Surrounded by at least a dozen dancers on a multi-level stage with a crack band behind them, Bieber seemed curiously detached from the action, although he was the centre of it. In the early half of the show, his dancing was mechanical and his face expressionless, and he wasn’t too concerned if his voice hit every note because the backing track was always there.
Bieber cruised through Where Are U before addressing the adoring crowd, mumbling something about the doubters who make you feel you’re not good enough, which did not appear to be a display of insecurity. It led into the defiant I’ll Show You, when he got to show off another cool concert gadget. This one was a round birdcage-type structure that swirled with lights as Bieber performed in it. It was an ambitious production that also featured a flying trampoline and plenty of smoke, lights and pyro.
For a change of pace, Bieber sat on a red velvet couch with an acoustic guitar and crooned a couple of songs, again not too concerned about hitting the exact notes. It was pitchy, no question, but it was real.The show went into high gear again, and the crowd sang along, deliriously happy to hear older hits like Boyfriend, Hold Tight, As Long As You Love Me, Baby as well as the newer material from Purpose.
The mission of Purpose, his fourth studio album, is to help the former teen sensation make a smooth transition into adult pop stardom, bringing the throngs of Beliebers along with him.
In concert, one highlight was the song Children, when Bieber danced with two exuberant Ottawa girls, and almost cracked a smile, while his best vocal moment came during Life Is Worth Living, one of the rare times when Bieber sang like he meant it.
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