Mrs. Latha Namboodiri(Kristal Group MD),
For the past 4 years you have been lying to me about the completion of my apartment in Kristal Dolomite. 4 years back Kristal requested me to pay upfront 88% and promised my apartment would be completed much ahead of other apartments and given to me in a living condition. This was expected to be somewhere in 6 months from then.
Forget 6 months, it is 4 years and you still have not completed my apartment. Kristal Management, you or your Customer Relation Manager never responded properly and always said either slowdown or other reasons for delay and the apartment will be ready in next 3 months.
For the past six months when I asked Kristal to register my apartment(part of legal clause) Kristal management says unless I pay 90% and the Registration amount, Kristal would not register my apartment . Hats off to your ethics - you say this to a customer from whom you took upfront money for an undelivered promise.
Since it is difficult to fight with big builders with a legal department and we somehow want the apartment to live, I pay for registration. With the registration amount paid, I have now paid Rs 1lakh 35 thousand in excess of 90%. And as per promise then, I should have had the apartment ready by now.
Two weeks back, you Mrs Latha Namboodiri( Kristal MD) promised me you would return the amount in two days and now it is one and half week I have been reaching your cell or mailing you and the CRM. Neither you nor your CRM reply to the completion date or about the return of my money.
I am posting it here since I all my effort to reach you had failed.
Please let me know when you will complete my apartment and return my excess money.
Unfortunately a Kristal Customer,

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.