They makes your skin lighter nd smoother, they gives u great feeling with confidence.Make a paste of one tablespoon of oatmeal and a little water, and apply this mask on your face each morning as soon as you rise. Apply the paste on your neck too, and allow the face and neck zone to dry. Grab a bowl of homemade whey and rinse the face and the neck with live culture bacteria in it. While doing so, gently rub your cheeks in circular motions to remove the accumulated oils of the skin and dead cells. Rinse with cold water and pat dry, thereafter moisturize.
Before You Sleep Tonight
A tablespoon of honey and a pinch of glycerin should be mixed and rubbed onto your face. Wait for ten minutes and then wipe it off with a clean cotton cloth piece. This helps wash away the impurities and bacteria, dirt and grime of the day and the makeup too.
[Also Read: DIY Skin Care Tips]
Weekly Facials
There is a reason why grandma loved apples, and that was because the fruit gave her a rejuvenating facial each week. For this recipe you would need one large red apple(mashed and blended), a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of camphor powder. Blend all the ingredients well and for a thick paste. Apply the paste on your face, your neck and your forehead, and allow it to dry for half an hour. Thereafter, with cold milk wash off your face and pat dry after a rinse with cold rose water. Prevent Signs Of Ageing
A cup of barley should be placed in a cup of water overnight. The next morning, add a pinch of camphor to the strained barley water and wash your face with this or dab it on the skin thrice a day. Wrinkles would be shown the door and you can help prevent signs of ageing from happening too soon.
[Also Read: Magical Anti-Ageing Essential Oils For Skin]
traditional skincare
To Bleach Your Skin
You don’t need chemicals to bleach your skin, not when a slice of lime and a slice of cucumber can be rubbed alternatively for the minutes on your skin each day. Try the recipe daily and watch the compliments you get in a week.
Soft Smooth Hands
Rough and flaky hands are a turn off for many, which is why immersing your palms and hands in half a cup of glycerin, mixed with a cup of warm water is advised. This is one of the best hand-softening lotions DIY style to be used!
Pouty Lips
If you desire the lips of Angelina Jolie and would like to DIY the same, grandma knew best how to get those sexy lips in her hay days. She used a pinch of spice(cinnamon) and Vaseline(1 tsp) – mixed and applied it on her lips for ten seconds, and then wiped it off. The recipe is a sure shot way to make those lips plump and pouty! Who needs botox now?
Do Away With Zits
Grandma knew the power vested in the humble fenugreek seeds, which helped her remove stubborn dark spots and zits, along with wrinkles, dry skin issues and white or blackheads too. a few seeds should be mixed with water and formed into a paste. To this we shall add a tablespoon of curd and an apple piece- blending them well into a paste. Apply the paste on your face and the neck, leaving it for half an hour. Wash off with cold water thereafter and pat dry.
beauty secrets from olden days
So here were some of the older day’s beauty tips and beauty secrets from olden days straight from the secret beauty diaries of grandma’s across the nation! If you still are wondering how they had lovely skin, we would ask you to practice the beauty secrets from olden days from now!
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