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Kingfisher Airlines Reviews

Kolkata India
Amazing experience in the sky
Jun 22, 2006 12:50 PM 1856 Views

I had to go to Goa onJanuary and since I was not getting any good deals on jet or indian airlines ithought I will try kingfisher till mumbai and then take a train to goa. It wasone of my best experiences in India.I felt like royal class from the moment I got in the plane till I got out.Ambience was amazing, food was good and they also gave us goodies. Also for thetickets I did not have to wait long in queues or go to a travel agent, I justlogged in to their site and they showed me all the options and handling it wasvery easy also.

Worth the money. The moment you enter the plane you know that it is verydifferent from all the other flight that you have been on and that you arereally going to enjoy the flight.

Hope it sustains with growth...
Jun 14, 2006 12:43 PM 2121 Views

Clearly the best airline & one hope it sustains quality with growth...

The genuinely good things that stand out :

  • Online booking happened each time. Website was not stuck as happens with Deccan & Indian.

  • I have never encountered rush on their counter, except on Goa airport but thats cause Goa airport is actually just an airstrip doubling for airport despite very heavy tourist traffic.

  • The one thing that stands out is that if you are holding a Kingfisher ticket the ground crew comes to help you. In most airports with police howling at you to get your car off the disembarking zone. other drivers fringing on homicidal tendancies as you unload your bag. You have to say your bye byes, if its official tour tip the driver, find a cart. At such a time, some guy takes your baggage & places it infront of the scanner or Kingfisher check-in counter, is genuine help. Really I dont think on-board one needs to be hand held to his seat (which most airlines do), some dont.. :) but genuine help is needed in check-in & check-out mad rush hours.

Areas one could work on :

  • Smaller sectors covered / flight between Delhi & Dehradun for example :)

  • Check-out ... if there could be some way to improve the way baggage is recovered ... & passenger exit.... that is not expected... but would leave a lasting impression... apart from the fact that real service is needed on the badly managed airports & not so much in-flight.

  • Lastly its criminal to play recorded matches between India & Sri Lanka ... where after 2 hours you realize this was the match that India lost.. we are not a nation of "cricket" lovers... Indians love cricket cause that is the only game that has over the decades given something to be proud of "consistently".. dont put in feeds of India's worst 10 defeats as on-deck entertainment...

  • Buy programs... that end within flight time... dont show episodes of some drab Television soap ...

  • Cut advt on such short flights... try to secure revenue through ticket sales... :)

Finally ... Hope someone from the airline reads this... :)

Gimme Red, Any Day!
Jun 14, 2006 10:46 AM 1824 Views

Kingfisher Airlines, quite simply put, is India's Best. Be it the flaming red everywhere which gives you a sense of superiority when you are at the red-carpeted check-in counters, or the red-clad and shapely lasses on the other side of the counter or along the aisle when onboard, the 'VJ' Mallya touch of Class is everywhere. Great spacious aircraft, decent cuisine, THE BEST (in Indian skies and even some European ones, for that matter) In-Flight entertainment and better-than-the-rest punctuality are enough reasons to list KF as a 'Must Fly'. The icing on the cake is that every now and then you could actually win KF tickets at THROW AWAY prices at auctions at different sites (Indiatimes, Rediff, ebay etc). I flew Bombay-Delhi at 1500 bucks and Cochin-Bombay for 3400. Any day a steal, and satisfaction guaranteed (to weary bones, growling stomachs and lusty eyes!). If you aint been there yet, YOU AINT SEEN NUTHIN YET< BAYBEH!! Try it to Believe it.


Kingfisher Airlines
The airlines that delivers value for money
Jun 14, 2006 09:00 AM 2061 Views

After experiencing a whole range of airlines from East-West of yesteryears to Indian Airlines, Jet, Air Deccan, AIr India, AirIndia Express and then Kingfisher recently, I believe I am in a position to applaud the efficiency of the airline.

The hospitality of the ground staff, the reservations of seats at the lounge all made me feel good even before I boarded the aircraft. But that was not all, I saw that my seat in economy class was not crammed, I had more leg space and phew!! the air hostess gifted me a kit with earphones, sweets, tissues and a pen. Then I was more than surprised to see Vijay Mallya introducing me to his concepts of the airlines and the service he was offering. Then came the take off announcements with safety instructions being demonstrated by Yana Gupta.

I was welcomed cordially with water and a drink, not the usual tetrapak of AI or IA.

