose of the novel was to convey a message than telling a story.

I can easily compare this book to a modern art which contain sex pictures in abundance in it.  You know some parts which you can clearly identify where you have to make out rest of the picture to make a sense.  Otherwise you can compare it to a fully scratched glass of different colours through which you can see the entire bed scenes of a husband and wife.   I have not read such a detailed poetic novel but how I wished the writer use her talent for creative use than destructive writing.

Genital organs of man or woman…it is shame for most of us to talk about in Indian culture.  However, the author finds no such hurdles and use each and every word of it known and unknown including dictionary words vulgar words, symbols, and what not?  I have heard that there are thousand names we call for Gods.   Here, in this book I stop counting but the writer uses at least 1000 symbols to represent them.    After a point, the writer finds it in any scene which is observed from the nature.   The intention was very clear.    The writer believes that it is sextuality which keep woman bonded to the establishment called marriage.  She finds that it is this worship to this sexuality and its symbols which prevents woman from searching her own pleasures and goals.

The writer does not believe in religion nor ready to heed by the decrees by the authority.     She finds religion and state responsible for keeping woman in the lower berth.      For that matter she does not endorse the establishment called marriage.  Obviously she didn't find need for children out of these insecure relations.  She observes that these unnecessary by-products of lust will be a nuisance for the happy living.

She doesn't put any responsibility on woman, but she recognizes that woman too is responsible for their fate.  Her point 'This woman loves, but not getting the love back' is probably right in many cases.    This probably is right but I believe true love surely will find it's right destination if it is true love.  The protagonist however weighed love and decided to go for the meatier part which was false.

I wish the author know the entire meaning of sexuality and love.  I wish the author seen happy living partners in abundance.   I wish the author come to Indian villages where families love and live in harmony.   When Europe went with the 'Freedom, Equality & Peace' the essential responsibility to one self and the society lost some where.

To get rain, water need to evaporate first with the help of heat.   A hard looking iron rode or a piece of glass…all melts in different temperatures.   Love with sexuality is the melting heat for human hearts and soul.   Love prepares two souls for changing form and makes it possible to live in this world further and together.  Through love they are heading for eternity.  Till the world last they exist, where the world does not have an end.

Sexuality is only a means for continued existence of self.  One who knowingly or unknowingly lives will continue it, if not willfully prevent it.   I feel the book 'Lust' (216 pages) misses a good soul, a heart, a good message.  But the author is talking about a gender which she feels put down by another gender, society and religion for generations.   We are in a dilemma, until we realize that man and woman comes from a common source and equal part of a greater soul.   The beauty of life flowers when there is harmony among partners.  Let us allow love to spread with respect to individuals institutions and society where taking responsibility for the present condition and promising a positive change in our attitude.  Happy Valentines' Day!!!


Lust - Elfriede Jelinek

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