I've actually stopped using Lufthansa for over ten years now. When they changed my assigned seat without notice and gave it to someone else and threaten to remove me from the plane if I refused to sit in the middle where the new seat was assigned.
This year, my mom, wanted to visit my brother on the way home, and since my brother lives in Frankfurt, she booked a ticket on Lufthansa. Big mistake.
On international flights, on one of the routes, you are allowed two 23kg luggage and for the rest you have to pay. The information on Luf. website is very confusing, they have routing sections, and numbers but no clear explanation from point A to B. So, I called the customer service number and asked what the cost would be. She took my reservation number, checked the flight and came back with the quote that it would cost$125.00
Fast forward, at the airport, at the checking counter, looking to checkin the extra bag and we are asked to pay$230. Obv. at this point, there is nothing you can do, except pay. You know how whenever you try to reason with them, they turn into an emotionless parrot, and keep repeating themselves? It must be some sort of a training and brain-washing techniques that apparently all these companies' employees go through. So, anyway, I paid.
Then I wrote a complaint to Luf. After two weeks of no reply and sending two emails, I got a canned response, this time the parrot could write.:-)
Useless, incompetent people. Now, my mom will never fly Luf.
Keep it up Luf.

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.