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L'oreal Acne Response Reviews

Delhi India
There is no product specified
Oct 21, 2008 02:10 PM2336 Views

When I read the review I could hardly read any product that relates to acne. The only thing I could read is a comment from one person for what could be the cure for acne. I have heard a lot about Acne product. I wanted to know from any readers that can they give us any more highlights on the products that are used for acne treatment.

I have not used this product but I have eared that Loreals products are very good and their cosmetic products are the best. I have been using the other products of this company like the make up and they are very nice.The price ranges are also very good The best thing about he product is that it is suitable for all skin types.

The product for acne are more and I have not used this specific product but still have heard from people that Lorals product for acne is the best

It is a pretty decent peel for the price.
Oct 10, 2006 11:35 PM5098 Views

Why did I purchase this peel

I purchased this kit because where I am from, getting a salicyic acid peel will run you about $100 USD per sessions and it will take about 7-9 sessions to see some results. When I consulted the dermatologist about this procedure and was I a good candidate for the glycolic peel, she advise against me using glycolic peel because I am prone to hyperpigmentation and I have highly sensitive skin. She quoted me the price and since my insurance doesn't cover it, I bidded her a good day,

I went to a popular chain retailer and I noticed that this kit was on sale. And on top of that I had remember to take a coupon with me and I purchased one box. I had mild hopes that this will work but I wouldn't be too down in the dumps if this didn't work for me since it was sold to the public.

Product Description and Ingredients listing:

Go to for full listing (word limit)

How I used it:

I pretty much used as the instructions stated, but I decided to use it twice a week instead of the maximum. The cleanser was pretty mild. It contained a low percentage of salicylic acid, about 0.55% and it didn't cause any reactions. The actual peel contained a surprisingly ow amount of glycolic acid. I am used to 15% to 20% when I used other kits at home. When I applied the peel, I actually felt a stinging/burning sensation, but I pressed on. After leaving it on for about 2 minutes tops, I applied the neutralizer. You don't rinse off the peel for some reason. The texture of the neutralizer is actually a lotion, while the peel is actually kind of semi-slimy. You have to go lightly on the neutralizer since if you apply too much, it will clump on your face. It almost instantaneously calmed down my face.

My results:

After using it for about 2 weeks, my face started to peel big time. I had to slow down on the peels because I noticed that my fingerprints was starting to peel off. That is an indication that this kit is pretty potent. The burning sensation ceased after I used the kit after the first application of the peel agent. So now my skin is going through a purging phases and I can say that this stuff does what it says. It smoothed out my forehead but not noticeable in the cheeks or chin area. But for the record, please start off slow, like using this kit once a week. Just so your skin can get used to it. It did help to lighten some acne scars but not all of them. But I will give this a four. Just a tip, get this kit on sale or on eBay. Also please make sure you can return the product if you are not satisfied because everyone's skin reacts to different products. Take care and I hope this review helps someone make a decision. As for treating acne, that is debateable.

Acne Removal - How to remove acne
Oct 07, 2006 11:32 AM3553 Views

Its a good cream but whichever one you use its down to some basics to prevent acne.

Ways to avoid acne #1: Use a cleansing diet to get rid of the impurities in your system.

Ways to avoid acne #2: Clean your skin everyday.

Ways to avoid acne #3: Use a benzoyl peroxide lotion to keep blemishes at bay.

Ways to avoid acne #4: Check your cosmetics, foods and other products to make sure you are not having a problem with allergies that can be mistaken for acne.

Ways to avoid acne #5: If you eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet you are less likely to have problems with acne.

Ways to avoid acne #6: Some vitamins will decrease your chances of acne. Check with your doctor to see what she suggests.

Ways to avoid acne #7: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water is important for the health of your skin.

Ways to avoid acne #8: Some people feel that cutting down on sugar, flour and caffeine is one of the ways to avoid acne.

Ways to avoid acne #9: If you have small blackheads or pimples do not pop them. This can lead to even more skin problems.

Ways to avoid acne #10: Don?t use greasy lotions and cosmetics as they contain oils that can promote acne.

Ways to avoid acne #11: Try not to take any medications that contain iodides or bromides.

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