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LIC Visa Credit Card Reviews

Aug 21, 2021 06:17 PM 775 Views (via Android App)

Have provided me with LIC credit card which life time free card. My credit was about 75 thousand. I have not provided any documents to apply this card. Since its a government based credit card I am not getting any offers but its easy to use.

LIC Cards
Feb 26, 2020 04:52 PM 1189 Views

I am using LIC Cards from last 6 years .This is nice card and good facilities.

Thanks LIC - thanks axis bank

Nikhilphafat92MouthShut Verified Member
Near Ramdevbaba Temple, Telhara India
Lic credit card
Nov 23, 2017 03:19 PM 3854 Views (via Android App)

I am the LIC user and I have the LIC visa credit card so I want to share my view about that card with all of you the card is very good because I am using it since 6 months and there's nothing problem in the transaction by me in that card because the the rate of the card or not so high and there are some free first two or three transactions are free and after that there was nothing so much hours after all that also after two or three transaction so according to me it is not highly payable amount that will charge by LIC and credit card quality is also very good means there is nothing wrong happen with that means as we all know about the credit card but there are some problem in the credit card but that problem is nothing in that credit card according to me read my all transaction are made by me by the LIC visa credit card and I am totally satisfied with the service of this card


LIC Visa Credit Card
shubhammahajanss66MouthShut Verified Member
Pathankot,Punjab India
Customer Service is Bad...
Jun 06, 2017 02:32 PM 4683 Views (via Android App)

This ia one of the worst Company, Which Provided the Visa Credit Card.This company is not Good.This company customer services and the policies is also very bad.


( 1) The customer service of this Company is Not Great.This company does not give the best services.This company does not care there customers after getting the policy from this company.This is the worst part of this Company.

( 2) The Rates and the Charges of this company is also very Bad.This company Rates are very High and the charges are also High.Which is very frustrating.

( 3) If we talk about the satisfaction.This company does not give any satisfaction.This company visa Credit Card service is very bad.This is not the trust able company.

Overall, The performance of this company os very Bad.

My Rate: 1 out of 5.

The best credit card
Jan 12, 2016 09:20 AM 7207 Views (via iOS App)

This is the best. No annual charges, easy  bill payment at axis bank counter without any charge, no add on card charges, nothing hidden.

only pay interest as per common rule like other credit cards and late payment charges if you are late.

aur kya chahiye!

The best credit card.

Negligence Of Axis Bank In LIC Credit Card
Nov 11, 2014 08:38 PM 2290 Views


Callous Axis Bank did not follow my standing instructions/mandates on 6 LICI policies, the premiums of which are to be deducted from my LICI Platinum card. They created a mess by paying 4 policies’(413929090 DOC: 28.05.96. Prem. Rs. 4126, 1.Policy No. 414151311 DOC: 28.06.98 Prem: Rs. 2700; 2. Policy No.414151284, DOC: 28.06.98. Prem: Rs 2676; 3. Policy No. 577936010 DOC: 28.06.09 Prem: Rs. 10156) premiums after almost one and half months of the due date & charged penalty. I did not pay the late fees and gave the exact amount to Axis Bank within due date. I am receiving several unsolicited calls, e-mails, SMSs, couriers for the non-payment of such dubious deductions since last six months. Therefore, I need to have compensation of Rs. 500000 INR for causing mental agony, depression, frustration, wasting my time, obstructing central government employee’s duty & above all, causing lapses in policy-premium payments. etc.


I have a Platinum LIC card no. 46XXXXXXXXXX2141

I have standing instruction for 6 policies, which are to be deducted from my LIC card.

One of them is: 413929090 DOC: 28.05.96. Premium Rs. 4126

As the scheduled date of payment was just 3-day-before the activation of card(1 June, 2012), I asked(date not remembered) the customer care through my registered mobile(+91930630707)for following clarification: May I have to pay it or you? The answer was: “No, you have to pay this”.

Therefore my agent took the trouble to pay it on 28/06/2012. [transaction ID:24529657]

I received an SMS from LIC card Service on 07/07/2012, 5.46.36. p.m. that stated: “You have a new LIC for Rs. 4153.60 due by 11/07/12…”

I was surprised and worried as I do not have such policy with such amount.

I immediately called Customer Care. They do not pay any heed to my problem and said that they would do according to the LIC’s instruction. And I must have to contact LIC for cancellation of such erroneous instruction. They refused to take any complaint or necessary action.

And LICcard spent Rs. 4153.60(with penalty) on 9th. July for nothing.

Therefore I was bound to pay twice: one without late fee and another with late fee.

I am totally disturbed by the matter and dissatisfied with the LIC-Axis Bank ’collusion’–the network is still incomplete, i.e. the information flow in this newly launched service is yet to be rectified. My earnest request is that first establish co-ordination with LIC, then launch such service.

The last question: how should I be compensated for such harassment? Why should I and my agent spend valuable time for such technical fault? You do spare my tinniest fault. You are too privileged and getting more relative importance than underprivileged customer. PART-II

This is to inform you that I’ve three other policies, which were under the mandate:

Policy No. 414151311 DOC: 28.06.98 Premium: Rs. 2700; 2. Policy No.414151284, DOC:28.06.98. Premium: Rs 2676; 3. Policy No. 577936010 DOC: 28.06.09 Premium: Rs. 10156.

In case of all these 3 policies, my instructions were not followed and charged with late fees. I did not pay the late fees and gave the exact amount to Axis Bank. My logic is: why should I pay late fees, when my standing instruction clearly shows the last dates of three premiums? It is not my FAULT! My policies had lapsed due to their negligence. Who would be responsible if something had happened to me? I’m totally disappointed with Axis Bank service. Moreover, Customer Care personnel are useless chaps –they, could not help me in this regard. Therefore, I’ve cancelled all the standing instructions.


I am receiving several unsolicited phone calls, e-mails, SMSs, untimely knocking of courier-persons for the non-payment of such dubious deductions, though I am repeatedly telling them not to disturb me. I had got a call(when I was going to switch off my cell) from 03330085019 on 10. 12. 12. at 4.16 p.m., when I was going to present my research paper at an international symposium at Bengaluru. The person refused to tell me his name and threatened me rudely and my presentation was affected badly for such call though I requested him that before calling person, as a part of civility, he should ask, “Are you busy?”. However, he said, “I don’t wish to learn anything from you.” From that time I’ve decided not to attend such call from unknown/anonymous person. Even I have got this type of defamatory messages: “Your a/c has been under serious non-pymnt issues for a period of time. This will have severe implication to your credit history.Repayment defaults on your existing loan account will hamper your ability to avail of any new loans and facilities.Pls settle your a/c immedtly to avoid severe repurcussions out of legal action.Pl contact us on 033-44072720 to assist you on repaymnts(sic) of your debts.”(received 01:16:19 pm, 06-03-2013) It is something more than surprising! My son commented on this mess, “I’ve to read history, but Axis Bank does not know the history of customers–poor students! Without knowing pros and cons of LIC card transactions, they are disturbing my parents. They are launching LICI credit card without any co-ordination with LICI. They do not follow my father’s standing instructions.” This moron bank could not understand simple chronology that even a child can make out.

Therefore, I need to have compensation of Rs. 500000 INR for causing mental agony, depression, frustration, wasting my time, obstructing government employee’s duty and above all, causing lapses in policy-premium payments. etc. And I am earnestly requesting LICI to get rid of this moron Axis bank, which has many forgery cases done by their management stuffs along with money laundering cases.

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