Am not a parent. Am not a child anymore. Am only a lone adult who found this book useful in his quest for a healthier & happier relationship with anything human.
Authors Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish dedicate Liberated Parents, Liberated Children to, as they put it, To any parent, anywhere, who's ever muttered to himself, ''There has to be a better way!''
This extraordinary guide is written mainly with parents in mind.
To steer them towards a better existence with their special children.
But it is just as useful to the highschool senior next door who's having problems with his girlfriend, the teacher who's going nuts trying to resolve battles among elementary kids or the couple exhausted with their marital quarrels.
For anybody who's not able to understand the other anymore and is dead tired trying.
The book brings to life the personal experiences of the authors & the true life stories of other parents as well.
Regarding their harrowing & blissful moments with their kids. Of breakthroughs & failures in their ceaseless efforts to be a better mum or dad.
Their experiences, humbly shared, are a revelation to say the least.
Jot down the invaluable suggestions given that can change the face of your relationships. Permanently.
And join in the laughs, lump at the throat, tear down the cheek that follow too.
Few of the experiences -
An innocent 8-year-old boy called a 'liar' & 'irresponsible' by his friend's mother, comes home weeping. Shares the incident with his dad. Half an hour later, the same boy, feeling better now staggers his father by quoting a self-made proverb, ''It's not what they think; it's what I know''
From weeping to wisdom.(as his stunned father puts it)
Or the irritated daughter who had a fight with her friend, didn't understand algebra at class & didn't start the social studies report that's due in 2 days.
In comes her mother.
After some time, the mother kisses her, closes the light & begins to leave the room. Her daughter calls back.
''I think if Hitler had you for a mother, he wouldn't have been Hitler''
Or the parents who had to put up with their depressed teenager high on drugs (marijuana). The boy who even contemplated suicide.
Today, he's a college professor having a fine reputation with his colleagues & respect from his students.
And admiration from his proud parents
What did these parents do that transformed their child during those times of hurt?
For that, you must read this book.
There are no shortcuts mentioned. No magic wand that can alter the status-quo overnight with a swish...
The above trio are no super-heroes.
Just everyday men & women, like you & me.
Who still have their periods of hot flashes.
Moments of regret when they temporarily give up on the relationship & retreat to their shells.
Resolving human issues is a never-ending struggle. But a fulfilling one at that.
Who can resist the splash of smiles, laughs & hugs of the other?
For that joy to last, we are willing to get back to the table again.
Last words in the book (by the authors)
.....a parent's power is limited. So many of the forces that shape our children's lives - temperament, intelligence, looks, health, the culture, the times, and just plain luck - are beyond our control. There's so little we can alter, so much we must accept. We do, however, have the power to determine how we will communicate with our children. We can choose our words and we can choose our attitude. And sometimes these choices can change a child's destiny
This book's a North Star.
Follow it's light for the rest of your life
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