This lake is situated at the edge of heart. The serene beauty will hire your soul, pounding with a reflection on the green . and bluish water situated at an altitude of 4250 m, Don't you remember the last scene of( 3 IDIOTS), that exact place YES: you will find that yellow scooter to drive with a romantic view of Pangong TSO .
LODGING; Lodging at Pangong is totally fun, cause you find tents and small room to stay . Freezing temp. will never make your adrenaline go low.Price is 1500 per room for 4 person . People prefer to stay one night for the Sunrise and the changing water color from greenish to bluish, Yeah the water seems to change its color due to the change in angle of the rays hitting the water surface.
Near to the lake military high alert bulletproof boats are always on duty, this may be a new thing to watch there.
FOODING: the fooding price is high, normally 4 person fooding per day can cost you around 3000 -3500 .
Don't miss to visit the military camps. Well. I still remember the warm welcome by one of the Ranger's officer. While going there you will come across the JAB TAK HAI JAAN " Shahrukh khan; bridge crossing shooting place, along with the locals and cattleman with yaks and horse .
IMP. POINTS; Most of the traveler face mechanical problems in their bikes while hiking on such challenging way.So if you face some of these, locals can arrange 207 trucks .
Comment, for more info regarding Lodging and boarding and contact information at pangong lake and all leh tour.
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