Then came the best part of service with the food having more than usual menus and also more on number of items and portions in each pack . The best part was that the food did not stink when the aluminium foil was removed and it did taste good. Desserts too were exotic. And I could while away my time and enjoy all this with music seggregated carefully for different tastes and ages and some television channels. Since I travelled during this football season, I saw most people glued to the game.

Oh and I forgot the best part of it, while passengers from IA were stranded at the airport due to undue delay of their flight, Kingfisher took off on time and the Pilot apologized for the 5 minute delay in landing.

I will definitely travel this airline again. And why not, when I get good facilities at a low cost too.

Kingly Bubbly Kingfischer
Jun 04, 2006 10:37 AM 4496 Views

I have been travelling over Indian Skies for last 30 years and have logged in 28,000 hrs of flying and mostly initially Indian Airlines and than Jet Airways.Thus I had over the years devloped and Idea how the airlines are.And than cam a flurry of Airlines each voowing customers with offers etc etc.But I stuck to tried and tested IA.

Than while I was planning to go to Bangalore from Mumbai my office gave me ticket of King fischer airlines saying Sir you must be bored with same Airlines and why dont you try something else. Ok I said No Harm in doing so,

And Believe me It was The Most Amazing and Wonderful experience of flying Kingfischer.It was like flying Overseas on '' India Skies''. Right from Check In to leaving the aircraft left me with ''king-ly'' feelings. The Decor of the Aircraft, the seating arangement,monitor set infront of your eyes with 7 albums,the Flight Path Display,the announcements and the in flight service was remarkable - simply not seen on Indian Skies.It was a truely International Experience. I knew it was to be as much I know Mr Vijay Mallya - promoter of the airlines.

However some things left me to wonder How Could Mr Mallya? These were the Gifts given on its 1st Birth day. The Bag was Beautiful and gift was looking wight-y all wrapped up in nice gift paper. On opening the same the feeling was '' Dig the Mountain and you get a rat.'' The Choclates melted and had to be thrown out as they were smelling also and the gift was paper weight which most of my co host did not like it.They all felt that This was not expected from Mr Mallyas ''stable''. Surely with a Coniessur of Good ''Eye'' Mr Mallya we expected you to give us ''King Of Good Times worth a Gift.'' Also the ball pen quality left much to be desired. And Yes The flt left 10 mins late and no apology from the Pilot.The ground staff at Mumbai was the reason for the delay.

Another Suugestion Mr Mallya Indian Girls Look Pretty in Elegant Sarees.So why not drape the Hostesses in them.It will cheer up the '' deck''

These are small things but Otherwise a Real Thumbs UP for King Fischer - King Of Good Times.

First journey with Kingfisher
Jun 02, 2006 10:24 AM 7991 Views

Begining of the year, month of February for urgent basis I had to go to Kolkata and Got a Ticket done with Sahara Airlines which was available at that point of time. I started early in the morning from Pune to reach Mumbai domestic airport on time. I reached and was waiting for my time to come. but the flight was delayed for half an hour and then again it was delayed for 45 mins and then finaly it was cancelled due to some technical problem. And then we were waiting to be first one to get into the first fligt which was schedule to go next. But unfortunately I was amongst few last people to get a ticket for 5.30pm flight of Kingh Fisher. I was very disappointed but anyway, after sahara people provided us the lunch and dropped us to the repective gate and we were waiting for our time to come. again it was delayed for 15 mins followed by half an hour and at last by 6.45 pm we were able to move towards the plane. and near to the plane we have seen Mr. Vijay Malia and was wondering why is he here. then with our surprise he came to the plane and apologize for the delay as that day he was travelling for some other place with his personal helicopter but even other airports also they were not given clearence. So he said it was not planned delayed but it is happening with other flight's change schedule. and he wished ue happy journey.

once our journey started it was good to see those white clouds and enjoy and there was a TV infront of each passengers and they could watch 5 to 6 TV channel and radia channel and apart from that if want to check where did you reach every 5 min u can watch the rout of the plane. It was really nice with the delicious dinner they have provided. to my surprise we have reached Kolkata from Mumbai in very short time.

Though whole day I was waiting for to get the flight and move ahead but after this journey my all tension and tiredness drained out.

Thank you Kingh Fisher and next time I always prefer Their service and suggest others the same.

