I am sure you will change your mind after reading this. Using KENT RO+UV filter for almost two and half years now… Let me start by saying - service is pathetic and way tooooo costly. now coming to details:
AMC differs from place to place depending on water quality I understand but KENT people say the same thing everywhere - your water quality is bad and thats why you need to take AMC worth 8500/-(yes, I paid that amount) to maintain the service contract
Once you take AMC you will see a difference - if you have an AMC whenever you call for service they will not change filters(even if they do it will be very rare). just few checking and filter starts working. If you are not on AMC, every time the person will say you need to change minimum of 2 internal filters, cost of which is not less than 4000 rupees for one time
Now even more interesting thing that I noted, they take back the parts which they change saying there R&D team will evaluate it. I am sure those parts can be cleaned once packed in their own plastics and sold again to customers like us. Even if they take 1 filter per complaint to the R&D team, just imagine the amount of waste filters they would have, so I cannot believe they dont reuse it every time
Another point - the water purity check that they do, they insist that reading should be less than 100 and they will show your natural water reading is beyond 700 and theirs less than 70(as in my example). I checked that in another device which I bought from a friend and my reading showed 450 & 150 respectively. So even after spending all this money you get cheated
Finally the most important point, you buy an AMC but KENT does not own the responsibility of the same. After buying AMC you need to talk to the service provider yourself and he can make you wait as long as they want since their service time start at 12 and ends by 5(dont know how they can work so long hours:) - so basically you are at their mercy after you shell out your money, they don’t care about you, neither does KENT.
Anyone going for Kent water purifiers please do proper checking and consult your friends, relatives who already use it, could be an eye opener and save you a lot of money. I am frustrated-time to just take it and dump in a dustbin, nothin better than that
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