We purchased kent RO at about 17K and in last 3 years have spent more than 30k on its service. Every time their technician comes, they say your water quality is soo poor that all filters, membrane and motor is getting damaged soon and ask you change every filter and charge around 7k. Again everytime they will force to buy their AMC service so that any fault occurs they will change everything free of cost. We fell pray to their trick, after seeing damage occuring every after six months we purchased their AMC service and guess what , this time even after 9 months when we called the technician to avil our service, surprisingly within 2 minutes he said now days cauvery water is coming 1 time in every building, and listen him ahead.. He said your water quality is good now , so there is no much damage , so there is no need to change any filter.. Oh my god.. Listen to their tricks.. Meanse when you don't have their AMC service their technician will scare you saying change the filters or else motor will be damaged there will be more loss, this and that.. And when you purchase thier service spending 12k for 15 months, and even after 9 months of purchase date you call them, they will say everything is good no need to change. My god such beggers, such thieves these Kent people are.. Iliterally feel to throw this purifier on thier face.
One funny part.. When we purchased this AMC service by Kent from Chetan Gowda named technician on 3rd December 2020.. He narrated all the script what could happen and how much we will have to spend if not purchased this service. That time motor was already making loud noise that's why he said purchase the service and I will come and change the motor after 1 month. We said we buy the service you change the motor immediately or tomorrow, he said no , I can't do that or else company will suspect on me. Then after that we got busy in our works, went our hometown. After coming back almost after 9 months when we raised the same issue and they sent the same technician Chetan Gowda, he said there is nothing wrong no need to change. Understood? Such a lier, such a cheap person, begger he is.
Whoever have bought Kent RO, Beware of this person Chetan Gowda. And whoever is planning to buy KENT RO, buy this Kent RO and Thekeep regretting every 3 months.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.