Sumi Basak. (919371230011)

Pune - 411027.

mumbai india
Kingfisher the King in Air
May 31, 2006 11:55 PM 2532 Views

I had an opputunity to fly Kingfisher whereas my collegues were in other flight. Initially I felt why am I going alone when all others are in the other airline. But at the Mumbai airport itself I had the first experience of good times when the vallet took charge of my baggage which was a delightful experience then he carried for security check and gave me the boarding pass, which the attendant gave promplty & smilingly ( I had previous experiences where the boarding pass attnedants felt they have to carry me on their back with baggage if I had more than one.)

Then the airhostess was more courteous inspite of asking for 3-4 times the lemonade since was feeling more thirsty due to hot & sultry climate outside where I was travelling for more than one& half hour before boarding the flight.

The food quality was good & flight was timely.

I was also able to watch my favourite channels news & sports in the plasma fitted infront of the seat.

It was a experience different & refreshing after travelling with other airlines and I was happy for the change.

Keep up the good service Kingfisher & you would be the KING OF THE AIR in India.

This experience made me to prefer for Kingfisher in my return journey..... and would definitely prefer at all times

PUNE India
Ya..Kingfisher Airlines....WOW...
May 31, 2006 12:34 PM 2630 Views

GOOD TIMES WITH KINGFISHER AIRLINES.......can't be merely an advertisement statement from the management of Kingfisher Airlines. Under the dynamic leadership of Shri. Vijay Mallya, all the staff of this Airlines is always looked to be committed and striving hard to prove this statement. To confirm this,one has to fly with Kingfisher at least once and then he/she can't change the choice.

At airport and when on board, every passenger can experience this difference and can easily compare previous flying experiences with that of Kingfisher Airline's.It is altogether a different zeal that can be observed with Kingfisher Airlines staff members and on has to admire the motivation that has been given to the staff by the top management of Kingfisher Airlines. Accuracy in the selection of the people and their exhaustive & contineous training can be experienced by anybody even during a single flying experience with Kingfisher Airlines.

Basic amenities inside the plane and their maintainance is yet another plus point with Kingfisher Airlines.This factor has a major contribution in the ever increasing popularity of Kingfisher Airlines.

Food quality must be a major concern for the management of Kingfisher Airlines.I have experienced poor quality of the food that is being served on the board. There should be wide choice for breakfast and meal items.

No doubt, management of Kingfisher Airlines is marching fast towards perfection and totality and needs to be congratulated for the same with a friendly advise not be loose at any point concerned to the safety and comfort of the passengers.

Bangalore India
Flyin the good times
May 31, 2006 12:01 PM 2225 Views

The service was great - the accent of the pilot was funny... the food wasn't bad at all. It was flying the good times if they shelled out some free pints of beer. All in all the best domestic airline ever. When the flight was delayed I received an SMS informing me about the delay as well as a call on my cell informing me of the same. From checking in my luggage and the efficiency and quality of customer relations seemed impeccable.

I think the red out fits look very chic - except for the shoes - I think red blocks seem to ruin the outfit. But It was a good experience and everytime. Also, check the rates in advance because they seem extremely competitive... I get to fly pretty cheap on that experience as opposed to deccan - which is also a decent short roundtrip - but leaves you thinking - that was a no experience flight.

Bangalore India
What an Airline
May 31, 2006 11:28 AM 2086 Views

I had travelled from Mumbai to Bangalore thru KingFisher what an airline ...too good

Pretty spacious and comforatble journey .Entertainment and breakfast was excellent

Service too good .

Too good seats and also we had Zayed Khan in that flight .He looks too good .

The flight started on time ..Checkin and borading service awesome

There was no vacant seat ..I gave around 2500 /= for that flight too good

Value for money .

There was no delay in the flight .

I decided whenever I tracel I will use this airline ..

The customer service were too good.

Initially when they started they were providing the credit note and I had given them a suggestion of refunding the money ..

which I feel after a month they came up with the new policy of refunding the money.

Not Specified India
Kingfisher Airlines
May 30, 2006 09:19 PM 2899 Views

Hi All,

We have flown Kingfisher twice and have had an amazing experience. Right from pickup of luggage to drop off of luggage at the destination, everything was taken good care of. I had a infant traveling with me and they provided all the care and I did not face any of the difficulties that I had feared. My son also enjoyed the trip. It was very spacious and comfortable. The air hostess provided prompt assistance to our requests.

When we got off the cab, we found men with red uniforms standing to pickup our luggage and to carry it till security check. They even picked up tags and tied it to our baggage. The counter people were very nice and even without our asking, they put a priority tag to our luggage since I had my infant kid traveling with me.

