I have witnessed many kidzee centers closing and loosing huge money. The one sided business agreement from ZLL screw the investors in short time.
a. No business guarantee, no matter you get 5 or10 admissions you have to pay full royalty
b. They open competitive centers just 0.5kms, nothing mentioned in agreement on the distance for nearest competitor
c. No service guarantee, no TAT on materials, no complaints addressed
d. No marketing or promotions. Royalty money directly to the distressed company
e. Most of the time they supplied damaged uniforms and books, but replacement is not easy.
f. every 4 years pay 50k for renewal, and 1.5lacs for new syllabus, which is a old wine in new bottle
f. Arrogant and stupid staff with ZLL
g. No technology adaptation, still on old ideology

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