*There is a sanskrit saying which means- The tree of coconut can offer you everything that we need to live .Coconut in any form is a super food.
Be it coconut drink, coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut flesh or meat, desiccated coconut powder or coconut oil**You will see benefits after benefits .
If refined sugar is my turn off, coconut in any form is my " turn on".
For long coconut oil had a bad rap and misconceptions around it since its a saturated fat, but this saturated fat is a medium chain fatty acid and that makes it unique and useful as its metabolised differently and easily into quick energy .
When mom cooks the food in this oil , the whole area including all the nearby rooms get the nice aroma from the oil, now thats a very good sign of a quality oil . The food made in it smells and tastes distinctly of a coconut, that's another sign of freshness and purity .
Refined vegetable seed oils, like sunflower and safflower, that people normally use that I never use or advocate, has almost no color, taste or aroma, its bleached and deodorized . Take my word and use this pure coconut oil, it's a challenge that for a good 20 feet diameter you will be able it smell the nice aroma of this oil . I always preach what I practice, this oil is an indispensable part of my pharmacy you guys call kitchen .
Since its a medium chain Triglyceride(MCT) it more likely to be easily converted to energy and less likely to be stored as fat .
Contrary to old wrong beliefs, it actually protects against heart disease and not promote it . Coconut oil does not promote obesity but makes you slimmer . Its a fat burner therapy since its known to rev up the metabolism by 5% and manage your hunger better. Its truly a miracle oil . It also corrects the LDL to HDL ratio and enhances only the good cholesterol .
KLF coconad oil was bought by me off D'Mart yesterday, solely to use at home and then review it . Its made from the finest coconuts of kerala and has 47% lauric acid that is an immunity builder .
FYI, pure coconut oil has around 50% lauric acid and this one has 47% which itself is a marker of a quality oil .
I dropped a few drops of this oil on my hands and in my mouth to test it . My love for good fats has grown into an obsession . Im also quite skilled now to test most oils just by its taste, consistency, aroma, "oiliness " and color .
Oils should be the color of the stuff it came from, generally dark, virgin, unrefined, unbleached and non- deodorised .
The aroma lingered on, on my hands and in my mouth for hours and the roof of my mouth is still giving me the nice oily-slippery feel .
I am also in a position to make my own virgin coconut oil, coconut milk and coconut cream at home, its a very easy process actually .
Many studies have revealed coconut oil helps one with issues of the thyroid gland, brain fog, dementia, epilepsy and alzheimer's disease . Its great for the skin as a moisturiser and can be used to soothe and heal eczema and psoriasis or any other inflammatory skin condition like acne . It helps remove blemishes on the skin in the long run or at least lighten them, heal and soothe your sun burns .we all know that its also a hair tonic and helps heal the scalp too
One can also do a coconut oil pull by swirling a spoonful in your mouth and discarding it, early in the morning when the mouth smells foul because of the plaque that settles over night and the food that putrifies in the intestines .
The oil of coconut also has antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antiviral properties and the reason why I said, its an immunity builder.
*Now let me tell you the biggest reason why I also use coconut oil with my cooking. Its the most stable oil for high heat cooking, especially when deep frying or sauteing.
The smoking point is as high as 350 deg C .yippeeee.*
If someone just wishes to know which oils or fats I prefer in my first pharmacy that you guys call kitchen.
1.Pure Virgin coconut oil.
- Pure and filtered / Kacchi Ghani Mustard, Til(sesame) or groundnut oil
3.Extra Virgin Borges Olive oil with intense dark color in dark green bottles .
- Home made Ghee or butter and cream .
What I completely don't allow at home - refined vegetable seed oils that most of you guys use thinking they are healthy . Any trans fat like Dalda / vanaspati Ghee/ palmolein or margarine or shortening. Trans fats are killer fats and stubborn fats .

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