Firstly, I was little worried about purchasing this microwave from online store.
But in this case online store has done the great job.
Quick delivery and fast installation perfectly.
Now if I talk about this product performance, this microwave oven is very good in overall. It has not much noise. Looks good, works perfectly from the first day till now.
There is no any compromise in quality and built material.
Internal rotor does it own work very nicely without any issue.
This is good for small family.
Good design and look is very premium.
It's now one of a attraction point of our kitchen room.
It's nice handy and user friendly, durability is super as it is clear by its performance.
I have a almost 2 years of experience of it till now.
I purchased it for my parents.
There is no any issue about the productperformance. It's a 5 star product as I have seen for a long time in my house practically.
Worthy of money here.
One issue I have but it's not about this product, it's all about the service demo representative.
The LG representative guy, who came for the demo didn't know about this product properly.
He said that the oven timer will start start at 30 seconds by the default and that timer can be set only in multiple of 30 seconds, since I am seeing the operation of this oven for a long time in my home when my mother operate it properly. So then, I gave that LG guy a piece of mind and told him how to operate it.
It's a infamy of LG that they send such guys for demo representation!
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.