They had comfortable airport busses to take us to the plane and there was no rush. We had an attendant to carry our hand baggage as I was carrying my son. Will you get such services in other flights...I bet no. And to add to it all, the services are offered without asking.

The food was good and hot. We had a long flight but time flew off in the plane. The entertainment section was good.

I would suggest everyone to take kingfisher airlines because its worth it. Mr. Mallya means what he says and in every flight you will find some improvement. And I believe he is now negotiating for choppers to ferry business class passengers right into the city! They are working for our comforts, so lets take the benefits and say..three cheers to Kingfisher Airlines !!!

Delhi India
Surprise Package
May 30, 2006 07:54 PM 1835 Views

Kingfisher airlines make all the effort to make you feel like a king but within the realm of a low frill airline. You are greeted by an attendant the minute you enter the airport, and they accompany you till your check-in. they assist you in each and everything that u need and don’t let you do even the smallest of things.

The restrooms are also neat and clean and have the basic amenities.

The staff is nice and smiling. They take good care of you.

There is good food and the servings are also descent.

Every seat has a mini TV screen attached for the viewer with options of three popular channels. Collection of magazines is also descent. They also provide you with a pouch containing headphones, pen etc.

The frequency of flights is appropriate and flights are on time and hardly delayed.

One area of improvement is the food that can be taken care off...

All-in-all a value for money low frill airline.

Mumbai India
May 23, 2006 12:21 AM 1652 Views

UB group has taken real good efforts for customer satisfaction. Aircraft is equipped with high tech instruments, good seating arrangements and world class entertainment services on flight. Must travel for a GREAT EXPERIENCE.

Check-in service is good and one would always find staff available for luggage transfer, directions and any other related questions. Pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

Less number of buses are available at the airport to transfer all people on-board. Even though they have AC coach, at times, people need to travel in a different airline's non-ac coach.

One very noticeable thing is that excellent care is taken of small kids. Blankets are provided for child and constructive games are given to kids.

Pilots and flight attendants are well mannered and are friendly and eager to assist.

Cooling of the flight is also good and one would not feel hot at all.

Food served on-board is good, but not much variety is provided. If you are traveling in the afternoon and are suppose to get snacks, all the days you travel by afternoon flight; would have the same stuff served. Someone needs to look in to this matter and try to improve.

Wish to travel daily in Kingfisher
May 22, 2006 08:00 PM 1587 Views

As entered in the airbus it was such a pleasant feeling, The intro by Mr. Malya then every things goes on so perfect u feel so good while seating there. The way the staff treat the passenger is too good. I would like always to travel in kingfisher. The music and the LCD Tv provided on every seat make u entertain in whole journey. You got the update of ur position in the air that is amazing. The food I found is always good. and way it present make it feel more important. I was on my honeymoon trip when I first sit in kingfisher and I was sooo happy after choosing kingfisher, I got the compliment from my wife after choosing such a nice flight for her on a very special journey. the air bus was totally Hightech seating was perfect. I would like to suggest if we can get more and good hindi music during the flight which make us feel much beter. The programs running on the screen was of all taste, some were knowledgable, sports & dramatic also. there was all type of entertainment provided which make Kingfisher different from others.

Thankyou Kingfisher

Noida/Greater Noida India
MAN MAN MAN.......
May 22, 2006 04:04 PM 1929 Views


It was being spoken about this airlines at every space that they are different. This was hyped more with backing from the best man who knows his business Mr. Mallya( A Business Tycoon whom I can recon to be like). A man with style and a person who can push any business with his style among the so called influencers in industry be it a industrialist, journalist and any one who has say in their industry are always welcomed by Mr. M for his any kind of product launch.

I was happy that on the very same day I will be traveling by Kingfisher Airlines twice. I can rate their service as an average and say that they still need to workout on their unique propositions that is entertainment in air. They have tied up with few channels and keep on repeating the same telecast after every half an hour. Plus they provide a magazine which is of kingfisher and just talks about whos who of industry is wearing what and by which designer. I was able to finish that magazine in 5 minutes since there was nothing to read rather was more of watching. Therefore if u want to read then please carry ur own reading material. One thing more which one needs to carry along in kingfisher is a pillow as they don't provide a pillow. When requested for the same answer was that head rest of my seat has twistable headrest which can work as a pillow. Sorry I don't think that's what I want answer to be. I tried sleeping of in my flight of 2.30 hrs but couldn't because there was no pillow. Worst was when ur coming back after whole days job in night flight no pillow no comfort.

