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Kissed by an Angel - Elizabeth Chandler Reviews

Matawan United States of America
Feb 07, 2009 03:09 AM 3350 Views

I recently found out about the Trilogy Kissed By An Angel. I started to read it two days ago and Im finishing it up. I absolutely love this book! It's a bit depressing, but it's a beautiful love story about a deceased lover who is no his girlfriend's guardian angel protecting her from the harm of his killer.

I would and I do recommend this book to any... you won't be able to put it down- you'll laugh, shed tears (I was in hysterics and I cry when I read it) sign, and might even get a little angry with Ivy. But all in all its an amazing book that will keeping you wanting more! I enjoy every second of reading Kissed By An Angel.

This book is just so good- it's so god that you actually feel that you are Ivy- that you're in her shoes- at times it may not be the best feeling but this book it at the top on my list A+;Number One. This is most definitely the book to read especially if you love a well written romantic love story of teenage love and tragedy.

I loved this trilogy
Jul 09, 2004 08:37 AM 4568 Views

Anyone who enjoys a love story and a little bit of magical whimsy should definitely read this 3 book trilogy. It'll make you smile, cry, laugh, sigh, gasp, and just about anything else one could do when reading a book. Personally, I like all the books by the author.

I have to warn anyone who cries easily, will definately have to be careful, there are many sad parts, but the funny parts and the uplifting parts will definately make up for it.

This is definitely a happy ending story as well. So, please at least try the books. There are three of them, unless you're lucky and can find the book that has all three stories in one. Oh, and there are angel's of course, hence the title.

Since the story is set in high school years, of course the most likely readers will be in high school, but don't let that stop you. I admit when I first read it I was 16 or so, but I'm in my early 20's and I still like to check it out of the library for a fresher, and I got my 13 year old sister to read it. Gotta love a classic. Anyway go out there and enjoy


Kissed by an Angel - Elizabeth Chandler

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