Why I bought This I recall once a journalist wrote abt 5 christs he came across. He says ‘as a kid I knew him as a fairytale character, as a teenager I realized he was a man in the history, as a college student I found him to be a great teacher, later I reckoned him as the saviour & finally I am seeing the Christ that dwells in me’. most of us tale is similar. As for the book, first I read my friends copy. The book greatly helped me understand Christ like never before. my experience is that after u read this, u will understand the gospels better. So recently when I went buying books I bought this since I know I will need this again & again thru the rest of my life.
What kind Of book a biography of Christ, written after years of research, contemplation & prayer by a man of great love for God, Rev Fulton J sheen. Truly this is an example of ’when love & labour work together expect masterpieces’. The book presents the Christ story in its entire historical, spiritual context. printed by ATC, Bangalore, 165Rs, 450 pages, 5 x 8 inches.
Who reads this its not for all. In fact no person can read it out of his own wish, he can only read this due to divine urge. Certainly a seekers treasure I wud recommend this to all who are curious abt christ. Also people who have heard abt Christ can read this to know & understand Christ. For the aam aadmi who may not attend a dedicated bible class or theology classes this is a blessing.
The book & the plot: the back cover appraisal of the book holds good as it is the most eloquent of Fulton sheens books. The author describes Christ not only historical & spiritual perspective but in contemporary terms. The other characters like Mary, Joseph, disciples, herod, pilate get detailed treatment.
Critical acclaim & a well written preface are a must read before beginning the book. Then begin the 62 gripping chapters. Author begins by talking of Christ whose birth was preannounced and waited upon by ppl & explains divine, human nature of jesus. In one leap the author explains the early life of jesus, including the significance of his name or significance of the star at his birth or why jesus was born in a manger with his deep spiritual interpretations. The way in which author takes us through those events is like being there. One feels as If its being acted out.
Beautiful is the narration abt the three temptations of jesus. They hold a lot of lessons for our own situations of temptations. Often there is a deep meaning & significance to the words of jesus. The author brings this about by highlighting meaning of the words like ‘hour’. Jesus’ talking to nicodemus is so full of spiritual truths. One of the often said tales is of Samaritan woman meeting jesus. One may not get much reading it in bible. The author has taken pains to present the event in its due spiritual, historical angle. The chapter clearly explains the transforming power of Christ.
Another classic is the chapter on beatitudes. Author brings out how ‘blessed are the poor’, ‘blessed are the patient’, ‘blessed are the clean of heart’, ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ are relevant in todays world. The events like life of john the Baptist, transfiguration are truly enlightening as they show to u new revelations. In subtle ways the author shows how the modern leaders get their followers sacrificed for themselves.
The author brings out very well how opposition grew as jesus went ahead with his ministry. All events in the gospel get a detailed analysis. As the story gets grimmer the drama in the book is visible to make out. The events like last supper, agony in the garden, betray are simply make u feel as if its happening now. By the way Judas gets a chapter dedicated to him.
The story after the arrest, the many trials of jesus in one night & the hurried execution is dealt in a dramatic way but not missing the historical perspective. Getting a detailed analysis is Pilate vs Jesus. Further the way f cross, crucifixion & burial throws up many historical facts unknown to many readers. The resurrection & ascension are spiritual classics in their own right.
The final chapter on the church as the mystical body of Christ will definitely be a whole new set of revelation to most. Many may have just known this, but the way the author brings abt this thru scriptures simply deserves accolades.
Conclusion: this stands among the best books I have read, perhaps next only to the bible itself. Reading this is likely to change most readers knowledge/opinion of the subject itself. I know I will have to read it many more times before I can claim to have grasped all that the book offers for spiritual growth. This is the kind of books one has to will to read it, reading these is not an act of wish or timepass, its an act of will. Slow and steady approach is better with time pauses for reflecting. A very very very good buy.
p.s: this is seventh time the 'aam aadmi' has come in my title, bear with me, forgiv me, I just cant get rid of the aam aadmi in me ;-)
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