Please keep these in mind and have experience of the good things. Otherwise it was a pleasant flight. I liked their way of serving food, as they offered a menu to choose from.

On the lighter side of experience in my last 10 years of flying experience this was the first flight in which I saw people pressing attendant service button so many times that were not able to sit in entire flight duration. In that respect hats off to the flight attendants who served with smile.

Above are few tips and suggestions for the airline and passengers.

It worth’s to try this airline they are not too costly and as they are pioneer in the domestic market for on board entertainment need to improve the same.

Well again Mr. M is ''KING OF GOOD TIMES’’ no doubt about that.

Noida/Greater Noida India
Best in the domestic circle
May 19, 2006 12:07 PM 1918 Views

I took a Kingfisher Airlines morning flight from Mumbai to Delhi sometime back. The experience was really good and I definitely recommend it. The staff on board is quite helpful and friendly, prime focus on customer service. The basic hygiene and cleanliness is taken care of properly, the seats are comfortable as well. Kingfisher is undoubtedly the best among all airlines in the domestic circle. A mini tv is attached behind each seat like international flights and one can listen to songs or watch some channel during the journey.

The breakfast served is quite good and one has an option of choosing among SouthIndian/North Indian breakfast. They also serve you some juices prior to the breakfast. The overall experience was good and I enjoyed my journey. I think its the best choice among all considering the comfort and quality it offers. Travel in Kingfisher, Experience the best in the sky. Thts it..........not have anything substantial to least from my 2 hour journey..........take care

Bangalore India
Kingfisher Airlines...........Truly World Class
May 17, 2006 07:13 PM 4276 Views

Hi Everyone,

I am writing this review to express my feeling about travel in Kingfisher Airlines.

In past one year I have travelled a lot on domestic routes because of my work. I have travelled in Indian, Air Deccan, Air Sahara, Jet Airways, and Kingfisher. So you can see that I have travelled on almost all flights and on many routes also.

But I can say without doubt that Kingfisher Airlines is ''THE BEST''.

I have not reached to this conclusion based on one or two factors but its combinations of many experiences.

I start with booking your ticket. You can do it online directly at '''' or through some agent like '''', and also through agents in your city. I booked my ticket from Indiatimes auctions, and got my e-ticket in two days.

My experience starts when I reach airport, and a smiling face of KF staff welcomes me and asks me '' Can I help you Sir?'' They will direct me to KF counter for boarding pass, and also assisted me in getting my baggage to counter. From counter they took responsibility of luggage. The staff at every pint will greet you with smile.

The services is no doubt great.

The inflight experience of KF is also wonderful. The interiors are done in RED, with contrasting Cream color. It gives you a soothing effect while you are inside the plane. The attendants help you to place the baggage in proper place.

The attendant serves you with a bottle of water, before flight starts. After take off, you will be served with Juice. During this you will be given a small kit which has ear phone (that you can carry away with you after flight), a pen, and some candies.

Sometime later, food will be served to you. The food quality is superb, and everytime new menu is there.

The ticket is a bit expensive compared to other cheap airlines but It's worth paying.

In short you will have a great experience flying with KINGFISHER AIRLINES.

Feb 24, 2006 04:24 PM 4433 Views

I am practicing the art of writing in hurry. Its not difficult at all. Its just an experimentation.

Kingfisher Airlines - the king of good times. I had been to most of the airlines but the pleasure of travelling in KF was the most beautiful one.

I witnessed:

  1. least hassle while checkin

  2. amazing crew !!!

  3. ample space for sitting and leg position

  4. damn good food

  5. good music

  6. my position on the map

  7. royal treatment as if we are really the CUSTOMER

  8. and a promise to fly again with the same airline

I hope my experiment is successful.

I am rating the product best because ''andhon mein kana raja''.

I failed to submit the review because a review can not be less than 150 words. Actually thats a good way of keeping short and nasty review writers out of the site but it sometimes hurt honest and experimental reviewers like us. The question is how to solve this problem. Actually we can not there are many problems which we want to solve but we can not solve. Even ''Rang de basanti'' depicted one such act. But that was just a bollywoodic movie. In reality we suffer this.

I hope I would have crossed 150 words. Hence I am giving it a try again.

Here I click on the submit button.... oooohhh yeah !

Live Life King Size !
Jan 18, 2006 06:53 PM 7146 Views

Borrowed the catch line from an old WILLs cigarette advertisement.

But that's exactly what Dr.Vijay Mallya wishes to convey to his clients who fly Kingfisher Airlines. 'Fly the Good Times'

Right from the toll free no.1600-1800-101 to their easy to navigate website its royal treatment all the way.

Book online on the website or just call their toll free number and you can be assured of a chaperoned trip to your destination and back.

With the added bonuses of gourmet menu on board (unlike the stingy Deccan Air or the discriminatory JET Class or the 'chalta hai' attitude of Indian Airlines and the 'me-too' from Sahara) it’s quite a pleasure to fly the Kingfisher.

Personally, give me 'terra-firma' any day. I hate being cooped up in those pressurized metal tubes shooting across the skies playing hide and seek in the clouds and landing on our bumpy Indian Runaways. I shudder whenever we brace ourselves for take off and cringe when we bump back on landing. But hats off to the pilots of Kingfisher who actually managed to land these sky-eagles without a tremor and for the first time I did not puke out all the delicious fare consumed on board.

Piping hot omelet, soft croissants, marmalade or butter, a couple of cute little chicken sausages for the non-veg breakfast. Hot Doasa, thick delicious saambhar, idli-wada (for the VEG) and a choice of juices (apple/orange) or aerated drinks completed the early morning skip from home to the airport binge.

Dinner on my return flight from Kolkatta was another gourmet trip with a steaming hot aluminium foil packed Biryani with some Vegetable stew, a lip smacking dal(lentils) and a tiny portion of boneless chicken in some Kolhapuri style - aromatic and delicious - pity the portion did not satiate my gregarious appetite. Vegetarians had to suffice with the same minus the tiny non-veg accompaniment (Sad !)

Complimentary tiny cute wraparound ear head phones (in trademark flaming red) in the useful pouch along with wet tissues some sweets/candy a handy ball point pen for those inspiring moments as soon as you make yourself comfortable on the spanking new jets of Kingfisher.

Window or Aisle seats if you prefer ( 3 abreast seating ) - not too cramped and non - discriminatory - only one Kingfisher Class for all - No Executive class or Business Class or anything like that. Hooray to that ! Early birds get discounted fares but not discounted class or service.

Promotional schemes like fly BOMBAY-DELHI and return on the same day gets you a thousand bucks cash on your return. Just show your boarding pass and collect from the Kingfisher counters.

A Dubai contest where you fill up a simple form and drop it off at their counters entitles some lucky couples to an all expenses paid return flight to Dubai.

Helpful courteous attendants dressed in again trademark RED guide you into the airport and to the aircraft in their customized special Buses.

Smartly attired Air-hostesses poised to attend to your comforts with élan and finesse that would put any Thai or Singapore airline hostess to test.

Personalized TV screens on each and ever seat with 5 video and 7 audio channels with volume control on your arm rest. Asian Age newspaper and Hi in flight magazine for the book worms.

In flight updates on delays and current situations like FOG and traffic conditions (they have traffic jams in the air too these days) are a real boon when one gets frustrated with in-explicable delays circling over the airports with another dozen aircraft buzzing all around your ears.

A personal message from Dr.Vijay Mallya himself urging you to write to him directly ( if you have any grouse gets you an instant response. (I got one)

You want a slice of the grandeur and opulence - Fly Kingfisher - Fly the good times.



My fare : Mumbai to Kolkatta - Rs.4,220/- one way (BOM-CCU)

Silver Spring United States of America
Real good experience with Kingfisher
Jan 17, 2006 03:54 PM 3051 Views

King Fisher Air lines is one of the best Airlines in India...

I have an experience to travel Delhi-Goa-Delhi....

Its been nice and wonderful experience ... a true value service provider...

All Services are at there best... Lunch - Dinner - B'Fast and other services amazing...

I would like to give 10/10 marks to King fisher air lines for their services...

Services which I like a lot

Food thats been real GEM for us....

Drinking Water Supply Great....

Sitting Arrangments Very comfortable....

Air Hostess Good dressup and pleasing Smile

Other Drink Services excellent

Well in terms of Amount.. their fair are at bit higher site... Prices are not ment for low payer customers.....

With my vision..... Kingfisher is best in terms of services... and

All person who like to fly.. they should try at least once...

with best regards to Vijay Malyaan ( the Owner)



Kingfisher Airlines

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